Minun olisi pitänyt vainuta tullessamme. | I should've caught the scent before we walked in. |
Mogadorelaiset ovat jo saattaneet vainuta meidät. | Mogadorians could've already picked up our scent. |
Sitten minun täytyy vainuta itse. | All right then, I'll just have to pick up the scent on my own. |
Taidat vainuta omat jälkesi. | Maybe you're picking up your own scent. |
Voin vainuta, mutta se saa silmäni kirvelemään. | Diego, can you pick up Sid's scent? I can but it makes my eyes burn. |
Kun vainuan jotain - en kaihda keinoja selvittääkseni tapauksen. | And when I get the scent, there's very little that I wouldn't do in order to solve the case. |
Kun vainuan rikollisen, verenpaineeni laskee. | I get the scent of a bad guy, I can feel my blood pressure go down. |
Muututtuasi vainuat kanan ennen pitkää. | Once you've transformed you'll skulk around a bit, till eventually you pick up the scent of the chicken. |
Se vainuaa sudenpennutkin - vaikka ne olisivat kassakaapissa maan alla. | - A useful creature. It scents wolf pups in a safe four meters deep. |
- Pysymme liikkeellä - etteivät ne liskot saa vainuamme. | We keep moving, and keep those disgusting hunters from picking up our scent. |
Jos edes vainuatte Dannyn, häipykää. | You even catch a scent of Danny, walk away. |
Jos tänne tuodaan koiria, ne luultavasti vainuavat minut. Sitten he tulevat tänne. | If they brings the dogs in, which they probably already have, they might pick up my scent and they'll fallow me here. |
- Siksi Dyson ei saanut vainua. | Explains why Dyson couldn't pick up the scent. |
Ei vainua, ei pommia. | No scent. No bomb. |
Emme edes vainua. | Not even a scent. |
Etsit merkkejä kuolemasta ja saaliisi vainua. Sitten metsästät. | You search for signs of passing... for the scent of your prey... and then you hunt them down. |
He eivät olisi saaneet vainua. | They wouldn't have been able to catch his scent. |