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Berlebihan (to do) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah berlebihan
Present perfect tense
sudah berlebihan
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berlebihan
Future recent tense
berlebihan nanti
Future distant tense
berlebihan kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang berlebihan
Past distant tense
dulu berlebihan
Past recent tense
berlebihan tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja berlebihan

Examples of berlebihan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Jack, Tidak kah kau berpikir hal ini sedikit berlebihan?Jack, don't you think you have over exaggerated a bit?
Menurutmu, apa hubungan... antara kompulsif germaphobe berlebihan dan cacing kita?What do you think the connection is between an excessive compulsive germaphobe and our worms?
Agak berlebihan, ya 'kan?A little over the top, don't you think?
Kau terlalu berlebihan..You do this a lot.
Orang biasanya berlebihan dalam pidato ... itu tidak berarti bahwa seseorang harus mengambil begitu serius.People usually go overboard during a speech... that doesn't mean that one has to take it so seriously.

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