Resolver (to solve) conjugation

111 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to consist, annul, to fade away, to dissipate, to annul, fade, decide, to decide to do something, consist

Conjugation of resolver

Present tense
I solve
you solve
he/she solves
we solve
you all solve
they solve
Present perfect tense
tenho resolvido
I have solved
tens resolvido
you have solved
tem resolvido
he/she has solved
temos resolvido
we have solved
tendes resolvido
you all have solved
têm resolvido
they have solved
Past preterite tense
I solved
you solved
he/she solved
we solved
you all solved
they solved
Future tense
I will solve
you will solve
he/she will solve
we will solve
you all will solve
they will solve
Conditional mood
I would solve
you would solve
he/she would solve
we would solve
you all would solve
they would solve
Past imperfect tense
I used to solve
you used to solve
he/she used to solve
we used to solve
you all used to solve
they used to solve
Past perfect tense
tinha resolvido
I had solved
tinhas resolvido
you had solved
tinha resolvido
he/she had solved
tínhamos resolvido
we had solved
tínheis resolvido
you all had solved
tinham resolvido
they had solved
Future perfect tense
terei resolvido
I will have solved
terás resolvido
you will have solved
terá resolvido
he/she will have solved
teremos resolvido
we will have solved
tereis resolvido
you all will have solved
terão resolvido
they will have solved
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha resolvido
I have solved
tenhas resolvido
you have solved
tenha resolvido
he/she has solved
tenhamos resolvido
we have solved
tenhais resolvido
you all have solved
tenham resolvido
they have solved
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have solved
(if/so that) you will have solved
(if/so that) he/she will have solved
(if/so that) we will have solved
(if/so that) you all will have solved
(if/so that) they will have solved
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver resolvido
I will have solved
tiveres resolvido
you will have solved
tiver resolvido
he/she will have solved
tivermos resolvido
we will have solved
tiverdes resolvido
you all will have solved
tiverem resolvido
they will have solved
Imperative mood
let's solve!
Imperative negative mood
não resolvas
do not solve!
não resolva
let him/her/it not solve!
não resolvamos
let us not solve!
não resolvais
do not solve!
não resolvam
do not solve!

