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Deteriorarse (to deteriorate) conjugation

15 examples

Conjugation of deteriorarse

Present tense
me deterioro
I deteriorate
te deterioras
you deteriorate
se deteriora
he/she/it deteriorates
nos deterioramos
we deteriorate
os deterioráis
you all deteriorate
se deterioran
they deteriorate
Present perfect tense
he deteriorado
I have deteriorated
has deteriorado
you have deteriorated
ha deteriorado
he/she/it has deteriorated
hemos deteriorado
we have deteriorated
habéis deteriorado
you all have deteriorated
han deteriorado
they have deteriorated
Past preterite tense
me deterioré
I deteriorated
te deterioraste
you deteriorated
se deterioró
he/she/it deteriorated
nos deterioramos
we deteriorated
os deteriorasteis
you all deteriorated
se deterioraron
they deteriorated
Future tense
me deterioraré
I will deteriorate
te deteriorarás
you will deteriorate
se deteriorará
he/she/it will deteriorate
nos deterioraremos
we will deteriorate
os deterioraréis
you all will deteriorate
se deteriorarán
they will deteriorate
Conditional mood
me deterioraría
I would deteriorate
te deteriorarías
you would deteriorate
se deterioraría
he/she/it would deteriorate
nos deterioraríamos
we would deteriorate
os deterioraríais
you all would deteriorate
se deteriorarían
they would deteriorate
Past imperfect tense
me deterioraba
I used to to deteriorate
te deteriorabas
you used to to deteriorate
se deterioraba
he/she/it used to to deteriorate
nos deteriorábamos
we used to to deteriorate
os deteriorabais
you all used to to deteriorate
se deterioraban
they used to to deteriorate
Past perfect tense
había deteriorado
I had deteriorated
habías deteriorado
you had deteriorated
había deteriorado
he/she/it had deteriorated
habíamos deteriorado
we had deteriorated
habíais deteriorado
you all had deteriorated
habían deteriorado
they had deteriorated
Future perfect tense
habré deteriorado
I will have deteriorated
habrás deteriorado
you will have deteriorated
habrá deteriorado
he/she/it will have deteriorated
habremos deteriorado
we will have deteriorated
habréis deteriorado
you all will have deteriorated
habrán deteriorado
they will have deteriorated
Present subjunctive tense
me deteriore
(if/so that) I deteriorate
te deteriores
(if/so that) you deteriorate
se deteriore
(if/so that) he/she/it deteriorate
nos deterioremos
(if/so that) we deteriorate
os deterioréis
(if/so that) you all deteriorate
se deterioren
(if/so that) they deteriorate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya deteriorado
I have deteriorated
hayas deteriorado
you have deteriorated
haya deteriorado
he/she/it has deteriorated
hayamos deteriorado
we have deteriorated
hayáis deteriorado
you all have deteriorated
hayan deteriorado
they have deteriorated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me deteriorara
(if/so that) I have deteriorated
te deterioraras
(if/so that) you have deteriorated
se deteriorara
(if/so that) he/she/it have deteriorated
nos deterioráramos
(if/so that) we have deteriorated
os deteriorarais
(if/so that) you all have deteriorated
se deterioraran
(if/so that) they have deteriorated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me deteriorase
(if/so that) I have deteriorated
te deteriorases
(if/so that) you have deteriorated
se deteriorase
(if/so that) he/she/it have deteriorated
nos deteriorásemos
(if/so that) we have deteriorated
os deterioraseis
(if/so that) you all have deteriorated
se deteriorasen
(if/so that) they have deteriorated
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera deteriorado
I had deteriorated
hubieras deteriorado
you had deteriorated
hubiera deteriorado
he/she/it had deteriorated
hubiéramos deteriorado
we had deteriorated
hubierais deteriorado
you all had deteriorated
hubieran deteriorado
they had deteriorated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese deteriorado
I had deteriorated
hubieses deteriorado
you had deteriorated
hubiese deteriorado
he/she/it had deteriorated
hubiésemos deteriorado
we had deteriorated
hubieseis deteriorado
you all had deteriorated
hubiesen deteriorado
they had deteriorated
Future subjunctive tense
me deteriorare
(if/so that) I will have deteriorated
te deteriorares
(if/so that) you will have deteriorated
se deteriorare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have deteriorated
nos deterioráremos
(if/so that) we will have deteriorated
os deteriorareis
(if/so that) you all will have deteriorated
se deterioraren
(if/so that) they will have deteriorated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere deteriorado
I will have deteriorated
hubieres deteriorado
you will have deteriorated
hubiere deteriorado
he/she/it will have deteriorated
hubiéremos deteriorado
we will have deteriorated
hubiereis deteriorado
you all will have deteriorated
hubieren deteriorado
they will have deteriorated
Imperative mood
let's deteriorate!
Imperative negative mood
no te deteriores
do not deteriorate!
no se deteriore
don't let him/her/it deteriorate!
no nos deterioremos
let us not deteriorate!
no os deterioréis
do not deteriorate!
no se deterioren
do not deteriorate!

Examples of deteriorarse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Fue para esta época que mi relación de larga data con los Angels empezó a deteriorarse.depp: "it was about this time that my long-standing rapport with the angels began to deteriorate.
- Por supuesto. - A medida que la privacion se hace más pronunciada el tejido mismo comienza a deteriorarse literalmente sofocado por la falta de oxígeno.- As the deprlvatlon becomes more pronounced the tissue itself begins to deteriorate literally suffocating from the lack of oxygen.
Componente, por lo tanto, inestable y propenso a deteriorarse.Component, therefore, unstable and liable to deteriorate.
El ADN mutado de su hígado ha empezado a deteriorarse pero el código original no lo reemplaza.Doctor, the mutated DNA in his liver cells has begun to deteriorate, but the original coding isn't taking over.
En unos pocos días, triunfará... entonces el cerebro comenzará a deteriorarse, descomponerse, y finalmente... pudrirse a nada.In a few days, it'll succeed... then the brain will begin to deteriorate, decay, and finally... rot to nothing.
"Mr. Chamberlain mantiene que la guerra puede ser evitada, pero Hitler no ha cambiado sus condiciones y la situación internacional se ha deteriorado.'Mr Chamberlain maintains that war can be averted, 'but Hitler has not altered his demands 'and the international situation has deteriorated.'
- Está muy deteriorado.It's pretty deteriorated.
- Tenían todo muy deteriorado.- They have all deteriorated so much.
A lo largo de los siglos, a pesar de nuestros mayores esfuerzos las líneas de sangre se han deteriorado.Over the centuries, despite our best efforts, the bloodlines have deteriorated.
Andy, Parece que tus poderes se han deteriorado desde que estás aquí.Listen, Andy, we've determined that your power has deteriorated since you got here.
Así será... Un pequeño tubo con una capa de goma que está deteriorándose.It's gonna be a test tube with a rubber cap that's deteriorating.
Con los riñones y el hígado de Gabriel, deteriorándose a este ritmo.With Gabriel's kidneys and liver deteriorating at these rates,
El estado de CT-5385 parece estar deteriorándose.CT-5385's condition seems to be deteriorating.
El implante está deteriorándose.The implant is deteriorating.
La aventura de Munch con la Sra. Heiberg ya está deteriorándose.Munch's affair with Mrs. Heiberg is already deteriorating.

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