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Berpiknik (to picnic) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah berpiknik
Present perfect tense
sudah berpiknik
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berpiknik
Future recent tense
berpiknik nanti
Future distant tense
berpiknik kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang berpiknik
Past distant tense
dulu berpiknik
Past recent tense
berpiknik tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja berpiknik

Examples of berpiknik

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Besok, Kita akan berpiknik ria. dan setelah aku bayar traktornya, baki duitnya kita gunakan untuk bir jahe.Tomorrow, we'll jolly well have a picnic, and after I've paid up the tractor, we'll use the extra pennies for ginger beer.
Kalian sedang berpiknik ya?Are you guys having a picnic?
Apa, kau sedang berpiknik di sini?What, are you having a picnic here?
Kami akan berpiknik atau apalah suatu hari, lalu aku bakal seperti ini..We'd be having a picnic or something one day and I would just be like:
Kita berpiknik.We were on a picnic.

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