Ne isot sateet varmaan aiheuttivat sen. | Yeah, the heavy rains the other night... must have done some funny things. |
- Anna aiheuttaa meille punaisen sateen. Nyt sitä on kaikkialla. Maaperässä, ilmassa ja vedessä jota juomme. | Anna dumps red rain on us, and now it's in everything... the soil, the air we breathe, the water we drink. |
80%% sateen mahdollisuus New Angeles Cityssä. | Precipitation in Lake Pasadena, eighty percent in New Angeles City, and the same thing in New Tokyo City. |
En näe muuta kuin tuulen ja sateen. | I see nothing but the wind and the rain. |
Hän kuoli sateen takia. | And yet... She dies doing something as mundane As getting caught in the rain. |
Hän tarvitsee myös vaaterahaa, sillä sateen sattuessa - hänen lempipaitansa on entinen, ennen kuin katto on paikallaan. | Ana' he will also need a clothing allowance because when it does start to rain, his favourite 2'-sh/rt will be ruined before he's had a chance to reassemble the car. |
(Radio:) Matalapainetta on pidellyt. Pari viikkoa ollaan sadetta saatu - mutta parempaan päin ollaan menossa. | It has rained for two weeks but things will turn for the better... |
- Hellettä, sadetta ja paljon leguaaneja. | Those things are like pigeons down there. You'd have hated it. |
- Rukoillaan sadetta. | We checked with the FBI. Nothing came up. |
-Lentää, iskee salamoita, tekee sadetta.. | He flies, hurls lightning, makes rain. That sort of thing. |
Clarkson tilasi taatusti sadetta. | You can go to something like 50mph in reverse in something which is like a lunchbox. |
- Tiedän, että sanoin sateessa tanssimista, mutta... etten tuntisi kipua. | l know l said the rain-dancing thing , but...feelno pain. |
En näe mitään tässä sateessa. | I can't see anything with this rain. |
Ettei tuomari Palmer olisi voinut osua pimeällä, sateessa johonkin isoon tajuamatta osuneensa ihmiseen. | That it's not reasonable to assume Judge Palmer could have hit something substantial in the dark, raining not realized it was a person that was hit, just kept going. |
He seisovat sateessa odottamassa bussia - jolla he matkustavat töihin joissa he käyvät päästäkseen lomalle töistä. | They have to stand in the rain waiting for buses to take them to things called jobs which they have to do all year round for holidays away from those jobs. |
Hän kuoli sateessa, ei nähnyt mitään, yksin. | He died in the rain, he couldn't see a thing, he was alone. |
En välitä pikku sateesta. | Nothing that I regard. |
He saivat energiansa tuuli- ja aurinkovoimalla, keräsivät veden sateesta - ja he kasvattivat itse kaiken ruokansa. | They got their power from the wind and sun, their water from the rain, and they grew everything they ate. |
Mitä pidät sateesta? | What about the rain? - It's really something. |
On, juuri siksi toivoin, että erehdyt sateesta. | - They're gonna have fireworks at that thing tonight? |
Sen ruumis jäi ulos sateeseen, ja jäljelle jäi lähinnä luuranko. | It got to raining and three days later ain't nothing left but possum sludge and bones. |
Varautukaa tuuleen, sateeseen, myrskyyn, mihin tahansa. | Be prepared for wind shear, rain, storms... anything. |
'Kaikki on niin kaunista sateella', sanoo Alice." | `I love how everything looks beautiful in the rain 'says Alice. |
Huoneen katto vuotaa. mutta se selviää vasta sateella ja silloin ei voi tehdä muuta kuin uida ulos. | That's the one with the leaky roof, but you won't find out about it until it rains, and then it'll be too late to do anything except swim out if it. |
Jokin ei tunnu oikealta Se on sateella liukas | Something doesn't seem right it is raining shells |
Korjaa pavut äkkiä. Tuolla ei ajeta pellolla sateella. | Better get those beans in before the rain gets here or you won't be running that thing through that field. |
Mikään ei voita uintia sateella. | Nothing better than swimming in the rain. |
En näe hittojakaan tältä sateelta. | And I can't see a goddamn thing cause it's pouring |
Maja suojaa meitä sateelta. | The hut's gonna be something in case it rains. |
- Ainoastaan sade. | Nothing but the rain. |
- Vain sade, sir. | Nothing but the rain, sir. |
Ainoa asia, jota minä en voi hallita, on sade. | The one thing I have no control over, the rain. |
Ei epäiltyä, ei mitään tiedettävää uhrista - ja vääränlainen sade hävitti todisteet. | Right. So we've got no suspect, nothing to know about the victim, and any evidence was washed away by the wrong sort of rain. |
Eikö olekin melkoinen sade? | Isn't this rain something? Oh goodness me. |