Jauger (to gauge) conjugation

13 examples

Conjugation of jauger

Present tense
je jauge
I gauge
tu jauges
you gauge
il/elle/on jauge
he/she/it gauges
nous jaugeons
we gauge
vous jaugez
you all gauge
ils/elles jaugent
they gauge
Present perfect tense
j’ai jaugé
I gauged
tu as jaugé
you gauged
il/elle/on a jaugé
he/she/it gauged
nous avons jaugé
we gauged
vous avez jaugé
you all gauged
ils/elles ont jaugé
they gauged
Past impf. tense
je jaugeais
I was gauging
tu jaugeais
you were gauging
il/elle/on jaugeait
he/she/it was gauging
nous jaugions
we were gauging
vous jaugiez
you all were gauging
ils/elles jaugeaient
they were gauging
Future tense
je jaugerai
I will gauge
tu jaugeras
you will gauge
il/elle/on jaugera
he/she/it will gauge
nous jaugerons
we will gauge
vous jaugerez
you all will gauge
ils/elles jaugeront
they will gauge
Past perfect tense
j’avais jaugé
I had gauged
tu avais jaugé
you had gauged
il/elle/on avait jaugé
he/she/it had gauged
nous avions jaugé
we had gauged
vous aviez jaugé
you all had gauged
ils/elles avaient jaugé
they had gauged
Past preterite tense
je jaugeai
I gauged
tu jaugeas
you gauged
il/elle/on jaugea
he/she/it gauged
nous jaugeâmes
we gauged
vous jaugeâtes
you all gauged
ils/elles jaugèrent
they gauged
Past anterior tense
j’eus jaugé
I had gauged
tu eus jaugé
you had gauged
il/elle/on eut jaugé
he/she/it had gauged
nous eûmes jaugé
we had gauged
vous eûtes jaugé
you all had gauged
ils/elles eurent jaugé
they had gauged
Future perfect tense
j’aurai jaugé
I will have gauged
tu auras jaugé
you will have gauged
il/elle/on aura jaugé
he/she/it will have gauged
nous aurons jaugé
we will have gauged
vous aurez jaugé
you all will have gauged
ils/elles auront jaugé
they will have gauged
Present subjunctive tense
que je jauge
that I gauge
que tu jauges
that you gauge
qu’il/elle/on jauge
that he/she/it gauge
que nous jaugions
that we gauge
que vous jaugiez
that you all gauge
qu’ils/elles jaugent
that they gauge
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie jaugé
that I have gauged
que tu aies jaugé
that you have gauged
qu’il/elle/on ait jaugé
that he/she/it have gauged
que nous ayons jaugé
that we have gauged
que vous ayez jaugé
that you all have gauged
qu’ils/elles aient jaugé
that they have gauged
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je jaugeasse
that I would gauge
que tu jaugeasses
that you would gauge
qu’il/elle/on jaugeât
that he/she/it would gauge
que nous jaugeassions
that we would gauge
que vous jaugeassiez
that you all would gauge
qu’ils/elles jaugeassent
that they would gauge
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse jaugé
that I had gauged
que tu eusses jaugé
that you had gauged
qu’il/elle/on eût jaugé
that he/she/it had gauged
que nous eussions jaugé
that we had gauged
que vous eussiez jaugé
that you all had gauged
qu’ils/elles eussent jaugé
that they had gauged
Conditional mood
je jaugerais
I would gauge
tu jaugerais
you would gauge
il/elle/on jaugerait
he/she/it would gauge
nous jaugerions
we would gauge
vous jaugeriez
you all would gauge
ils/elles jaugeraient
they would gauge
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais jaugé
I would have gauged
tu aurais jaugé
you would have gauged
il/elle/on aurait jaugé
he/she/it would have gauged
nous aurions jaugé
we would have gauged
vous auriez jaugé
you all would have gauged
ils/elles auraient jaugé
they would have gauged
Imperative mood
let's gauge!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie jaugé
have gauged
ayons jaugé
let's have gauged
ayez jaugé
have gauged

Examples of jauger

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Avec votre taille, vous avez du mal à jauger l'altitudeWhen a man is as short as you, it must be very difficult to gauge the height of the birds.
C'est dur pour moi de voir ou de jauger ma position.It is very difficult to see or gauge my position.
Comme ça il pourra jauger la réaction.That way he can gauge the response.
En fait, des chercheurs de Stanford utilisent un IRM pour jauger l'activité du cerveau pendant que des participants sirotent des échantillons de vin rouge.In fact, researchers at Stanford used an MRI to gauge brain activity while participants sipped samples of red wine.
J'essaie de jauger l'impact de notre petite diffusion pirate, mais toutes les chaînes sont mortes.I am trying to gauge the impact of our pirate broadcast, but all the channels are gone.
J'ai jaugé la réaction du jury, combiné votre superficielle, bien que théâtrale performance...I gauged the jury's reaction, combining your shallow, - albeit theatrical, performance...
'Conscience' c'est notre jauge interne de moralité... vous savez, ce qui nous empêche de faire le mal... comme tuer, voler, blesser les animaux impuissants et tout"."'Conscience' is your inner morality gauge... "you know, the thing that stops you from doing bad things... e.g., killing, stealing, harming helpless animals and whatnot."
(Spode) Une des mesures l intention de présenter à la Chambre des Lords aura un projet de loi élargissement de la jauge du système ferroviaire britannique par huit pouces pour faciliter le transport du bétail.(Spode) One of the measures l intend to introduce into the House of Lords will be a bill widening the gauge of the British railway system by eight inches to facilitate the transportation of livestock.
* La jauge de gaz bro-oke **The gas gauge bro-oke*
- Aucune jauge ne fonctionne ?- You have no functioning gauges.
- C'est la jauge d'essence.That's the fuel gauge.
- Et vous jaugez ça maintenant ?- A-and you gauge that how?
Comment jaugez-vous César ?How do you gauge Caesar?

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