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Detonar (to detonate) conjugation

94 examples

Conjugation of detonar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I detonate
you detonate
he/she/it detonates
we detonate
you all detonate
they detonate
Present perfect tense
he detonado
I have detonated
has detonado
you have detonated
ha detonado
he/she/it has detonated
hemos detonado
we have detonated
habéis detonado
you all have detonated
han detonado
they have detonated
Past preterite tense
I detonated
you detonated
he/she/it detonated
we detonated
you all detonated
they detonated
Future tense
I will detonate
you will detonate
he/she/it will detonate
we will detonate
you all will detonate
they will detonate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would detonate
you would detonate
he/she/it would detonate
we would detonate
you all would detonate
they would detonate
Past imperfect tense
I used to detonate
you used to detonate
he/she/it used to detonate
we used to detonate
you all used to detonate
they used to detonate
Past perfect tense
había detonado
I had detonated
habías detonado
you had detonated
había detonado
he/she/it had detonated
habíamos detonado
we had detonated
habíais detonado
you all had detonated
habían detonado
they had detonated
Future perfect tense
habré detonado
I will have detonated
habrás detonado
you will have detonated
habrá detonado
he/she/it will have detonated
habremos detonado
we will have detonated
habréis detonado
you all will have detonated
habrán detonado
they will have detonated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I detonate
(if/so that) you detonate
(if/so that) he/she/it detonate
(if/so that) we detonate
(if/so that) you all detonate
(if/so that) they detonate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya detonado
I have detonated
hayas detonado
you have detonated
haya detonado
he/she/it has detonated
hayamos detonado
we have detonated
hayáis detonado
you all have detonated
hayan detonado
they have detonated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have detonated
(if/so that) you have detonated
(if/so that) he/she/it have detonated
(if/so that) we have detonated
(if/so that) you all have detonated
(if/so that) they have detonated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have detonated
(if/so that) you have detonated
(if/so that) he/she/it have detonated
(if/so that) we have detonated
(if/so that) you all have detonated
(if/so that) they have detonated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera detonado
I had detonated
hubieras detonado
you had detonated
hubiera detonado
he/she/it had detonated
hubiéramos detonado
we had detonated
hubierais detonado
you all had detonated
hubieran detonado
they had detonated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese detonado
I had detonated
hubieses detonado
you had detonated
hubiese detonado
he/she/it had detonated
hubiésemos detonado
we had detonated
hubieseis detonado
you all had detonated
hubiesen detonado
they had detonated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have detonated
(if/so that) you will have detonated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have detonated
(if/so that) we will have detonated
(if/so that) you all will have detonated
(if/so that) they will have detonated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere detonado
I will have detonated
hubieres detonado
you will have detonated
hubiere detonado
he/she/it will have detonated
hubiéremos detonado
we will have detonated
hubiereis detonado
you all will have detonated
hubieren detonado
they will have detonated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's detonate!
Imperative negative mood
no detones
do not detonate!
no detone
let him/her/it detonate!
no detonemos
let us not detonate!
no detonéis
do not detonate!
no detonen
do not detonate!

Examples of detonar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- ... lo que planeaban detonar.- they were planning to detonate.
- Deberíamos poder detonar esta tarde.We should be able to detonate charges afternoon.
- Porque se usó para detonar una bomba en un funeral.Because it was used to detonate a bomb at a funeral.
- Prepárense para detonar torpedo dos.- Prepare to detonate torpedo two.
- Tenemos que detonar ahora.We need to detonate now.
- y la detono por ahí? - Buen plan.~ and detonate it somewhere out there?
El misil detono bajo agua,Sr.Bogey detonated under water.
Quizá si detono un pulso electromagnético, lo deshabilitará.Perhaps if I detonate an electromagnetic pulse, it will disable it.
Rebecca, ¿que hay si te digo que tengo un interno que dice ser quien detono la bomba?Rebecca, what if I were to tell you I have an inmate who claims to have detonated the bomb?
Si alguna vez amenazas con hacer daño a mi hijo, a su prometida, o a alguien de mi familia otra vez, lo detono.If you ever threaten to harm my son, his fiancee, or anyone in my family ever again, I detonate.
