Mondly VS Duolingo: Which Language Learning App is Better in 2024?

Updated on: January 18, 2024

To learn more about Mondly VS Duolingo let's take a look at the milestones and stories of these companies. Duolingo, established in 2011 by Luis von Ahn and Severin Hacker, has emerged as a powerhouse in the language-learning app domain, boasting a gamified approach characterized by bite-sized lessons. The platform, renowned for its user-friendly interface and diverse language offerings, has garnered widespread global popularity. 

Duolingo's success lies in its effective use of gamification, incorporating elements such as quizzes and rewards to create an engaging learning experience. The app is freely accessible, with a premium subscription option providing users with added features like an ad-free environment, offline access, and progress tracking.

In contrast, Mondly, introduced by ATi Studios in 2014, seeks to carve its niche by blending language learning with Virtual Reality (VR) elements. While not as universally recognized as Duolingo, Mondly has gained traction, particularly among users seeking an alternative, immersive language-learning experience. The app covers a variety of languages and distinguishes itself through features like VR integration, conversation practice, and daily challenges. 

Mondly offers free, premium versions, potentially providing offline capabilities and additional features. The platform's innovative use of VR sets it apart, providing users with a unique and interactive approach to language acquisition. Ultimately, the choice between Duolingo and Mondly may hinge on individual preferences and learning styles, with both apps offering distinct approaches to language education.

In comparing Mondly and Duolingo for language learners, the decision hinges on individual preferences and learning styles. Duolingo was renowned for its gamified approach and broad language selection. On the other hand, Mondly distinguishes itself through Virtual Reality integration. The choice depends on whether users prefer Duolingo's established gamification model or Mondly's innovative use of VR for more interactive language learning, with both apps aiming to cater to diverse language-learning needs.

Pros and Cons

We will present you with a snapshot of the strengths and weaknesses of both Mondly and Duolingo, aiding users in making informed decisions based on their preferences and language learning priorities.

Learning ApproachGamified, bite-sized lessons, quizzes, and rewards.VR integration for an immersive learning experience, conversation practice.
Language OptionsWide range of languages available.Covers multiple languages beyond mainstream options.
User InterfaceUser-friendly, straightforward design.Engaging interface with VR elements for visual stimulation.
Innovative FeaturesConstantly introduces new features and updates.Utilizes Virtual Reality (VR) technology for an interactive experience.
MonetizationFree with optional premium subscription for additional features.Offers both free and premium versions with potential offline access.
Learning ApproachSome users may find the gamified approach less traditional.VR integration may not appeal to users looking for a more conventional learning experience.
Language OptionsLimited advanced-level content for some languages.The variety of languages may not be as extensive as in some other platforms.
User InterfaceThe gamified interface may not suit everyone's learning style.VR elements may not be universally liked, and some users may find them distracting.
Innovative FeaturesGamification may not provide enough depth for advanced learners.VR may require additional equipment and may not be suitable for all users.
MonetizationPremium subscription needed for some advanced features.Premium version cost may deter budget-conscious users.

Language Selection

  • Duolingo: Duolingo offers over 100 courses teaching 40+ languages; it offers courses in a wide range of languages, including but not limited to popular ones like Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and many more. 
  • Mondly: Similar to Duolingo, Mondly offers courses in 41 multiple languages. The specific number of languages may vary, but it generally provides courses in languages beyond the commonly offered ones. 

Both platforms provide a variety of languages, with Duolingo offering a wider range of courses. However, the demand for languages may vary based on user preferences and the popularity of specific languages. 

Duolingo stands out for its extensive language selection. The inclusion of popular languages like Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and many more caters to the high demand for widely spoken languages. Mondly's focus on going beyond mainstream options demonstrates a commitment to meeting the demand for various languages, appealing to learners with diverse linguistic interests.

Authenticity in language courses we can refer to using real-life materials, tasks, and learning environments that mirror the actual language use in everyday situations. Both Duolingo and Mondly aim to provide authentic language learning experiences, but their approaches may differ.

Mondly VS Duolingo 1

Both platforms prioritize authenticity in language learning, but their focus and implementation may vary. Duolingo emphasizes a fun and engaging learning experience, while Mondly focuses on immersion and interaction. The choice between the two platforms depends on individual learning preferences and goals.

User Experience

Ease of Use and Interface Design

Duolingo is widely praised for its user-friendly interface and straightforward design. The app's layout is intuitive, making it easy for users to navigate lessons and exercises. The gamified elements, such as colorful illustrations and a progress-tracking system, contribute to a visually engaging and accessible learning experience.

Mondly offers an interface that is both engaging and user-friendly. Incorporating Virtual Reality (VR) elements adds a unique touch, providing users with an immersive learning environment. While the VR features might be an adjustment for some, the overall design aims to make language learning visually stimulating and interactive.

