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Meyakinkan (to reassure) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of meyakinkan

Present tense
I reassure
Past tense
sudah meyakinkan
I reassured
Present perfect tense
sudah meyakinkan
I have reassured
Future perfect tense
akan sudah meyakinkan
I will have reassured
Future recent tense
meyakinkan nanti
I will reassure
Future distant tense
meyakinkan kelak
I am going to reassure
Present continuous tense
sedang meyakinkan
I reassure
Past distant tense
dulu meyakinkan
I (a long time ago) reassured
Past recent tense
meyakinkan tadi
I (recently) reassured
Past very recent tense
baru saja meyakinkan
I (just now) reassured

Examples of meyakinkan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dan untuk meyakinkan siswa kami, orang tua, dosen, dan dewan bupati ini standar yang tinggi, kami sedang melakukan skrining terkontrol-zat besok kampus.And to reassure our students, parents, faculty, and board of regents of this high standard, we are conducting a controlled-substance screening on campus tomorrow.
Kau pikir menarik pistol akan meyakinkan mereka?You think pulling a gun is gonna reassure 'em?
Aku berusaha meyakinkan Universitas..,..I am trying to reassure the university...
Aku bicara dgn mereka, meyakinkan mereka.I talked to them, reassured them.
Aku rasa kamu tidak perlu memakai Seragam putih itu untuk meyakinkan mereka.I take it you're not wearing white to reassure them.

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