How to Learn Indonesian Fast: The Complete Guide with Resources

Updated on: October 21, 2023

Welcome to this guide on how to learn Indonesian where you will find useful advice and tips to get immersed in this ancient language and its culture. 

Learning Indonesian offers several personal and professional benefits. Imagine connecting with the vibrant culture of Indonesia, a land of diverse traditions and stunning landscapes.

Professionally, Indonesian can be a game-changer. With over 270 million speakers, it's one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Companies are seeking individuals who can communicate with this global audience, and by learning Indonesian, you'll enhance your career prospects.

You might wonder, "Why Indonesian?" Well, the answer lies in its global popularity. Indonesia's influence is on the rise, from its booming economy to its vibrant arts scene. This nation of islands is attracting attention, and knowing the language can be your ticket to experiencing it firsthand. Let's explore the best ways to start your language-learning journey.

Online Courses: Your Pathway to Learning Indonesian

So, you're ready to dive into the world of Indonesian language learning. Where do you begin? Online courses offer a structured and effective way to start your journey from scratch. Here's a guide to some reputable options that can help you get started:

  • Indonesian Language Online - University of Hawai'i at Mānoa: Whether you're a beginner or an advanced student, you'll find valuable resources covering grammar, vocabulary, and cultural insights. Interactive lessons engage learners with audio recordings, quizzes, and cultural context, offering a well-rounded experience. The high-quality materials, developed by a respected institution, make this course a trusted resource. Moreover, the self-paced nature of the course allows flexibility for those with busy schedules, and the best part is that all these resources are available for free, ensuring accessibility to a wide audience.
  • Indonesian Language Lessons - University of Victoria: This free resource includes a series of lessons that cover fundamental topics, including greetings, numbers, and basic conversations. What sets these lessons apart is the incorporation of audio resources, allowing learners to improve their pronunciation and listening skills through native speaker recordings. Additionally, cultural insights are seamlessly integrated into the curriculum, giving learners a more comprehensive understanding of the Indonesian language and culture. The user-friendly interface makes navigation a breeze, making it suitable for self-learners. 
  • Indonesian Language Learning Modules - Ohio University: These modules cover a range of topics, such as greetings, travel, and food, allowing learners to tailor their learning experience. What makes these modules particularly engaging is the inclusion of audio and visual resources, including real-life interaction videos, enriching the learning process. Some modules also provide quizzes and self-assessment tools, enabling learners to gauge their progress effectively. Accessible to all for free, these modules serve as a valuable resource for learners seeking a diverse and interactive learning approach.

Tutoring: Your Personalized Path to Indonesian Proficiency

While online courses provide structured learning, personalized tutoring can be your secret tool to becoming fluent in Indonesian. Here's a look at three platforms where you can find free tutoring in Indonesian language:

  • iTalki: You can connect with native Indonesian speakers who offer personalized lessons. The one-on-one sessions allow you to focus on your specific needs, whether it's improving pronunciation, practicing conversation, or diving into grammar.
  • Tandem: You can connect with language partners who are fluent in Indonesian. This unique approach allows you to not only learn the language but also gain insights into Indonesian culture through conversations with native speakers.
  • HelloTalk: It is another great option for language exchange. You can chat with native speakers via text, voice messages, or even calls. The app provides handy tools for correcting each other's language, making it a dynamic learning experience.

Each of these platforms offers a distinct approach to tutoring, ensuring that you can find the style that suits you best. Whether you prefer structured lessons or informal conversations, personalized tutoring can significantly boost your language skills.

Apps: Your Pocket-Sized Indonesian Language Teachers

Learning Indonesian can be incredibly convenient with the right mobile apps. Here are three popular apps that offer free language learning resources for Indonesian language enthusiasts:

  • Drops: It is perfect for those who want to build their Indonesian vocabulary. This app offers quick, engaging lessons that focus on essential words and phrases. Its visually appealing design and game-like approach make learning Indonesian feel like a breeze.
  • Babbel: It is renowned for its comprehensive language courses, and Indonesian is no exception. The app provides structured lessons that cover all aspects of the language, from grammar to conversation. The "How to Learn Indonesian" emphasis here is on well-rounded proficiency.
  • Mango Languages: It is a comprehensive language-learning app offering structured, interactive lessons in Indonesian. It stands out with its focus on real-life conversations, allowing users to hear and engage in authentic dialogues. The app features speech recognition technology for pronunciation practice, mobile accessibility for on-the-go learning, cultural insights to deepen understanding, and progress tracking to keep learners motivated. 

