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Grever (to do) conjugation

6 examples

Conjugation of grever

Present tense
je grève
I do
tu grèves
you do
il/elle/on grève
he/she/it does
nous grevons
we do
vous grevez
you all do
ils/elles grèvent
they do
Present perfect tense
j’ai grevé
I did
tu as grevé
you did
il/elle/on a grevé
he/she/it did
nous avons grevé
we did
vous avez grevé
you all did
ils/elles ont grevé
they did
Past impf. tense
je grevais
I was doing
tu grevais
you were doing
il/elle/on grevait
he/she/it was doing
nous grevions
we were doing
vous greviez
you all were doing
ils/elles grevaient
they were doing
Future tense
je grèverai
I will do
tu grèveras
you will do
il/elle/on grèvera
he/she/it will do
nous grèverons
we will do
vous grèverez
you all will do
ils/elles grèveront
they will do
Past perfect tense
j’avais grevé
I had done
tu avais grevé
you had done
il/elle/on avait grevé
he/she/it had done
nous avions grevé
we had done
vous aviez grevé
you all had done
ils/elles avaient grevé
they had done
Past preterite tense
je grevai
I did
tu grevas
you did
il/elle/on greva
he/she/it did
nous grevâmes
we did
vous grevâtes
you all did
ils/elles grevèrent
they did
Past anterior tense
j’eus grevé
I had done
tu eus grevé
you had done
il/elle/on eut grevé
he/she/it had done
nous eûmes grevé
we had done
vous eûtes grevé
you all had done
ils/elles eurent grevé
they had done
Future perfect tense
j’aurai grevé
I will have done
tu auras grevé
you will have done
il/elle/on aura grevé
he/she/it will have done
nous aurons grevé
we will have done
vous aurez grevé
you all will have done
ils/elles auront grevé
they will have done
Present subjunctive tense
que je grève
that I do
que tu grèves
that you do
qu’il/elle/on grève
that he/she/it do
que nous grevions
that we do
que vous greviez
that you all do
qu’ils/elles grèvent
that they do
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie grevé
that I have done
que tu aies grevé
that you have done
qu’il/elle/on ait grevé
that he/she/it have done
que nous ayons grevé
that we have done
que vous ayez grevé
that you all have done
qu’ils/elles aient grevé
that they have done
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je grevasse
that I would do
que tu grevasses
that you would do
qu’il/elle/on grevât
that he/she/it would do
que nous grevassions
that we would do
que vous grevassiez
that you all would do
qu’ils/elles grevassent
that they would do
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse grevé
that I had done
que tu eusses grevé
that you had done
qu’il/elle/on eût grevé
that he/she/it had done
que nous eussions grevé
that we had done
que vous eussiez grevé
that you all had done
qu’ils/elles eussent grevé
that they had done
Conditional mood
je grèverais
I would do
tu grèverais
you would do
il/elle/on grèverait
he/she/it would do
nous grèverions
we would do
vous grèveriez
you all would do
ils/elles grèveraient
they would do
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais grevé
I would have done
tu aurais grevé
you would have done
il/elle/on aurait grevé
he/she/it would have done
nous aurions grevé
we would have done
vous auriez grevé
you all would have done
ils/elles auraient grevé
they would have done
Imperative mood
let's do!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie grevé
have done
ayons grevé
let's have done
ayez grevé
have done

Examples of grever

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Puissent les Américains ne jamais les imiter ni grever les contribuables de telles splendeurs inutiles.May we Americans never emulate them nor burden our taxpayers with such useless splendours.
"Bien que ni l'un ni l'autre ne soit disposé à dire ouvertement," "il est clair la menace apportée aux troupes met les chefs en grève."Although neither side is willing to say so openly, it's clear the threat to bring in troops made the strike leaders back down.
"pour les indemniser des neuf semaines où ils ont été en grève." "et de fait ils perdraient tout l'argent supplémentaire" "produisant un changement brusque du coeur."The threat of someone else doing the work and the fact they'd lose all the extra money produced an abrupt change of heart.
*Je suis bloquée à Londres par la grève.I'm stuck in London by the strike.
- Il y a une grève des dockers.- There's a dock strike.
- Pourquoi font-ils grève, d'après vous ?- Why do you think they did it?

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