- Miten teologian kokeeni meni? | -How did I do on my theology quiz? |
Eli eikö erityisesti kuuluisan ja kokeneen teologian professorin. | All the more in your case, a famous, experienced professor of theology. |
Greg sanoi heidän maalanneen symboleita teologian kirjasta. | Reg said they were painting symbols from a theology textbook. |
Hensleigh, teologian professori, tuomittiin tutkimusryhmänsä tappamisesta 1999. | Hensleigh, a theology professor tenured in Georgia State, was convicted of killing his research team in 1999. |
Hän on teologian tohtori, ei lääketieteen. | I thought he could help. He's a doctor of theology, not medicine. |
27-vuotiaana, kaksi vuotta edistyneempää teologiaa ja filosofian opintoja, - Jesuiittojen johdolla merkittävässä Pyhän Pietarin kirkossa Loudunissa. - Asetettu jatkamaan... | At 27, after two years of advanced theology and philosophy, presented by the Jesuits with the important living at St Peter's in Loudun. |
En ymmärrä teologiaa, tai ulottuvuuksia, tai mitään sellaista, mutta luulen olleeni taivaassa. | I don't understand theology, or... dimensions, or any of it, really, but I think I was in heaven. |
Henry Lowe lähti opiskelemaan teologiaa - | Henry Lowe went on study theology at the University of California. |
Hän luki teologiaa Uppsalassa. | Studied theology in Uppsala. |
Hän menee opiskelemaan teologiaa. Lukee papiksi. | He's going to theology school to be a minister. |
"Kuten 'p' psykologiassa, 'k' psykiatriassa - ja näkymätön muste sekä totuus teologiassa." | If the 'p' in psychology, the 'h' in psychiatry... invisible ink and the truth in theology. |
"Ei Raamattuun perustuvasta teologiasta. | Oh, not a theology based on the Bible. |
Annan teologien huolehtia teologiasta. | I will leave theology to the theologians. |
Emme puhu teologiasta, Thoreausta tai Emersonista - vaan sotilaallisesta strategiasta. | Look, this isn't a discussion on theology, Thoreu or Emerson,... but one of sound logic and military strategy. |
Eri teologiasta." | A different theology." |
Esseen filoso fiasta ja teologiasta. | An essay about philosophy and theology. |
Ennen kuin Harper vaihtoi teologiaan, hän oli fyysikko. | - I hope so. But before reverend Harper took up theology, she used to be a physicist. |
Hubbard osasi keksiä uskomattomia tarinoita, - joiden sisällön hän siirsi myöhemmin skientologiseen teologiaan. | He had the ability to fabricate these amazing tales, and he transported those imaginary stories into his theology. |
- Älkää leikkikö teologialla | Don't lecture me about theology! |
Joten mitä tapahtui teologialle? | So, what happened with theology? |
Luultavasti Egyptin mytologia on pääasiallinen pohja juutalaiselle kristilliselle teologialle. | In fact, the Egyptian religion is likely the primary foundational basis for the Judeo-Christian theology. |
Kumotaan koko teologia. | Let's overthrow the whole of theology! |
Sellainen on mormonien teologia ja pyrkimys. | That is Mormon theology. That's what they're working towards. |
Tämä teologia ei ole minun makuuni. | (Laughs) Saints, virgins - hardly my kind of theology, is it? |
Tämä uusi oppi, - Laubardemontin uusi oppi, Barren uusi oppi, - on varta vasten keksitty tätä tapausta varten, - niiden miesten toimesta joita ei koske - tosiasiat eikä myöskään laki tai teologia, - | Laubardemont's new doctrine, Barre's new doctrine, especially invented for this occasion, is the work of men who are not concerned with fact or with law or with theology |