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Pleurer (to weep) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of pleurer

Present tense
je pleure
I weep
tu pleures
you weep
il/elle/on pleure
he/she/it weeps
nous pleurons
we weep
vous pleurez
you all weep
ils/elles pleurent
they weep
Present perfect tense
j’ai pleuré
I wept
tu as pleuré
you wept
il/elle/on a pleuré
he/she/it wept
nous avons pleuré
we wept
vous avez pleuré
you all wept
ils/elles ont pleuré
they wept
Past impf. tense
je pleurais
I was weeping
tu pleurais
you were weeping
il/elle/on pleurait
he/she/it was weeping
nous pleurions
we were weeping
vous pleuriez
you all were weeping
ils/elles pleuraient
they were weeping
Future tense
je pleurerai
I will weep
tu pleureras
you will weep
il/elle/on pleurera
he/she/it will weep
nous pleurerons
we will weep
vous pleurerez
you all will weep
ils/elles pleureront
they will weep
Past perfect tense
j’avais pleuré
I had wept
tu avais pleuré
you had wept
il/elle/on avait pleuré
he/she/it had wept
nous avions pleuré
we had wept
vous aviez pleuré
you all had wept
ils/elles avaient pleuré
they had wept
Past preterite tense
je pleurai
I wept
tu pleuras
you wept
il/elle/on pleura
he/she/it wept
nous pleurâmes
we wept
vous pleurâtes
you all wept
ils/elles pleurèrent
they wept
Past anterior tense
j’eus pleuré
I had wept
tu eus pleuré
you had wept
il/elle/on eut pleuré
he/she/it had wept
nous eûmes pleuré
we had wept
vous eûtes pleuré
you all had wept
ils/elles eurent pleuré
they had wept
Future perfect tense
j’aurai pleuré
I will have wept
tu auras pleuré
you will have wept
il/elle/on aura pleuré
he/she/it will have wept
nous aurons pleuré
we will have wept
vous aurez pleuré
you all will have wept
ils/elles auront pleuré
they will have wept
Present subjunctive tense
que je pleure
that I weep
que tu pleures
that you weep
qu’il/elle/on pleure
that he/she/it weep
que nous pleurions
that we weep
que vous pleuriez
that you all weep
qu’ils/elles pleurent
that they weep
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie pleuré
that I have wept
que tu aies pleuré
that you have wept
qu’il/elle/on ait pleuré
that he/she/it have wept
que nous ayons pleuré
that we have wept
que vous ayez pleuré
that you all have wept
qu’ils/elles aient pleuré
that they have wept
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je pleurasse
that I would weep
que tu pleurasses
that you would weep
qu’il/elle/on pleurât
that he/she/it would weep
que nous pleurassions
that we would weep
que vous pleurassiez
that you all would weep
qu’ils/elles pleurassent
that they would weep
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse pleuré
that I had wept
que tu eusses pleuré
that you had wept
qu’il/elle/on eût pleuré
that he/she/it had wept
que nous eussions pleuré
that we had wept
que vous eussiez pleuré
that you all had wept
qu’ils/elles eussent pleuré
that they had wept
Conditional mood
je pleurerais
I would weep
tu pleurerais
you would weep
il/elle/on pleurerait
he/she/it would weep
nous pleurerions
we would weep
vous pleureriez
you all would weep
ils/elles pleureraient
they would weep
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais pleuré
I would have wept
tu aurais pleuré
you would have wept
il/elle/on aurait pleuré
he/she/it would have wept
nous aurions pleuré
we would have wept
vous auriez pleuré
you all would have wept
ils/elles auraient pleuré
they would have wept
Imperative mood
let's weep!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie pleuré
have wept
ayons pleuré
let's have wept
ayez pleuré
have wept

Examples of pleurer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Fais pas cette tête Ça me fait pas pleurer"Don't put on that face. It don't make me weep.
"J'ai voulu ne pas pleurer... et me lever pour marcher."I wanted not to weep" "and to get up to walk, but man only goes forward."
"Je ne dirai pas de ne pas pleurer, car toutes les larmes ne sont pas un mal.""I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are an evil."
"Laissez-leur les yeux pour pleurer" ?"Leave them only their eyes to weep with."
"Ne pense pas, tu ne peux pas pleurer et ton Créateur n'est pas proche."Think not, thou canst weep a tear and thy Maker is not near.
"Hard Rain", je crois, et j'ai pleuré.Hard Rain, I think... and wept.
"J'ai pleuré et soupiré des semaines durant"I wept and I whimpered I simpered for weeks
"Mais, bien qu'ayant jeûné, "pleuré et priéBut though I have wept and fasted, wept and prayed,
"Nous mourrons", a pleuré Youlia."We'll just die," wept Julia.
"Quand Alexandre le grand a vu l'étendue de son empire, il a pleuré, car il n'y avait plus de mondes à conquérir."' "When Alexander the Great saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, ' "for there were no more worlds to conquer."
" Davilson, mon fils aimé... ta mère pleure quand elle se souvient de toi petit... ton rire au fond de mes yeux." Davilson, dearest son your mother weeps when she thinks of you when you were little laughing deep into my eyes.
"Bien que mes yeux semblent joyeux, au fond je pleure""Although my eyes seem cheerful, I weep at heart"
"Bien que mes yeux semblent joyeux, à fond je pleure""although my eyes seem cheerful, I weep at heart"
"Celui qui ne pleure pas, est incapable de voir.""He who does not weep does not see.
"Elle pleure avec sa tête sur la poitrine de Krishna."She weeps with her head on Krishna's breast"
"Au coeur, vous pleurez silencieusement""at heart, you weep silently"
"Ne pleurez pas sur ma tombe, je n'y suis pas. J'ai fui le royaume des ombres.Do not stand at my grave and weep For I am not there, I do not sleep
"Ne pleurez pas, les oliviers."Do not weep, olive trees
- Jetez un œil et pleurez, Larson.- Read 'em and weep, Larson.
- Lisez-les et pleurez.Read it and weep.
"Malheureux, Que fais-tu là? Le jeune, pleurant, lui répondit:"Unfortunate creature, what art thou doing here?", the youth answered him, weeping:...
Alors, dans le même état que ma maîtresse, sanglotant, et pleurant, pleurant et sanglotantSo is my lady Juliet just the same, blubbering and weeping, weeping and blubbering.
Après ça je ramperais en pleurant à cause du choc émotionnel.And then I'd crawl weeping from the emotional wreckage.
Bill pleurant... sur le cercueil ouvert de Brad. Après le deuil, il passe à l'offensive.Bill weeping over Brad's open casket.
C'est ainsi que pleurant et souriant je te salue, ô mon pays,So weeping, smiling, greet I thee, my earth,

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