Măcina (to grind) conjugation

33 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: mill, to mill, crush

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I grind
you grind
he/she/it grinds
we grind
you all grind
they grind
Present perfect tense
am măcinat
I have ground
ai măcinat
you have ground
a măcinat
he/she/it has ground
am măcinat
we have ground
ați măcinat
you all have ground
au măcinat
they have ground
Past preterite tense
I ground
you ground
he/she/it ground
we ground
you all ground
they ground
Future tense
voi măcina
I will grind
vei măcina
you will grind
va măcina
he/she/it will grind
vom măcina
we will grind
veți măcina
you all will grind
vor măcina
they will grind
Conditional mood
aș măcina
I would grind
ai măcina
you would grind
ar măcina
he/she/it would grind
am măcina
we would grind
ați măcina
you all would grind
ar măcina
they would grind
Subjunctive present tense
să macin
(so that/if) I grind
să macini
(so that/if) you grind
să macine
(so that/if) he/she/it grind
să măcinăm
(so that/if) we grind
să măcinați
(so that/if) you all grind
să macine
(so that/if) they grind
Subjunctive past tense
să fi măcinat
(so that/if) I have ground
să fi măcinat
(so that/if) you have ground
să fi măcinat
(so that/if) he/she/it have ground
să fi măcinat
(so that/if) we have ground
să fi măcinat
(so that/if) you all have ground
să fi măcinat
(so that/if) they have ground
Past impf. tense
I was grinding
you were grinding
he/she/it was grinding
we were grinding
you all were grinding
they were grinding
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu măcina
do not grind!
nu măcinați
do not grind!
Past pluperfect tense
I had ground
you had ground
he/she/it had ground
we had ground
you all had ground
they had ground
Future alternative 1 tense
am să macin
I am going to grind
ai să macini
you are going to grind
are să macine
he/she/it is going to grind
avem să măcinăm
we are going to grind
aveți să măcinați
you all are going to grind
au să macine
they are going to grind
Future alternative 2 tense
o să macin
I am going to grind
o să macini
you are going to grind
o să macine
he/she/it is going to grind
o să măcinăm
we are going to grind
o să măcinați
you all are going to grind
o să macine
they are going to grind
Future perfect tense
voi fi măcinat
I will have ground
vei fi măcinat
you will have ground
va fi măcinat
he/she/it will have ground
vom fi măcinat
we will have ground
veți fi măcinat
you all will have ground
vor fi măcinat
they will have ground
Future in the past tense
aveam să macin
I was going to grind
aveai să macini
you were going to grind
avea să macine
he/she/it was going to grind
aveam să măcinăm
we were going to grind
aveați să măcinați
you all were going to grind
aveau să macine
they were going to grind
Conditional past tense
aș fi măcinat
I would have ground
ai fi măcinat
you would have ground
ar fi măcinat
he/she/it would have ground
am fi măcinat
we would have ground
ați fi măcinat
you all would have ground
ar fi măcinat
they would have ground
Presumptive tense
oi măcina
I might grind
oi măcina
you might grind
o măcina
he/she/it might grind
om măcina
we might grind
oți măcina
you all might grind
or măcina
they might grind
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi măcinând
I might be grinding
oi fi măcinând
you might be grinding
o fi măcinând
he/she/it might be grinding
om fi măcinând
we might be grinding
oți fi măcinând
you all might be grinding
or fi măcinând
they might be grinding
Presumptive past tense
oi fi măcinat
I might have ground
oi fi măcinat
you might have ground
o fi măcinat
he/she/it might have ground
om fi măcinat
we might have ground
oți fi măcinat
you all might have ground
or fi măcinat
they might have ground