Personalization and Goal Setting

Duolingo offers a degree of personalization through its placement test, allowing users to start at an appropriate skill level. Additionally, users can set daily learning goals and receive reminders, fostering a sense of accountability. The app's adaptive learning system adjusts the difficulty of lessons based on individual performance, providing a somewhat personalized learning path.

Mondly provides personalization through its chatbot feature, allowing users to engage in simulated conversations for practical language application. The app also supports goal setting, enabling users to set daily targets. However, the level of personalization may not be as extensive as in some other platforms, and goal-setting options might be somewhat limited.

Gamification and Motivation

Gamification is a crucial aspect of Duolingo's approach. Users earn points and virtual currency for completing lessons, streaks for consistent daily practice, and virtual rewards for achievements. This gamified structure contributes to user motivation, encouraging regular engagement and progression through the language-learning journey.

Mondly employs gamification elements to keep users motivated. Daily challenges, rewards for completing lessons, and a point system contribute to a sense of accomplishment. The use of VR in language learning adds an extra layer of motivation, offering an innovative and immersive experience that can be particularly appealing to users seeking a dynamic and engaging approach.

Teaching Methods

Duolingo's straightforward and gamified structure may appeal to those seeking a structured and rewarding experience, while Mondly's incorporation of VR and chatbot interactions caters to users looking for a more immersive and interactive language-learning journey.

Gamified LearningVirtual Reality (VR) Integration
Bite-sized LessonsChatbot Conversations
Voice RecognitionWriting Exercises
Translation ExercisesListening Comprehension

Speaking, writing, reading, listening practice


  • Speaking Practice: Duolingo incorporates speaking practice through voice recognition technology. Users are prompted to speak sentences in the target language, and the app provides feedback on pronunciation. 
  • Writing Practice: Include translating sentences, forming sentences, and completing prompts. Users reinforce written language skills and promote understanding of grammar and vocabulary.
  • Reading Practice: Duolingo's reading exercises involve tasks such as comprehension exercises, sentence translation, and matching words to their meanings. 
  • Listening Practice: The platform offers listening exercises where users listen to spoken phrases or sentences and then choose the correct translation or respond to related questions. 


  • Speaking Practice: Mondly strongly emphasizes speaking practice through its chatbot feature. Users engage in simulated conversations with the chatbot, enhancing practical language application and conversational skills.
  • Writing Practice: Writing exercises in Mondly involve forming sentences, completing prompts, and translating sentences. 
  • Reading Practice: Reading exercises include comprehension tasks, sentence translation, and matching exercises in Mondly.
  • Listening Practice: Mondly's listening exercises include tasks such as listening to spoken phrases or sentences and selecting the correct response. 

Use of native speakers:

Both Duolingo and Mondly use native speakers in their language courses to provide authentic language learning experiences.

Duolingo incorporates native speakers in its audio recordings to provide learners with authentic pronunciation and intonation. The app offers various exercises and activities involving native speakers, contributing to a more immersive learning experience5.

Mondly also utilizes native speakers in its audio recordings to ensure learners are exposed to authentic pronunciation and speech patterns. Aims to create an immersive learning environment by incorporating native speakers in its language courses.

Pricing and Value

Both Duolingo and Mondly offer free and premium versions of their language courses. The free versions of both platforms provide basic language lessons and exercises, while the premium versions offer more advanced features, comprehensive content, and personalized learning experiences.


  • Offers a free version with basic lessons and exercises and a premium version called Duolingo Plus that removes ads and offers additional features.
  • The learning materials in Duolingo's free and paid versions are precisely the same.
  • The premium version of Duolingo offers a richer learning experience with more advanced features and content.


  • Offers a free version with basic lessons and exercises and a premium version called Mondly Premium that provides access to more advanced features and content.
  • The premium version of Mondly offers a more immersive and interactive learning experience, with personalized learning paths and tailored lessons.

The subscription costs for language learning platforms like Duolingo and Mondly can vary based on the features and services offered. However, it's important to note that subscription fatigue is a growing concern, with consumers significantly underestimating their monthly subscription spending. 

When considering the subscription costs of language learning platforms like Duolingo and Mondly, it's essential for consumers to carefully evaluate their overall subscription spending and consider the value they receive from each service.

