Ma rüüstan, ma sondeerin... kuid ma tunnen ennast tüdrukuga rääkides ebamugavalt. | I will pillage, I will probe... but I'm really not comfortable just talking to a girl. |
Vean kihla, et kui sa küllalt põhjalikult sondeerid, siis saad teada, et paljud probleemid on meil ühised. | I bet you, if you probed hard enough, you'd find out that we're on the same team on a lot of these issues. |
Nende komandör üritas varjata seda fakti, kui ta mõistust sondeerisin. | Their commander attempted to conceal that fact as I probed her mind. |
Sa sondeerisid mu mõistust, ilmselge, et ma ei saa sind takistada. | I mean, you probed my mind at will, I obviously can't stop you. |
Anubis sondeeris Thor'i mõistust ja sai seeläbi ligipääsu Asgarid kiiretehnoloogiale. | Anubis probed Thor's mind, thus gaining access to Asgard beaming technology. |
See sondeeris meie süsteemi nii, et ei lasknud end avastada. | It very selectively probed our systems without damaging them or exposing itself. |
Te sondeerisite meie meeli. | You have probed our minds. |
Hakkad sa meid sondeerima? | Are you gonna probe us? |
Me peame sügavamalt sondeerima, ja tegema seda enne teisi. | We have to probe further, and we have to do it soon... before anyone else starts poking around. |
Tähendab nende mõistust hakatakse sondeerima iga hetk. | Which means their minds will be probed for information any minute now. |
Inim-paljuneja üritab praegusel hetkel su aju sondeerida. | The human form Replicator is attempting to probe your mind, as we speak. |
Inimpaljuneja üritab su mõistust sondeerida. | The human form Replicator is attempting to probe your mind, as we speak. |