En el momento que lo traga detonas los explosivos.-When he swallows detonate the explosive.
Es estable hasta que lo detonas.It's stable until you detonate it.
Por ejemplo, aquí aprendemos lo que ocurre cuando detonas una mina antipersona del Viet Cong sobre un cerdo muerto, lo cual se parece a la receta más demencial de Ferran Adrià de todos los tiempos.For instance, here we discover what happens when you detonate a Viet Cong land mine beside a deceased pig, which sounds like the most mental Heston Blumenthal recipe of all time.
Tú detonas ese chaleco y tu madre también muere.You detonate that vest, your mother dies, too.
¿Por qué no detonas la bomba y paras de hablar?Why don't you detonate the bomb and stop talking?
- Cuando la luz lo golpea detonaWhen light hits it, it detonates
- La batería detona los explosivos.- The battery detonates the explosives.
A las 5:29 y 45 segundos, la bomba se detona.At 5:29 and 45 seconds, the bomb detonates.
A las seis horas sin energía, detona automáticamente.Six hours without power... it detonates itself.
Abu Fayed, ciudadano de su país ingresa a los Estados Unidos y detona una bomba nuclear matando a miles.Abu Fayed, a citizen of your country, enters the United States, detonates a nuclear bomb killing thousands.
- Si lo detonamos, es posible que...- We detonate this thing, chances are...
Ahora, los EE.UU. detonamos armas nucleares a pocos cientos de pies bajo el suelo de Nevada.Now, the U.S. detonated nukes just a few hundred feet under Nevada's soil.
Bien, ¿y si Mike desiste y detonamos la bomba dentro de KITT?Well, what if Mike balls out? And we detonate the bomb inside Kitt?
Bueno supongo que si detonamos una Mark 9 en la estación del medio debería bastar.I – I suppose if one were to detonate a Mark Nine at the midway station, that'd pretty much do it.
Cualquiera de los dos podría producir partículas de vertión si detonamos un torpedo modificado en su interior.Either one could produce vertion particles if we detonated a modified torpedo inside it.
El embajador fue informado de que si las bombas en los aviones remotos detonan responderemos con nuestra propia ofensiva nuclear.The Ambassador has just been informed that if the nuclear weapon on that drone detonates, we will retaliate with our own nuclear strike.
En su lugar, detonan el infierno atómico .Hiroshima August 6, 1945 Hiroshima August 6, 1945 Instead, it detonates the atomic inferno.
Escuché que casi detonan una bomba.I heard you almost detonated a bomb.
Hay 5 ó 6 toneladas de TNT... si todas las hidrominas se detonan.There are 5 or 6 tons of TNT, if all of the hydro-mines detonate.
Hay mas de mil explosivos diferentes, diferentes pues detonan a varias velocidades.There are over a thousand different types of explosives, different because they detonate at varying speeds
Las detoné en el arenero.I detonated them at the sandpit.
Moví un saco de arena y detoné una trampa IED (artefacto explosivo improvisado).I shifted a sandbag and detonated a booby-trap IED.
Yo detoné la bomba.I detonated the bomb.
He oído que casi detonaste una bomba.I heard you almost detonated a bomb.
- Aquí es donde se detonó.This is where he detonated.
- Bakri Deng, es del sur de Sudán y detonó la bomba.Bakri Deng, you're from South Sudan, you detonated the bomb.
- La CIA no estaba dispuesta a dejar que se supiera que una de sus agentes les traicionó y detonó una bomba en suelo estadounidense.- CIA wasn't too keen to let it out that one of their agents went rogue and detonated a bomb on U.S. soil.
- ¿Está diciendo que alguien esperó a que Superman apareciera, lo vio entrar en el edificio y luego detonó los explosivos?- So you're saying that someone waited... for Superman to appear, watched him enter the building... and then detonated the explosives?
Además, si Ruiz tuvo un marcado rápido al número que detonó la bomba, se ha eliminado.Also, if Ruiz had a speed-dial to the number that detonated the bomb, it's been deleted.
- Dos dispositivos detonaron...- Two devices detonated...