Books: Your Time-Tested Path to Indonesian Proficiency

In this digital age, books remain a valuable resource for learning Indonesian. They offer in-depth knowledge and a structured approach. Here are three books that can help you on your language-learning journey:

  • "Indonesian for Beginners" by Aguswandi and Katherine Davidsen: This book is a fantastic starting point for beginners. It provides a comprehensive introduction to Indonesian grammar and vocabulary. The clear explanations and exercises make it easy to grasp the basics of the language.
  • "Conversational Indonesian" by C.L. Hill and Soenjono Dardjowidjojo: If your goal is to become conversational in Indonesian, this book is an excellent choice. It focuses on practical conversation skills, helping you engage in everyday interactions confidently.
  • "Complete Indonesian" by Christopher Byrnes and Eva Nyimas: For a more comprehensive approach, "Complete Indonesian" offers a well-structured course that covers reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It's suitable for learners who want a deep understanding of the language.

Books provide a wealth of knowledge and can serve as valuable companions to your other learning methods. You can work through them at your own pace, reinforcing what you've learned from online courses, tutoring sessions, and apps.

Videos and Podcasts: Dive into the Heart of Indonesian Language

Immersing yourself in Indonesian through videos and podcasts is not only educational but also fun. Here are three channels offering free videos and podcasts for learning Indonesian language:

  • YouTube - Bahasa Indonesia: YouTube is a treasure trove of Indonesian language resources. Channels like "Learn Indonesian with IndonesianPod101" offer a variety of video lessons that cater to different skill levels. You'll find videos on pronunciation, grammar, and everyday conversations.
  • IndonesianPod101 Podcast: It also has a podcast series that you can listen to on the go. These podcasts cover a range of topics and are great for improving your listening skills. You can find them on various podcast platforms.
  • SBS Bahasa Indonesia: For more advanced learners, "SBS Bahasa Indonesian" offers a unique way to stay updated with current events while improving your language skills. They provide news stories in Indonesian with some interviews in English making it easier to understand.

Listening to native speakers in real-life contexts is invaluable for language learning. Whether you're commuting, exercising, or relaxing, incorporating videos and podcasts into your routine can make your Indonesian learning process both enjoyable and productive.

How to Learn Indonesian Language for Free: A Treasure Hunt for Resources

Learning a language doesn't have to break the bank. There's a wealth of free resources available that can help you on your Indonesian language journey. Here's some resources you can use:

  • Cooljugator: It is a versatile online tool that simplifies the process of conjugating verbs in various languages, including Indonesian. With an intuitive interface, it offers quick access to verb conjugations for a wide range of tenses, moods, and voices. Whether you're studying a foreign language or seeking grammatical accuracy in your writing, Cooljugator provides instant verb conjugations with clear explanations, helping users effortlessly navigate the intricacies of verb usage.
  • Cambridge Dictionary English-Indonesian: It is a valuable resource for individuals looking to bridge the language gap between English and Indonesian. This comprehensive dictionary offers translations, definitions, and contextual usage examples, enabling users to understand and express ideas accurately in both languages. Whether you're a language learner, a traveler, or a professional seeking accurate translations, the Cambridge Dictionary English-Indonesian is a reliable tool for improving language proficiency and communication skills in these two languages.
  • Verbs in Indonesian - app2brain: This resource allows you to learn the main Indonesian verbs and listen to their pronunciation. With this tool you will be able to start building simple sentences to describe daily activities in the present, past and simple future tense. Additionally, it will allow you to learn simple vocabulary such as numbers, colors, food, body parts, among others.