Access to Languages35 languages (English speakers)41 languages (at different learning levels)
Learning StructureStructured courses with game-like elementsInteractive and immersive learning experience
Interactive ToolsExercises and tools resembling a gameInteractive and immersive learning experience
Ad RemovalYesNot explicitly mentioned
Additional FeaturesAd-free experienceUnlimited hearts (mobile)Unlimited legendary level attemptsUnlimited timed challenge attemptsComplete access to practice hub/personalized practiceMonthly streak repairSuper Duolingo app iconMore advanced features and contentCustomized daily lessonsWeekly quizzesMonthly challengesLearning path for all languagesVariety of language learning elements (vocabulary, speaking, listening, grammar, reading, writing, conversation), Innovative features (AR, chatbots)
Cost$6.99 per month
$83.88 per year (equivalent to $6.99/month)
Family plan: $119.99 per year for up to six people (equivalent to $9.99/month for up to six people)
Monthly access: $12.95
Yearly subscription: $6.95/month or $83.40/year.

Progress Tracking

Duolingo provides a dashboard with daily goals, challenges, league rankings, user profiles, streaks, and a points system. It tracks progress through stars for completed lessons, snails for XP earned, and the percentage of users who completed the course. Mastery of skills is determined by the number of experience points (XP) earned, and users must complete a series of lessons to "level up." Also, Duolingo offers offline access to lessons and content, allowing users to learn without an internet connection.

The Dashboard on Mondly provides a progress tracker that shows how well users have maintained their daily study routine, daily lessons, monthly challenges, and weekly quizzes; it tracks lesson completion and mastery of skills. Mondly's lessons are unavailable offline by default, but users can download lessons offline in the premium version. 

Mondly VS Duolingo 2

Supplementary Resources

Both Duolingo and Mondly offer supplementary resources like additional learning content, stories, podcasts, and supporting communities to practice.

Duolingo and Mondly additional learning content includes alphabet charts, stories, and podcasts related to the language being learned. As well as Stories and podcasts related to the language being learned. Mondly has a community for discussing language learning and sharing experiences

Conclusion: Mondly VS Duolingo

The decision between Mondly and Duolingo comes down when looking at the differences that cater to diverse learning preferences. Mondly distinguishes itself by emphasizing conversation skills, integrating augmented reality (AR) lessons for an immersive experience, and utilizing voice recognition technology for pronunciation feedback. 

Duolingo, in contrast, leverages technological innovations through podcasts and stories, emphasizing a gamified approach to language acquisition. Both platforms share core features such as vocabulary builders, daily lessons, and quizzes, providing free access with premium subscription options for an enhanced experience.

For most language learners in 2023, the choice between Mondly and Duolingo depends on individual preferences. Mondly suits those seeking a conversational focus, AR engagement, and precision in pronunciation. Alternatively, Duolingo appeals to learners looking for diversity in content, including podcasts and stories, and a vibrant community experience through discussion forums, events, and clubs. The recommendation lies in aligning the choice with the learner's goals and preferred learning methods, as both platforms have proven efficacy in fostering language acquisition. Exploring Mondly and Duolingo allows users to determine which aligns best with their unique learning needs and preferences.


What distinguishes Mondly and Duolingo in terms of language learning approach?

  • Mondly: Places a strong emphasis on interactive conversations and augmented reality (AR) lessons and uses voice recognition technology for pronunciation feedback.
  • Duolingo: Focuses on gamified lessons and diverse content through podcasts and 

stories and employs a variety of activities to reinforce language concepts.

Are there any technological innovations that set Mondly and Duolingo apart?

  • Mondly: Introduces augmented reality (AR) lessons, offering an immersive learning experience.
  • Duolingo: Integrates podcasts and stories, using technology to engage users in real-world language scenarios.

How do Mondly and Duolingo support community interaction?

  • Mondly: May include community features, allowing users to connect and practice together.
  • Duolingo: Offers discussion forums, events, and clubs to foster a sense of community among language enthusiasts.

What kind of supplementary resources do Mondly and Duolingo provide?

  • Mondly: Utilizes voice recognition technology for pronunciation, daily lessons, quizzes and may include stories and conversations in the target language.
  • Duolingo: Offers interactive stories, podcasts, Tinycards for flashcards, and a premium subscription option called Duolingo Plus.

Which app is recommended for most language learners in 2023?

The choice between Mondly and Duolingo depends on individual preferences and learning styles. Mondly is recommended for those seeking a conversational focus and AR engagement, while Duolingo appeals to learners desiring diverse content and a vibrant community experience. Exploring both apps is encouraged to determine the best fit for unique learning needs.

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  2. Duolingo Statistics: Key Numbers on the Language Learning Platform in 2024
  3. Mondly Review: Pros, Cons, and Comparison to Top Alternatives
  4. Duolingo Review: Features, Pricing, and How It Compares for Language Learning
Carolina is a skilled content strategist and storyteller with over 7 years of experience in language education and the development of engaging learning materials. Leveraging her background in linguistics and scriptwriting, she crafts immersive stories and content that help language learners grasp new concepts. Carolina's work in the film and media industries allows her to bring a creative lens to language instruction and utilize multimedia tools to connect with diverse learners.