A las 8:30 a.m., 3 dispositivos detonaron simultáneamente en 3 diferentes trenes.At 8.50am, three explosive devices simultaneously detonated on 3 separated trains.
Como saben, hace 15 meses los chinos ignoraron el... tratado de prohibición de ensayos y detonaron varias bombas nucleares.As you know, fifteen months ago the Chinese ignored the... test ban treaty and detonated aseries of underground nuclear devices.
Cuando lo detonaron, desintegró el lado del edificio que daba a la calle... destruyendo docenas de oficinas de gobierno... la guardería infantil del edificio... y la sucursal de St. Louis de la Superintendencia de Contribuciones... la cual se determinó posteriormente que era el blanco del ataque.When it was detonated, it disintegrated the street side of the building... obliterating dozens of government offices... the building's day care center... and the St. Louis branch of the Internal Revenue Service... which was ultimately determined to be the target of the attack.
Dijeron que detonaron la bomba a salvo.They said the bomb was detonated safely. No.
Ahora, si alguien intenta entrar aquí, detonaré explosivos, que matarán a todos.Now, if anyone tries to come in here, I will detonate explosives, which will kill everyone. Hey, I understand.
Haced lo que tengáis que hacer, pero si tengo la más débil sospecha de que estáis jugando conmigo, detonaré el artefacto.Do whatever you have to do, but if I get even the faintest suspicion that you are playing games with me, I will detonate the device.
Quítalo, o te apartas de mis instruccions en cualquier modo Y lo detonaré. Arruinando tu bonito rostro.Remove it or deviate from my instructions in any way and I will detonate it ruining that lovely face of yours.
Si alguno de los agentes NTSF lo sigue, detonaré una ojiva.If any NTSF agents follow him, I will detonate a warhead.
Si manosean el video o cortan las cámaras de vigilancia, detonaré la bomba.If you tamper with the vest, or cut the CCTV, I will detonate the bomb.
Como ven, la bomba en pantalla detonará en un minuto, 15 segundos.As you see, the bomb on your screens will detonate in one minute, 15 seconds.
Cuando estemos a salvo en el espacio, el dispositivo Nova detonará y destruirá a Davros.When we're safely in space, the Nova Device will detonate and destroy Davros.
Cuando su caravana pase, mi operativo detonará un DEI.When his motorcade passes, my operative will detonate an IED.
El CTX detonará pronto.The CTX will detonate soon.
El contacto por más de 0,3 segundos detonará los 90 Kg. de explosivo que están debajo de tus pies.Sustained contact for longer than 0.3 seconds will detonate the 200 pounds of TNT directly beneath your feet.
Cancele el ataque o detonaremos al androide.Call off your attack, or we will detonate the android! Er, no.
Primero... detonaremos una bomba en esta isla deshabitada... como demostración de nuestro poder... y nuestra voluntad de ser humanitarios.First, we will detonate one weapon on this uninhabited island... as a demonstration of our power... and Crimson Jihad's willingness to be humanitarian.
Si fallas al respetar estas órdenes detonaremos el aparato remotamente.If you fail to respect these orders we will detonate the device by remote.
Hay cuatro correas alrededor de tus extremidades, y tienes que completar cuatro pruebas. Si no lo haces, detonarán las correas de los brazos y las piernas.There are four straps around your limbs, and you have four tests you must complete, for if you don't, the straps on your arms and legs will detonate.
Si hay una diferencia de milisegundos, las bombas se detonarán.If we're a millisecond early or late, the bombs will detonate.
Sus armas detonarán sobre el hemisferio norte.Its weapons will detonate over the northern hemisphere.
Una vez desplegadas, detonarán por espoleta de proximidad.Once deployed, they will detonate by proximity fuse.
Aunque tuviéramos la clase de potencia que necesitamos para llamar a Atlantis no podríamos hacerlo porque eso detonaría la bomba.Even if we had the kind of power needed to dial Atlantis, we couldn't, because that would detonate the bomb.
Si quisiera matarlo, detonaría ahora la bomba.'If I wanted to kill him, I would detonate the bomb right now.
Y si no iba con él la detonaría en Grand Central.and if I didn't go with him he would detonate it in Grand central.