Examples of măcina

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
- Am nevoie de făină, îmi puteţi măcina ceva, d-le Habermann?I need some flour, could you please grind me some?
Am auzit ceva parcă măcina.It was like a grinding sound.
Aş măcina-o.I would grind that.
Dinţii lor erau ca nişte pietre de moară, perfecţi pentru a măcina două tone de iarbă pe săptămînă !Their teeth are like millstones, perfect for grinding up two tons of grass every week!
Două femei vor măcina împreună;Two women shall be grinding grain together.
- Îmi macin singur boabele.- I grind my own beans.
Ai putea la fel de bine să mă întrebi dacă îmi pare rău pentru viermii pe care îi macin în cafeaua mea de dimineaţă.You might as well ask me if I feel sorry for the maggots I grind into my morning coffee.
Am nevoie de scoarþa unui ulm ºi niºte urzici sã le macin.I need the bark of an elm tree and some nettles to grind.
Am să vă macin oasele în praf, din care,-amestecat cu sânge, voi face un aluat.I shall grind your bones to dust, and with your blood and it I'll make a paste.
Ca să pot gândi, să iau un credit pentru studii, să-mi macin singur cafeaua si să înteleg HBO-ul.So I can think, and get a student loan, And grind my own coffee, and understand HBO.
Aceasta este bautura pe care am incercat sa v-o descriu, si se pare ca,in mod ciudat secretul este, o macini din boabe, nu rahatThis is that beverage I've been trying to describe to you, and it turns out, this is weird, but the secret is, you grind it from beans, not crap.
Ai încercat vreodată să macini făină?I mean, have you ever tried to grind your own flour?
Deci, doar macini boabele, apoi le pui în filtru.So you just grind the beans, then pack them in the portafilter.
Eu ăăă, de fapt n-am auzit ce-ai zis din cauză că tot clănţăneşti şi pocneşti şi macini din fălci, de parcă ai fi un fel de maşină de ucis.I, uh, actually didn't hear what you said because of all the snapping and the popping and the grinding of your jaws, like you're some kind of killing machine.
Hazar, macini tu cafeaua?Hazar, will you grind for me?
Acum macină din nou.Now it grinds again.
Al doilea rând de dinţi macină coralul transformând-l într-o pastă fină.A second set of internal teeth then grinds the coral into a fine paste.
Ar trebui să mergem la Silver Lake, pentru că există un magazin care macină fasolea, şi sunt organice.We should go to Silver Lake, 'cause there's a store there that grinds their own beans, and they're organic.
Care şcoală şi cât zahăr, care aparent este drog acum, şi care-şi macină propria făină de mei.It's which schools, and how much sugar, which apparently is a drug now, and who grinds their own millet flour.
Cel mai bun macină în oraș.Best grinds in town.
"mixologist", şi era genul, să măcinăm nişte chestii, cu...ăă..., mojarul."mixologist", and he was, like, grinding stuff up with a-a freakin', uh, pestle.
Cred că economul nostru este mort aşa că am venit noi doi să măcinăm grâul.Our manciple is dying. So we've come to grind our corn.
Păstrăm oasele mortilor nostri, si le măcinăm. Punem acest praf în ceea ce mâncăm si ne dă puterea străbunilor.We keep the dried bones of our dead and we grind them to dust, adding that dust to what we eat gives us the strength of our ancestors.
Poate a aflat că-i "măcinai boabele" neveste-sii.Well, maybe he found out you were grinding his wife's beans.
- Piper proaspăt măcinat ?- Fresh ground pepper ?
Adică, de acum înainte, eu sunt un somon, iar tribunalul este măcinat de problema unde-mi depun icrele.I mean, from now on, I am a salmon, And the courthouse is my spawning ground.
Ajutorul aerian acoperea doar o zecime din necesar o dată au adus un transport format doar din piper măcinat iar altă dată au adus 12 lăzi cu anticoncepţionale.The airlift brought in only a tenth of what was needed, though it did once deliver a planeload of ground pepper and 12 cases of contraceptives.
Dar cu privire la vizita mea cea mai recentă, stridiile cu perle nitro de sturioni şi stridie praf s-au făcut de excepţie prin adăugarea de seminţe de cardamom măcinat.But on my most recent visit, the oysters with nitro pearls of sturgeon and oyster dust were made exceptional by the addition of ground cardamom seeds.
Deşertul stâncos din nordul Arabiei a fost constant măcinat de arşiţă şi vânt.The rocky deserts of northern Arabia are constantly being ground down by the heat and wind.
Coapsele lui ondulându-se, rotindu-se, măcinând, ducându-şi esenţă sa în adâncul sufletului meu iar şi iar, mai repede şi mai repede până când... până când...His hips undulating, swirling, grinding, driving his essence into my very soul again and again, faster and faster until... until...
Câteodată a făcut verile mai reci, şi gheţurile au avansat spre Sud de la an la an, măcinând şi răzuind, şi distrugând totul în calea lor.Sometimes it made the summers there colder, and the glaciers advanced southward from one year to the next, grinding and scraping, and crushing everything in their path.
El e marele morar al cerurilor, măcinând pâinea vietii si a destinului.He is the great miller of the Heaven grinding the bread of Life and Destiny.
N-am putut să trăiesc măcinând medicamente, ca tata.I couldn't live grinding out medicines like Father.

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