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Mendahului (to precede) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah mendahului
Present perfect tense
sudah mendahului
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mendahului
Future recent tense
mendahului nanti
Future distant tense
mendahului kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang mendahului
Past distant tense
dulu mendahului
Past recent tense
mendahului tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja mendahului

Examples of mendahului

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Legendamu mendahului kdatanganmu./ Aku membawakan kesempatan utkmu.Your legend precedes you. I bring but opportunity.
Anggap saja reputasi Anda di Angkatan mendahului Anda.Let's just say your reputation in the Forces precedes you.
Dia mendahului Lionheart .He precedes the Lionheart.
Sudah umum mereka akan merasa sangat tersiksa..., ...halusinasi yang sangat nyata dan sinestesia yang mendahului hilangnya memori dan penyumbatan pembuluh darah.It's common for them to experience very intense, very real hallucinations and synesthesia that precedes a loss of memory and a complete occlusion of identity.
Ternyata keinginan terakhirnya adalah supaya kau mendahului dia ke alam sana.Apparently his last wish is for you to precede him to the promised land.

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