Cuando detone, bombardeará las llamas con una sobredosis de radiación que hará que el cinturón explote hacia el espacio exterior.As it detonates, it will seed the flames with an overdose of radiation causing the belt to explode outward into space.
Cuando el chaleco se detone, la llama prenderá el nitrato de amonio.When the vest detonates, the ANFO ignites the ammonium nitrate.
Cuando el dispositivo detone, es la señal para que la flota ataque.When the device detonates, that is the signal for the fleet to attack.
Cuando el primero se detone, el pasadizo se abrirá.When the first one detonates, the wormhole will open.
Detengamos a este loco terrorista antes que detone una bomba nuclear en Wilshire Boulevard. ¿De acuerdo?Let's just stop this mad psychotic terrorist bad guy before he detonates a nuke on Wilshire Boulevard. All right?
Deja de esperar que esto nos explote, porque no va a pasar a menos que detones tu bomba de paranoia y locuraStop waiting for all this to blow up, because it's not going to unless you detonate your mad, paranoid, bomb vest. Sorry.
Necesito que detones una bomba anti-refugios en el extremo sur de las instalaciones.I need you to detonate a bunker bomb at the south end of the facility.
No detones hasta que lo oigas de mi.Do not detonate until you hear from me.
Voy a traerlo de regreso aquí, pero aún necesito que detones los explosivos.I'll get him back here, but I still need you to detonate the explosives.
Bien, así que cuando detonemos la bomba aquí, la salida a pié será por la puerta oeste.All right, so when we detonate the bomb here, exit on foot going through the west gate.
Espera que detonemos las bombas.He was supposed to wait to detonate his bombs.
Muy bien, chicos, detonemos en silencio para que lo tome desprevenido y no lo suelte.Okay, guys. We want to detonate quietly. We want it to creep up on him and grip him like a noose.
Según el plan, el general Masterson quiere que detonemos una bomba nuclear en la fosa Yap.The plan from Air Force Chief Masterson is to detonate nuclear explosions in Yap Trench.
No detonéis las cargas hasta que estén todos en el caminoDon't detonate till they're all the way in
- 2, 4, 6, 8, no dejaremos que lo detonen.2, 4, 6, 8, we won't let you detonate.
- Cuanto falta para que detonen el campo minado?- How long till they detonate the mines?
- Solo tiene 7 horas. antes que detonen el campo minado y empiesen a traer los refuerzos por el Wormhole.He's only got seven hours before they detonate the minefield and start bringing reinforcements through the wormhole.
4, 6, 8, no dejaremos que lo detonen.2, 4, 6, 8, we won't let you detonate.
Cuando detonen los misiles... el mundo acudirá al hombre más poderoso.When these missiles detonate, the world will turn to the most powerful man on the planet.
Ahora ¡detonad la Bomba de Realidad!Now... ..detonate the Reality Bomb!
"Hemos detonado uno de los explosivos cercanos al reactor""We have detonated one of the explosives around the reactor.
- Era como si lo hubieran detonado.. - Sí, detonado.." It was like, as if they had detonated? " " Yeah, detonated." " Take out the building.
-...detonado por celular.- cell phone detonated.
A las ocho de la esta mañana... los Estados Unidos han detonado una bomba de hidrógeno sobre la isla Johnston en el Pacífico sur...At eight a. m. this morning the United States detonated a hydrogen bomb above Johnston Island in the South Pacific
A pesar de haber querido ayudar Miranda había detonado una especie de bomba de culpa católica.In her effort to help... Miranda had accidentally detonated some kind of Catholic guilt bomb.
Asumo que quieren sabotear la planta, posiblemente detonando algún artefacto.l assume you're going to sabotage the plant probably by detonating some kind of device.
Están detonando proyectiles de ultrinio.Those are ultritium concussion shells they're detonating.
Listos torpedos en series escalonadas detonando cada diez segundos.I have set the photons to fire in staggered rounds, detonating in ten-second intervals.
Los soviéticos por octubre estaban detonando una bomba de 30 megatones la mayor hasta la fecha.The Soviets by October were detonating a 30 mega ton bomb the biggest yet exploded.
Mi amigo no está detonando en todos los cilindros.My friend is not detonating on all cylinders.

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