Reclamar (to reclaim) conjugation

73 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to hoist taut, protest, to resound, to object, to complain, claim, hoist, to demand, to protest, to ask for, lure, to lure, look, to recover possession of, to look for, to clamor, resound, to claim

Conjugation of reclamar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I reclaim
you reclaim
he/she/it reclaims
we reclaim
you all reclaim
they reclaim
Present perfect tense
he reclamado
I have reclaimed
has reclamado
you have reclaimed
ha reclamado
he/she/it has reclaimed
hemos reclamado
we have reclaimed
habéis reclamado
you all have reclaimed
han reclamado
they have reclaimed
Past preterite tense
I reclaimed
you reclaimed
he/she/it reclaimed
we reclaimed
you all reclaimed
they reclaimed
Future tense
I will reclaim
you will reclaim
he/she/it will reclaim
we will reclaim
you all will reclaim
they will reclaim
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would reclaim
you would reclaim
he/she/it would reclaim
we would reclaim
you all would reclaim
they would reclaim
Past imperfect tense
I used to reclaim
you used to reclaim
he/she/it used to reclaim
we used to reclaim
you all used to reclaim
they used to reclaim
Past perfect tense
había reclamado
I had reclaimed
habías reclamado
you had reclaimed
había reclamado
he/she/it had reclaimed
habíamos reclamado
we had reclaimed
habíais reclamado
you all had reclaimed
habían reclamado
they had reclaimed
Future perfect tense
habré reclamado
I will have reclaimed
habrás reclamado
you will have reclaimed
habrá reclamado
he/she/it will have reclaimed
habremos reclamado
we will have reclaimed
habréis reclamado
you all will have reclaimed
habrán reclamado
they will have reclaimed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I reclaim
(if/so that) you reclaim
(if/so that) he/she/it reclaim
(if/so that) we reclaim
(if/so that) you all reclaim
(if/so that) they reclaim
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya reclamado
I have reclaimed
hayas reclamado
you have reclaimed
haya reclamado
he/she/it has reclaimed
hayamos reclamado
we have reclaimed
hayáis reclamado
you all have reclaimed
hayan reclamado
they have reclaimed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have reclaimed
(if/so that) you have reclaimed
(if/so that) he/she/it have reclaimed
(if/so that) we have reclaimed
(if/so that) you all have reclaimed
(if/so that) they have reclaimed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have reclaimed
(if/so that) you have reclaimed
(if/so that) he/she/it have reclaimed
(if/so that) we have reclaimed
(if/so that) you all have reclaimed
(if/so that) they have reclaimed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera reclamado
I had reclaimed
hubieras reclamado
you had reclaimed
hubiera reclamado
he/she/it had reclaimed
hubiéramos reclamado
we had reclaimed
hubierais reclamado
you all had reclaimed
hubieran reclamado
they had reclaimed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese reclamado
I had reclaimed
hubieses reclamado
you had reclaimed
hubiese reclamado
he/she/it had reclaimed
hubiésemos reclamado
we had reclaimed
hubieseis reclamado
you all had reclaimed
hubiesen reclamado
they had reclaimed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have reclaimed
(if/so that) you will have reclaimed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have reclaimed
(if/so that) we will have reclaimed
(if/so that) you all will have reclaimed
(if/so that) they will have reclaimed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere reclamado
I will have reclaimed
hubieres reclamado
you will have reclaimed
hubiere reclamado
he/she/it will have reclaimed
hubiéremos reclamado
we will have reclaimed
hubiereis reclamado
you all will have reclaimed
hubieren reclamado
they will have reclaimed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's reclaim!
Imperative negative mood
no reclames
do not reclaim!
no reclame
let him/her/it reclaim!
no reclamemos
let us not reclaim!
no reclaméis
do not reclaim!
no reclamen
do not reclaim!

Examples of reclamar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Jill, no vine a reclamar nuestras antiguas vidas sino para redefinirlas para desechar los restos calcificados del pasado y aceptar nuestra energía vital..."Jill, I'm not here to reclaim our old lives, but to redefine them. "To toss out the calcified remains of the past and embrace our vital energy.
"Se espera que se pueda llegar a un acuerdo respecto al intento de Herr Hitler de reclamar los Sudetes de Checoslovaquia".'It is hoped that agreement can be reached regarding 'Herr Hitler's attempt to reclaim Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia.'
"Vine a reclamar Roma para mi gente".I have come to reclaim Rome for my people.
"y tomar medidas para reclamar el equipo en cuestión.""and take steps to reclaim the equipment concerned."
"¡Vine a reclamar Roma para mi gente!"I have come to reclaim rome for my people!
En teoría, Suu Ram nota el humo saliendo de la bolsa, tira el contenido en suelo americano, y yo reclamo el disco duro como prueba robada.In theory, Suu Ram spots smoke coming from the pouch, dumps the contents onto American soil, and I reclaim the external drive as stolen evidence.
Mañana a medianoche, reclamo la posesión de la moneda.Midnight tomorrow, I reclaim the coin.
