Kuukauden päästä olemme vanhemmat, enkä halua sotia lapseni äidin kanssa. | A month from now we're not just gonna be Carlos and Gaby. We're gonna be Mom and Dad, and I don't wanna be at war with the mother of my child, so, here. |
Valtakuntiemme ei pitäisi sotia enää. | Our kingdoms should no longer be at war |
Äiti, miksi pitää sotia? | Mother, why must we be at war? |
Kansamme tajuaa, että Hitler sotii sitä vastaan, ja nousee kapinaan. | The people will realise Hitler is at war with them and they will rise. |
Oceania sotii Itä-Aasiaa vastaan. | "Oceania is at war with Eastasia. |
Oceania sotii Itä-Aasian kanssa. | Oceania is at war with Eastasia. |
Timothyn vartalo sotii itseään vastaan. Hän tarvitsee sinua. - Me tarvitsemme sinua. | Timothy's body is at war with itself... and he needs you... we need you... so what now? |
Hän ei voinut tietää että sodimme heitä vastaan. | He didn't know. He couldn't know that we are at war with them. |
Me sodimme englantilaisia vastaan. | We are at war with the English! |
Syöpä on terroria, jota vastaan sodimme. | Cancer is terror, unrelenting terror, That we are at war with. |
Ja te soditte heitä vastaan. | And you are at war with them, brothers. |
- Eivät! Jos he ovat pahantekijöitä, he sotivat teitä vastaan. | If they are not innocent, if they are perpetrators or allies of the perpetrators, then they are at war with you. |
- Kuningaskunnat sotivat keskenään. | The Seven Kingdoms are at war with one another. |
-Wazirit sotivat brittejä vastaan. | Now, you're probably a damn good pilot. - Ah, come on, lady. The Waziris are at war with the British. |
Englanti ja Ranska sotivat jälleen. | England and France are at war again. |
Niin kauan kuin Chuck ja Blair sotivat, Chuck on puolellamme. | He loves my mom, and as long as Chuck and Blair are at war, he's on our side. |
Aloittaessani tämän tarinan USA soti Irakissa ja Afganistanissa | When I began this story, the U.S. was at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. |
Hän soti minua vastaan, painosti ja vihasi. | She was at war with me. A war of attrition. |
Kai Ed soti minua vastaan | Yes, I guess Ed was at war with me. |
Kun Kleopatra soti veljensä kanssa Alexandrian vallasta hän kaipasi vain yhtä palkintoa. | When Cleopatra was at war with her brother for the throne of Alexandria, there was one prize that she needed first. |
Ilman Klaangia parlamenttinne sotisivat. | Without Klaang, your houses would be at war with each other. |
Häneltä löytyy kiinnostusta saada maa sotimaan. | And he obviously has an interest with the country being at war. |
Avio ja sotiminen - eivät aina sovi yhteen. | Being married and being at war do not always go together. |
Esmond sanoo, että Ian on sotinut vuosia. | Esmond said, "Ian's been at war for years." |
Ja Oceaniahan on aina sotinut Itä-Aasian kanssa. | And Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, has it not? |
Ja mitä hiuksiin tulee, itse olen sotinut tukkani kanssa vuosikausia. | Now, as far as the 'do goes take it from someone that's been at war with their hair. |
Japanilainen sotilas - on sotinut jo silloin, kun te olitte vitun vaippaikäisiä. | The Jap I know, The Japanese soldier, He has been at war |
Oceania on aina sotinut Itä-Aasiaa vastaan. | i"Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. |