Boulonner (to bolt) conjugation

10 examples

Conjugation of boulonner

Present tense
je boulonne
I bolt
tu boulonnes
you bolt
il/elle/on boulonne
he/she/it bolts
nous boulonnons
we bolt
vous boulonnez
you all bolt
ils/elles boulonnent
they bolt
Present perfect tense
j’ai boulonné
I bolted
tu as boulonné
you bolted
il/elle/on a boulonné
he/she/it bolted
nous avons boulonné
we bolted
vous avez boulonné
you all bolted
ils/elles ont boulonné
they bolted
Past impf. tense
je boulonnais
I was bolting
tu boulonnais
you were bolting
il/elle/on boulonnait
he/she/it was bolting
nous boulonnions
we were bolting
vous boulonniez
you all were bolting
ils/elles boulonnaient
they were bolting
Future tense
je boulonnerai
I will bolt
tu boulonneras
you will bolt
il/elle/on boulonnera
he/she/it will bolt
nous boulonnerons
we will bolt
vous boulonnerez
you all will bolt
ils/elles boulonneront
they will bolt
Past perfect tense
j’avais boulonné
I had bolted
tu avais boulonné
you had bolted
il/elle/on avait boulonné
he/she/it had bolted
nous avions boulonné
we had bolted
vous aviez boulonné
you all had bolted
ils/elles avaient boulonné
they had bolted
Past preterite tense
je boulonnai
I bolted
tu boulonnas
you bolted
il/elle/on boulonna
he/she/it bolted
nous boulonnâmes
we bolted
vous boulonnâtes
you all bolted
ils/elles boulonnèrent
they bolted
Past anterior tense
j’eus boulonné
I had bolted
tu eus boulonné
you had bolted
il/elle/on eut boulonné
he/she/it had bolted
nous eûmes boulonné
we had bolted
vous eûtes boulonné
you all had bolted
ils/elles eurent boulonné
they had bolted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai boulonné
I will have bolted
tu auras boulonné
you will have bolted
il/elle/on aura boulonné
he/she/it will have bolted
nous aurons boulonné
we will have bolted
vous aurez boulonné
you all will have bolted
ils/elles auront boulonné
they will have bolted
Present subjunctive tense
que je boulonne
that I bolt
que tu boulonnes
that you bolt
qu’il/elle/on boulonne
that he/she/it bolt
que nous boulonnions
that we bolt
que vous boulonniez
that you all bolt
qu’ils/elles boulonnent
that they bolt
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie boulonné
that I have bolted
que tu aies boulonné
that you have bolted
qu’il/elle/on ait boulonné
that he/she/it have bolted
que nous ayons boulonné
that we have bolted
que vous ayez boulonné
that you all have bolted
qu’ils/elles aient boulonné
that they have bolted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je boulonnasse
that I would bolt
que tu boulonnasses
that you would bolt
qu’il/elle/on boulonnât
that he/she/it would bolt
que nous boulonnassions
that we would bolt
que vous boulonnassiez
that you all would bolt
qu’ils/elles boulonnassent
that they would bolt
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse boulonné
that I had bolted
que tu eusses boulonné
that you had bolted
qu’il/elle/on eût boulonné
that he/she/it had bolted
que nous eussions boulonné
that we had bolted
que vous eussiez boulonné
that you all had bolted
qu’ils/elles eussent boulonné
that they had bolted
Conditional mood
je boulonnerais
I would bolt
tu boulonnerais
you would bolt
il/elle/on boulonnerait
he/she/it would bolt
nous boulonnerions
we would bolt
vous boulonneriez
you all would bolt
ils/elles boulonneraient
they would bolt
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais boulonné
I would have bolted
tu aurais boulonné
you would have bolted
il/elle/on aurait boulonné
he/she/it would have bolted
nous aurions boulonné
we would have bolted
vous auriez boulonné
you all would have bolted
ils/elles auraient boulonné
they would have bolted
Imperative mood
let's bolt!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie boulonné
have bolted
ayons boulonné
let's have bolted
ayez boulonné
have bolted

Examples of boulonner

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Ce citadin va bientôt se faire boulonner les noix !This here city slicker's about to get his nuts bolted!
Il pouvait le souder, le plier... le boulonner, le forer... et plus encore.He could weld it, bend it, bolt it, drill it, you name it.
Maintenant, on va boulonner les pommeaux de douche... à des intervalles réguliers tout autour de la queue.Now, we'll bolt on the shower heads at regular intervals all around the tail.
Tout ce que j'ai c'est un pistolet à boulonner.All I've got is a bolt-gun.
A 11h00 sur 52ème rue et boulonné au sud du 8eme.At 11:00 on 52nd street and bolted South on 8th.
Bien que, s'il y avait de l'argent ici ce soir... ça serait dans le coffre, qui est aussi boulonné au sol.Although, if there is any real cash left overnight... it's gonna be in the safe, which is also bolted to the floor.
C'est boulonné ?Is this thing bolted?
Ce qui s'est passé, c'est que vous boulonné cette statue au socle de manière incorrecte, et votre travail bâclé a juste failli me tuer, alors maintenantWhat happened is that you bolted this statue to its base incorrectly, and your shoddy workmanship almost killed me,and so now...
Elle est très excitée. Les murs sont faits de 2 pieds de ciment coulé renforcé par des barres de métal et le coffre-fort est boulonné au sol, qui est constitué de 3 pieds de roche dure.The walls are 2 feet of poured cement reinforced with iron bars and the safe is bolted into the ground, which is 3 feet of solid rock.
Ne les boulonne pas, accroche-les.Pat, don't bolt 'em on, just stick 'em on.

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