Kenapa kau tidak berobat ke THT? | Why haven't you gone to the doc to clean up your ears? |
Dia membawa anjingnya untuk berobat. | He brought his dog in for a consultation. |
Dia menggunakan data palsu dan visa untuk berobat. Meninggalkan Afghanistan, melewati Maroko menuju Kuwait. | He was picked up for fake papers and a doctored exit visa leaving Afghanistan, traveling through Morocco, en route to Kuwait. |
Kami ingin, tapi Bernie harus berobat ke dokter besok pagi. | We'd love to, but Bernie's got a doctor's appointment first thing tomorrow morning. |
Bai sini dijual sendiri kepada Tuan tanah sebelah mendaftarkan diri di tempat anaknya, Dengan tujuan untuk mengumpulkan uang Untuk biaya berobat ibunya. | Bai here sold himself to the landlord next door to enlist in place of his son, in order to raise money for his mother's medicine. |