If you want to keep looking for options of tools and resources for How to learn Indonesian for free, here are some tips to use in the general search engines that you can find on the internet:

  • Harness the Power of Search Engines: Simply type "Learn Indonesian for free" or "Free Indonesian language resources" into Google, and you'll discover a plethora of websites, apps, and online communities dedicated to helping learners like you.
  • Explore Social Media: Especially YouTube and Facebook, are goldmines for language learners. Many individuals and groups share free Indonesian language lessons, tips, and practice sessions. Join these communities to connect with fellow learners and access valuable content.
  • Dive into Online Forums: Look for threads where learners share their favorite websites, apps, and study techniques. You'll find recommendations and advice from those who have walked the path before you.

Popular/Common Phrases in Indonesian

Now that you've delved into the world of Indonesian, it's time to equip yourself with essential phrases for daily conversations. Here's a selection of popular and common phrases that will prove invaluable:


  • Selamat pagi (seh-lah-maht pah-gee) - Good morning
  • Selamat siang (seh-lah-maht see-ahng) - Good afternoon
  • Selamat sore (seh-lah-maht sor-ray) - Good evening
  • Selamat malam (seh-lah-maht mah-lahm) - Good night
  • Apa kabar? (ah-pah kah-bar) - How are you?
  • Baik (bah-eek) - Fine / Good
  • Terima kasih (teh-ree-mah kah-see) - Thank you
  • Sama-sama (sah-mah-sah-mah) - You're welcome / Likewise
  • Maaf (mah-ahf) - Sorry / Excuse me
  • Halo (hah-loh) - Hello

Basic Questions

  • Apa nama Anda? (ah-pah nah-mah Ahn-dah) - What is your name?
  • Berapa umur Anda? (beh-rah-pah oo-moor Ahn-dah) - How old are you?
  • Dari mana asal Anda? (dah-ree mah-nah ah-sahl Ahn-dah) - Where are you from?
  • Di mana Anda tinggal? (dee mah-nah Ahn-dah ting-gahl) - Where do you live?
  • Apa pekerjaan Anda? (ah-pah puh-keh-rah-ahn Ahn-dah) - What is your occupation?
  • Kapan ulang tahun Anda? (kah-pahn oo-lahng too-hahn Ahn-dah) - When is your birthday?
  • Apa bahasa yang Anda bicarakan? (ah-pah bah-hah-sah yang Ahn-dah bee-chah-rah-kahn) - What language do you speak?
  • Mau pergi ke mana? (mau per-gee keh mah-nah) - Where do you want to go?
  • Apa yang Anda suka? (ah-pah yang Ahn-dah soo-kah) - What do you like?
  • Berapa harganya? (beh-rah-pah hahr-gah-nyah) - How much does it cost?

Travel phrases

  • Saya ingin tiket pesawat. (Sah-yah een-geen tee-ket peh-sah-waht) - I want a plane ticket.
  • Di mana stasiun kereta api? (Dee mah-nah stah-see-yoon keh-reh-tah ah-pee) - Where is the train station?
  • Tolong, berapa biayanya ke bandara? (Toh-lohng, beh-rah-pah bee-ah-yahn-yah keh ban-dah-rah) - Please, how much is it to the airport?
  • Saya mencari hotel yang bagus. (Sah-yah men-chah-ree ho-tehl yang bah-goos) - I'm looking for a good hotel.
  • Apa yang ada di dekat sini untuk dilihat? (Ah-pah yang ah-dah dee deh-kat see-nee oon-took dee-lee-aht) - What is there to see nearby?
  • Saya butuh peta kota ini. (Sah-yah boo-tooh peh-tah ko-tah ee-nee) - I need a map of this city.
  • Saya ingin menuju pantai. (Sah-yah een-geen meh-noo-joo pahn-tah-ee) - I want to go to the beach.
  • Apakah ada restoran yang buka larut malam di sini? (Ah-pah-kah ah-dah rehs-toh-rahn yang boo-kah lah-root mah-lahm dee see-nee) - Is there a late-night restaurant here?
  • Bolehkah saya menyewa sepeda? (Boh-leh-kah sah-yah men-ye-wah sep-eh-dah) - Can I rent a bicycle?
  • Berapa jarak dari sini ke pusat kota? (Beh-rah-pah jah-rah dah-ree see-nee keh poo-saht ko-tah) - How far is it from here to the city center?

