Ja veel... kas on juhus, et kirjutate kõik pisiasjadeni oma päevikusse ja unustate teha märkuse Ambrosoli roima kohta? | Furthermore, you jot down everything scrupulously in your diary, so is it by chance that you forgot to write about the Ambrosoli crime? |
Kas on juhus, mida ütleb magistraat Viola, et kui te poleks kaitsnud Sindonat, poleks toimunud Ambrosoli roima? | Is it by chance that the Magistrate Viola says: If you hadn't protected Sindona, the Ambrosoli crime wouldn't have happened? |
Ma võin vaid pakkuda, et valdav vampiiride vihkamine, mis on püsinud peale Russell Edgingtoni poolt sooritatud õõvastavat roima, on sellega mingil moel seotud. | Well, see uh, I can only guess that the pervasive anti-vampire hatred that has persisted since the heinous crime perpetrated by Russell Edgington had something to do with it. Mmm. |