Para rendirse al reclamo eterno de los elementos.To surrender to the elements' eternal reclaim.
Y reclamo este parque ¡Para la gente!And I reclaim this park for the people!
¡Un día cuando recuperaremos nuestro poder y reclamo de nuestro reino!A day when we would seize back our power and reclaim our kingdom!
Bueno, y ¿si viene el señor José María y lo reclama?Well, what if Mr. José María comes and reclaims him?
Dicen que cuando el sol se pone, el rey de Faeries reclama su castillo.They say when the sun goes down, the King of the Faeries reclaims the castle.
El desierto lo reclama todo, simplemente tira todo abajo. 00:46:49,450 -- 00:46:52,451 Pero el Rancho es este altar.The desert reclaims everything, just beats everything down.
El mar reclama su jardín secreto.The ocean reclaims its secret garden.
Ellos dicen que cuando el sol se oculta... la Reina de Faerie reclama el castillo.And they say when the sun goes down, the queen of the faerie folk reclaims the castle.
Así que le digo a usted, háganos reclamamos nuestros sueños.So I say to you, let us reclaim our dreams.
El vertedero del lago Michigan era una auténtica lacra para la ciudad y ahora lo reclamamos para almacenar trabajadores robóticos.The Lake Michigan landfill. Once such a blight on our city and now will be reclaimed for the storage of robotic workers.
Lo que sucede después es que reclamamos el respeto y el miedo que el mundo solía tener por golpe duro de esta Agencia.What happens next is that we reclaim the respect and the fear that the world used to have for this Agency's hard punch.
Mi generación... nosotros la reclamamos, y la usamos como un término de poder y coloquialismo.My generation... we reclaimed it, and we use it as a term of colloquialism and power.
Primero reclamamos Terok Nor, después... rumbo a Bajor.First, we reclaim Terok Nor then... on to Bajor.
Las mujeres os tomáis una copa de más, bajáis la guardia y, al despertaros, os sentís culpables y reclamáis la virtud diciendo eso.- It's true. - The majority of women, they have half a glass too much and let down the barriers a little, and they wake up in the morning riddled with guilt and think they can reclaim their virtue by saying, "I don't remember."
Pero a pesar del sangriento final, las fuerzas estadounidenses... finalmente controlan las islas Attu y Kiska... y por primera vez reclaman territorio americano de los japoneses.But despite the bloody finale, American forces eventually secure both Attu and Kiska Islands and for the first time reclaim American territory from the Japanese.
Pero si reclaman este cuerpo, lo sabremos, y habrán tomado su decisión.If you do reclaim this body, though, we'll know and you'll have made a choice.
Sin control, los elementos más poderosos de la naturaleza, reclaman su supremacía sobre la Tierra.Unchecked, nature's most powerful elements reclaim their supremacy on Earth.
- El que yo reclamé.- That I have reclaimed.
Yo reclamé nuestro verdadero hogar.I've reclaimed our true home.
Yo simplemente las reclamé.I merely reclaimed them.
Basil reclamó el nombre de la familia, y su ocupación.Basil reclaimed the family name, and its occupation.
De entre todos los cuentos, hay uno, que no habrá oído, al cual hace mucho que el olvido reclamó.Among all the tales there is one, which you haven't heard and which the nig ht reclaimed long ago.
El Centro salvó miles de vidas. Vidas que más tarde reclamó tal parece, de diferentes formas.The Centre saved thousands oflives... lives that they later reclaimed... as it turned out, in other ways.
El desierto reclamó lo que era suyo.The desert reclaimed its own.
Nunca lo reclamó.He never reclaimed it.
Los macabeos reclamaron la total soberanía judía sobre el templo... restaurándolo como el lugar más sagrado de la nación.The Maccabees reclaimed total Jewish sovereignty of the temple... reinstating it as the nation's holiest place.
Los trópicos reclamaron la casa, la finca, y las ilusiones que las acompañaban.The tropics reclaimed the house, the estate, and the illusions that went with them.
No, pero me reclamaron.No, I'm quite definitely reclaimed, it seems.
Pero al final, se arrastrará otra vez... a la alcantarilla llena de sífilis de la que salió... y yo reclamaré mi habitación y mi vida.But in the end, she will crawl back to the syphilis-ridden gutter from whence she came, and I will reclaim my bedroom and my life.
Y lo más importante... reclamaré la corona del decathalynn... que creo que es lo que la gente quiere.And more importantly, I will reclaim the decathalynn crown, Which I think is what the people want.
y reclamaré mi título, Campeón de Capua...And I will reclaim my title, champion of Capua...
Confía en mí, Eli reclamará su estatus.Trust me,eli will reclaim his rainmaker status momentarily.
El Papa de una Iglesia que reclamará su propiedad y su santidad y su poder.A pope of a church that will reclaim its property... and its sanctity and its power.
Ella reclamará mi imperio y manejará Zetrov. Todo está aquí.She will reclaim my empire and run Zetrov.
