"Jaye, une philosophe, habite à Niagara... inspire un effort involontaire de style..." | People don't see me as this pathetic blonde who peaked in high school... and is so desperate to recapture her past glory... that she moved the ten-year reunion up by three and a half years? |
"Je n'aime pas ce style" aurait suffi. | A simple "I don't like the writing" Would have made your point. |
"Je voyage avec style, où je ne voyage pas du tout." | "I travel in style, or I don't travel at all." |
"La tragédie est pour l'homme un moyen d'atteindre la sagesse, pas un style de vie." | "Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom, Not a guide by which to live." |
"Mon style est différent des autres." | And I'm young. My heart doesn't agree. |