Kompostera (to compost) conjugation

6 examples

Conjugation of kompostera

Present tense
I compost
Future tense
ska kompostera
I will compost
Conditional mood
skulle kompostera
I would compost
Past perfect tense
har komposterat
I have composted
Future perf.
ska ha komposterat
I will have composted
Conditional perfect tense
skulle ha komposterat
I would have composted
Imperative mood
Preterite past tense
I composted
Past pluperfect tense
hade komposterat
I had composted

Examples of kompostera

Example in SwedishTranslation in English
Jag tycker vi ska börja kompostera.And I also think we should start composting.
- Hon återvinner och komposterar.She recycles and composts.
Det här är kul och jag gillar att vara miljömedveten, men vi borde inte leka detta när vi komposterar.This game is really fun, and I love being green and everything, but we shouldn't play this when we compost.
Folk komposterar matavfall i behållare hemma och till dessa behållare behövs mask.People compost foodwaste in containers under their sinks. They need worms for that.
Han komposterar i våningen och jagar med falk.That guy deserves at least ten strikes for composting in his apartment, practicing urban falconry. Ah, justice is served. - Yeah.
Och vet ni att vi komposterar nu?Okay? Oh. And do you know that we're composting now?

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