- Halusin itse silputa sen ja unohtaa jo hänet! | - Clutter. - I was supposed to shred that. |
- Saanko silputa nämä sopimukset? - Ette! | -Can I shred these contracts? |
-Tällä voi silputa persiljaa. | It's a mouli grater... For shredding parsley. |
Gob! Et voi silputa todisteita. | Gob, you can't shred this evidence. |
Kun se on tehty, paperit täytyy silputa. | And when you're done, the paper files need to be shredded. |
- Muuten silppuan muuta kuin paperia. | It does, and paper's not gonna be the only thing getting shredded around here. |
- Teen niitä juuri. Mitä jos silppuan hänen sisuksensa puristimilla? | What if I shred her insides with those clamps? |
Kun olet valmis, voit katsella, kun silppuan ne. | And when you're done, you can watch me shred them. Right... |
"Toivottavasti silppuat tämän kirjan"? | "I hope you shred this book"? |
Kirjoitit: "Toivottavasti silppuat tämän kirjan." | And you inscribed it, "I hope you shred this book." |
Meillä on mies yhtiössä, joka silppuaa salaisia papereita. | We have a man inside a company that shreds classified documents. |
Miksi silppuatte nämä? | Why are you shredding them up? |
- Hän silppusi nämä. | He shredded these. |
-Silppuri silppusi sen. | - The shredder shredded it, bro. |
Hän silppusi kuulemma asiakirjat. | He shredded everything after he finished the job. |
Hän silppusi sen edessäni. | He shredded it, in front of me. |
Hän suuttui, tappoi työtoverit ja varasti hakemukset. Ja silppusi ne tyttöystävän luona. | So he got angry, killed his coworkers, stole the applications, and shredded them at his girlfriend's office. |
Ne silppusivat juuri Gormania. | They just shredded Gorman. |
Ei silppua, ei verta, ei ysimillisen panoksia. | - The shreds and the blood evidence are out. |
Hän tappoi heidät, ja rahoista tuli veristä silppua. | She kills them, and the money in the bag gets shredded to pieces. |
Jos et silppua kansiota, sinua aletaan vainota. | If you don't shred that file, they will come for you. |
Katso sitä ja silppua se. | Turns out it's worse than we thought. Take a look and then, uh, shred it. |
Puolustus tekisi Nataliesta silppua. | Because she's a bad witness who's gonna get shredded By the defense. |
Sitten kuvittelen itseni - yöllä silppuamassa papereita. | Then I imagine I'll be at home tonight shredding documents. |
Tuo on se, jonka Booth ja Brennan yhyttivät silppuamassa asiakirjoja. | This is the woman that Booth and Brennan caught shredding these documents. |
Jos ette lakkaa silppuamasta, se on todisteiden tuhoamista. | If you don't stop shredding right now, that's destruction of evidence... spoliation! |
Raatelua, repimistä, silppuamista. | Horrible things could've happened. Ripping, shredding, tearing things. |
Olisin silpunnut miehen takaristisiteet. | I could have shredded his ACL in a flash. |