En realidad, la naturaleza reclamará la tierra muy rápidamente.In reality, nature will reclaim Earth very quickly.
Si no son asesinados simultáneamente, el superviviente reclamará el poder.If they are not killed simultaneously, then the survivor will reclaim power.
Menelao, la reclamaremos y con ella, el saqueo de Troya.Menelaus, we will reclaim her, and with her, all the loot of Troy.
Nuestro mundo tal vez esté cubierto por el hielo, pero un día reclamaremos nuestro lugar en la superficie.Our world may be covered in ice, but one day we will reclaim our place on the surface.
Síganme. Y juntos reclamaremos el Mundo Mortal, el cual es ciertamente nuestro.Follow me, and together we will reclaim the Mortal World which is rightfully ours,
Siempre he creído que la casa de Mogh reclamaría su legítimo puesto y que yo regresaría.I had always hoped that one day the House of Mogh would reclaim its rightful place and that I would return.
Su arte reclamaría lo que una vez había pertenecido a la religión, consuelo para nuestra mortalidad a través del deleite en el don de la vida.His art would reclaim what had once belonged to religion, consolation for our mortality through the relish of the gift of life.
Nos prometió que reclamaríamos la devolución de Mandalore a esos débiles cobardes.You promised us we would reclaim Mandalore from these weak-willed cowards.
Cuando Dios reclame la fe y deje atrás a los abandonados.When God reclaims the faithful and leaves the forsaken behind.
Debido a la falta de pago de impuestos comerciales asociados a esta propiedad... el municipio ha solicitado a la corte que reclame en su favor esos gastos.Due to the nonpayment of business taxes associated with this property... the county has petitioned the court on its behalf to reclaim these costs.
Dejar que el bosque reclame la tierraLet the forest reclaim the land.
Habla, antes de que reclame la carne.Speak, before I reclaim the meat.
Hace falta alguien que reclame el trono.Just needs someone to reclaim the throne.
Estoy sugiriendo que reclames tu lado original... para con el cielo y la misión para la que fuimos creados.I'm suggesting you reclaim your original loyalty -- to the heaven and mission we were made to serve.
¿No iba a dejar que la reclames después?Am I not one to let you reclaim it later on?
Bueno, reclamemos lo que es nuestro.So, let us reclaim what is rightfully ours.
Taiwan sabrá si EE. UU. intervendrá... cuando reclamemos Quemoy y Matsu.Taiwan will learn if America will intervene when we reclaim Quemoy and Matsu.
Volver de alguna forma a nuestra línea temporal original, aquella en la que yo paré el dado que lanzaste, y despues destruiremos a nuestras versiones buenas, y reclamemos nuestras verdaderas vidas.Return somehow to the prime timeline, the one that I stopped you from rolling that die, then we destroy the good versions of ourselves, and reclaim our proper lives.
- Los guías son animadoras y matones. Yo ayudo a la gente a reconectarse con su yo interior para que... rebalanceen su perspectiva y reclamen su lugar en el mundo.I help people re-establish contact with their intimate selves so they can re-balance their perspective and reclaim their proper place in the world.
He traído a estas personas a Empok Nor para purificarnos para cuando los pah-wraiths reclamen el Templo Celestial.I brought these people to Empok Nor so we could purify ourselves to be ready for when the Pah-wraiths reclaim the Celestial Temple.
Quédate, si quieres, que yo no pienso separarme de él hasta que los reyes lo reclamen.Wait,... if you please,... I won't part from him until the royal family comes to reclaim him.
Sueñan con el día cuando los enanos de Erebor reclamen su tierra.They dreamt of the day when the Dwarves of Erebor would reclaim their homeland.
Aún no has reclamado tu derecho divino, pequeñin.You have not reclaimed your birthright yet, little man.
Después de un mes y una larga guerra el ejército de la India ha reclamado Tiger Hill.After a month and half long war... the Indian army has reclaimed Tiger Hill.
Este fue el único objeto que se salvó del fuego que no ha sido reclamado.This was the only item salvaged from the fire that no one reclaimed.
Hadi ha reclamado el trono y se prepara para atacar Basora.Hadi has reclaimed the throne and prepares to attack Basra.
Incluyendo Palenque, fueron abandonados y reclamado por la selvaMost of the capitals that had been among the living wonders of human creativity including Palenque, were deserted and reclaimed by the jungle.
Ahora estamos reclamando esta tierra.Now we're reclaiming the land.
Ahora, con sólo unos pocos milímetros de lluvia por año, El desierto está reclamando la ciudad.Now, with just a few inches of rain a year, the desert is reclaiming the city.
Así que le prometí al Señor que me pondría 50 años a su servicio reclamando almas perdidas como la tuya.So I promised the Lord I'd put that 50 years to use reclaiming lost souls like you.
Ellos lo están reclamando.They're reclaiming it.
Estarías estableciendo un parámetro, reclamando tu nudismo.You'd be making a statement, reclaiming your nudity.

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