-Ma kaeban liiga palju. | - I complain too much. |
Kas ma kaeban nende üle? | Did I ever complain about that? |
Ma kaeban isiklikult presidendile ära. | I'm complaining personally to the president. |
- Sa kaebad? | - You're complaining? |
Esimene päev tagasi tööl ja juba kaebad. | First day back, and you're still complaining. |
Kui kaebad, ütlevad vanemad, et oled kade ning saad karistada. | 'Cause if you complain, they say you're jealous and punish you. |
Ma ei tea, miks sa kaebad oma mobiiltelefoni teenuse pärast, sest minu oma on hea. | I don't know why you keep complaining About your cell phone service, 'cause mine's fine. |
Ise seadis end tulejoonest nii kaugele, nüüd kaebab, et ei näe. | He sets himself up a mile away with fire control, then complains he can't see. |
Ja mu ema kaebab milline on tema pensionile pakendis. | And my mother complains about her retirement package. |
Kardan, et kui ta magistraadile kaebab... | If he complains to the magistrate, I worry... |
Kardan, et kui tema magistraadile kaebab... | If he complains to the magistrate, I worry-- |
- Me kaebame vastavatesse instantsidesse! | - He's taunting us! - We're going to complain! |
Me kaebame vastavatesse instantsidesse! | - We're going to complain! |
Muidugi me kaebame. | I mean, we complain. |
Ja siis, te veel kaebate kui saate kõigest pool. | And then, you complain that we get half of everything. |
Kui te panete kokku inimese ja masina, miks te siis kaebate, et inimosa võtab vastu otsuseid? | How can you interface human and machine then complain when the human part makes a decision? |
Ma ei saa aru mille üle te nüüd kaebate? | I don't? Look I don't know what you're complaining about now? |
- Nad kaebavad. | - They're complainin'. |
- Vabanda hilise tülitamise tõttu, kuid sinu naabrid kaebavad lärmi üle. | - Sorry for 't late hour ... but the neighbors complained about the noise. |
Bussi ventilatsioon läks katki, ja need ameerika jobud muudkui kaebavad! | The bus air conditioner, it break, and these American idiots never stops to complain, complain, complain. |
- Ma ei kaeba. | - I am not complaining. |
Beau ei kaeba. | Beau is not complaining. |
Ma ei kaeba, sest vaatame tõele näkku, mina olen arvuliselt vähemuses. | I'm not complaining, 'cause, let's face it, I'm outnumbered. |
Ma ei kaeba. | Hey, I'm not complaining. |
-Ma juba kaebasin. | - I've complained. |
Othar, ma kaebasin täna Weemacki peale. | Othar, I went and complained about Weemack today, |
Aga sina kaebasid ja su advokaadid mõjutasid ametnikke. | But you complained and your team of lawyers leaned on the authorities. |
Jerry ütles, et sa kaebasid minu... | Well, Jerry said that you complained about my... |
Ma kuulsin, et jäid esmaspäevasele loengule tulemata ning mõlemad tudengid kaebasid sinu peale. | I heard you missed your Monday lecture and both of your students complained. |
01:07:20,236 --> 01:07:21,669 Meredith kaebas, et Amanda pidevalt tassib võõraid mehi koju. | Meredith complained that Amanda brought strange men back to the house. |
Ja nüüd tuleb välja, et ta kaebas mu peale Tobyle. | And now it turns out she complained about me to Toby. |
Kaks kuud tagasi kaebas ta valulist kurku ja ta sai ampicillin. | Two months ago, she complained of a sore throat, and he got her ampicillin. |
Ma kardan, et mõned naabrid on kaebas häirimist. | I'm afraid some neighbors have complained of a disturbance. |
"Kui tahad, tõuse üles mu sõnadega"... ..kuid pärast ära kaeba, kui kukud tagasi sügavikku." | "Rise up on my spokes if you like... ..but don't complain when you're cast back down into the depths." |
- Ma ei kaeba. | - I am not complaining. |
- Minu kliendid ei kaeba. | - My clients don't complain. |
- Näiteks sööd sa palju taimetoitu ega kaeba selle üle kunagi. | - Like, you're going to eat a lot of vegetarian food and not complain about it. |
1 8. sajandi lõpuks hakkasid Pariisi elanikud kaebama, et pungil täis kalmistult levib kohutavat lehka. | By the end of the 1700s, residents from all over Paris began to complain about the horrible smell of the bodies in the overcrowded cemetery. |
Ega te tulnud ometi lärmi pärast kaebama? | Y'all aren't here to complain about the noise, are you? |
Härra, nad tulid kaebama ühe kanalisatsiooni lekkest tekkinud tiigi üle. | Sir, they've come to complain about a sewage pond. |
- Me ei saa lasta inimestel kaevata, et juustuvõileivas pole piisavalt juustu. | You can't have complaints there's not enough cheese in the cheese sandwiches. |
- Tseesar, ma tahan kaevata... - Anna mulle dokumendid. | Caesar, I must complain about the vow... |
Aga nüüd on teil veel neli päeva minu peale kaevata. | But this will give you 4 more days to complain about me. |
"Ma ei kuulnud ühtki kaebust korter 306 elanikult ja keegi ei kaevanud kunagi tema pärast. | "I never heard a single complaint from the tenant... in apartment 306, and nobody complained about him. |
- Keegi pole kaevanud. | -Nobody complained. |
Aga seni pole te kaevanud. | But you have never complained before. |
Sa oled kaevanud kõigi peale siin kontoris, väljaarvatud Dwighti, mis on kummaline, sest kõigil teistel on olnud probleeme Dwightiga. | You have complained about everybody in the office, except Dwight, which is odd because everyone else has had run-ins with Dwight. |