Phrases you can use at work or university

  • Saya sedang bekerja. (Sah-yah suh-dahng beh-kehr-jah) - I am working.
  • Ini proyek besar. (Ee-nee pro-yek beh-sahr) - This is a big project.
  • Saya perlu bantuan. (Sah-yah pehr-loo bahn-too-ahn) - I need help.
  • Pekerjaan ini menantang. (Peh-kehr-jahn ee-nee meh-nahn-tahng) - This job is challenging.
  • Saya harus menyelesaikan tugas ini. (Sah-yah hah-roos mehn-ye-leh-sah-ee-kan too-gahs ee-nee) - I have to complete this task.
  • Saya belajar setiap hari. (Sah-yah beh-lah-yahr seh-tee-ahp hah-ree) - I study every day.
  • Kelas itu sangat informatif. (Keh-lahs ee-too sah-ngah-eet een-fohr-mah-teef) - That class is very informative.
  • Saya ingin mencapai kesuksesan. (Sah-yah een-geen men-chah-pah-ee keh-soo-kah-sahn) - I want to achieve success.
  • Tugas ini rumit. (Too-gahs ee-nee roo-meet) - This assignment is complex.
  • Bisakah Anda menjelaskan lebih lanjut? (Bee-sah-kah Ahn-dah mehn-jeh-lah-kan leh-yer lan-joot) - Can you explain further?

To effectively memorize these phrases and questions in Indonesian, consider the following tips: First, break them into smaller groups and focus on one set at a time, repeating them aloud until they become familiar. Second, practice daily and create flashcards with the Indonesian phrase on one side and the English translation on the other, using them for quick review throughout the day. Third, engage in conversations with native speakers or language partners to apply these phrases in context, reinforcing your memory through practical use. Consistency and repetition will be key to mastering these essential Indonesian expressions.

How to learn Indonesian: Conclusion

In conclusion, studying How to learn Indonesian is a rewarding endeavor that opens doors to a rich and vibrant culture. 

While it may seem challenging at first, remember that with the right tools and a consistent routine, you can make significant progress and soon find yourself speaking the language confidently. Whether you choose online courses, tutoring, apps, books, or other resources, the key is dedication and perseverance. 

So, take that first step today, immerse yourself in the beauty of the Indonesian language, and discover a world of new opportunities and connections waiting for you to explore. Your language journey begins now, and in no time, you'll be conversing in Bahasa Indonesia with ease.


How long does it take to learn Indonesian?

The time it takes to learn Indonesian varies from person to person. With consistent effort and practice, you can achieve basic conversational skills in a few months. Becoming fluent may take a couple of years of dedicated study and practice.

How hard is it to learn Indonesian?

Indonesian is often considered one of the easier languages for English speakers to learn. It has a relatively simple grammar structure, no complicated verb conjugations, and a phonetic writing system. The key is consistent practice and exposure to the language.

How can I learn Indonesian quickly?

To accelerate your learning, immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. Use a combination of resources like online courses, tutoring, apps, books, videos, and podcasts. Practicing regularly with native speakers will also help you progress faster.

How can I learn Indonesian at home on my own?

Learning Indonesian at home is entirely feasible. Start with online courses, apps, and books to build your foundation. Then, engage in language exchange programs or conversation practice with native speakers through platforms like iTalki or Tandem.

How can I become fluent in Indonesian?

Becoming fluent in Indonesian requires dedication and consistent practice. Aim to use the language daily, both in speaking and listening. Immerse yourself in Indonesian media, read books and news articles, and engage in conversations with native speakers. Fluency will come with time and effort.

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Paula is an accomplished content strategist, communicator, and journalist with over 7 years of experience creating materials for language learners. Having worked on language curriculums and learning platforms in Colombia, Spain, and Australia, Paula offers an international perspective on second language acquisition. Her background in journalism and brand messaging allows her to develop content that informs and engages language learners across diverse platforms and learning styles.