Examples of resolver

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Como é suposto resolver o mistério dos crimes pendentes e redimir-me?"How am I supposed to solve the unsolvable murder mystery and redeem yourself?
"Dois. Capacidade de usar conhecimentos prévios para resolver novos problemas.Two: "the ability to use existing knowledge... to solve new problems."
"Ela está a tentar resolver este caso.""She's just trying to solve this case."
"Era um rapaz esperto que sabia resolver problemas difíceis. ""He was a clever lad... "who knew how to solve difficult problems.
"Espero que quando tudo acabar, o mundo tenha aprendido a resolver melhor os problemas.I hope when this is over, the world will have learned... that there's a better way to solve its problems.
"Eu resolvo problemas."l solve problems.
- Ou tratas hoje, ou resolvo eu.Today or I will resolve it myself.
-Eu resolvo isto.I solve this.
Certo, então vou matá-lo e resolvo o problema.- Ok, then I'll kill him, solve the problem that way.
Desta vez quero usar Londres, porque resolvo sempre visitar teatros, galerias e museus. Depois chego a casa e não fiz nada disso.I want to use London this time because I always resolve to visit theatres and galleries and museums and when I get home, I've not done anything.
- Como é que resolves mistérios?- How to solve the mystery
- E és tu que os resolves?- And you solve your dad's problems?
- Não resolves nada assim.Drink wine can not solve matter
- O que não entendo é por que não resolves isso, ao dizer a verdade à Kate?What I don't get is why you don't resolve the stress and just tell Kate the truth.
- Tu resolves os teus?Do you solve yours?
"Ele geralmente resolve ou minimiza a maioria dos problemas"He usually resolves or minimizes most problems
- Certo. No começo, resolve os problemas assim que os entregamos a ele.Right, so at first, the machine solves problems as fast as we can feed them to it.
- Ele resolve...He solves...
- Esta criatura resolve isso.This creature solves it.
- Ted, berrar nunca resolve nada.Ted, screaming never solves anything.
"Se fizermos isto, nós resolvemos todos estes problemas.""If we do that, we've solved all these problems. "
"e nós não resolvemos nada camuflando-nos a nós mesmos em glória da tecnológia "."and we solve nothing by cloaking ourselves in technological glory."
- Adivinha como é que resolvemos o problema da velocidade?- Guess how we solved the speed problem. Uh...
- Agora que resolvemos esse problema, só estava a tentar dizer que não vão encontrar muitos carros bons por $830.Now that we got that major problem solved... All I was trying to say is, you're not going to find a lot of decent cars for $830.
- Bom, é claro que o resolvemos.We've got a problem. Well, I'm sure we'll be able to solve it.
! - Problema resolvido!- Problem resolved.
" ...consistentes com a arma usada no homicídio não resolvido de Lawrence Gower, conhecido por Crazy Larry" ." ...consistent with weapon used " in unsolved homicide of Lawrence Gower aka Crazy Larry Flynn."
"A Holobanda É Benigna". Problema resolvido."The band is benign." Problem solved.
"E assim foi resolvido o mistério "da sinistra casa chamada Copper Beeches.And thus was solved the mystery of the sinister house called The Copper Beeches.
"Eliminar o termo 'Norte' de Dakota do Norte é assunto estadual importante, e o Presidente acha que deve ser resolvido ao nível estadual."Eliminating the term 'North' from North Dakota is an important state issue and the president feels it should be resolved on a state level.
"Totò, é preciso resolver isto. " É que certos assuntos complicados, não se resolvem com a democracia.But certain complicated things can't be resolved by democracy, decisions have to be made by one person only,
- De facto, a maioria dos problemas resolvem-se sozinhos se ignorados e deixarem as pessoas livres nos mercados livres tratarem deles.- In fact, most problems will solve themselves if ignored and let free people working in free markets address them.
- Listas resolvem tudo.- Lists solve everything.
- Não. Não é assim que se resolvem as coisas.No, that ain't how this wants to resolve.
- Sei que o resolvem.- I know you will solve them.
"De regresso ao quarto do Rapha, resolvi o problema de trigonometria.I solved his trig problem.
"Uma vez que a pequenez das partes estorvava a minha velocidade, resolvi portanto fazer a criatura de estatura gigantesca.""As the minuteness of the parts formed a hindrance to my speed, I resolved therefore to make the creature of a gigantic stature."
"resolvi o caso!"."I solved the case!"
(O Presidente das terras ocupadas:) Poco Checo, ás 11 horas resolvi, com aprovação do governo, ter uma audiência com o Chanceler Reich, Adolf Hitler.(President of the occupied lands:) Czech People, at the eleventh hour I resolved, with the agreement of the government, to seek an audience with Reichschancellor Adolf Hitler.
- Acho que já resolvi esse problema.-Well, I think I've solved that problem. What do you mean?
- Acho que resolveste o caso.I think you just solved the case.
- Faz de conta que resolveste isso.Act like you solved it.
- Parece que resolveste os teus problemas.- Looks like your problem's solved. - Are you crazy?
- Soube que resolveste o caso.- I hear you solved the case.
Aquela tatuagem que resolveste do CCD,That CDC tattoo you solved today,
- Ela resolveu.She solved it.
- Ela é boa... ela já resolveu, com um, com três, com cinco... todos os do bando vieram aqui e matou-os a todos.- Jódete, dad... - It is good... she solved it, with one, with three, with five... all that of the band came here and it killed all.
- Ele disse que resolveu o caso.He said he solved the case.
- Já resolveu algum homicídio? - Claro, montes deles.Have you solved any murders?
- Mas ainda não a resolveu.But you haven't solved it yet.
- Eles resolveram o caso.- They've solved the case.
A Sara disse que vocês já resolveram o caso.Sara said you guys already solved the case.
As plaquetas do Chan resolveram os problemas da combustão.Chan's platelets solved their combustion problem.
Como resolveram esse problema assassino revela muito acerca da sua mentalidade.But how they solved this murderous problem tells us much about their mentality.
De qualquer maneira, eles nunca resolveram o homicídio do Izzy Delancy.Anyway,they never solved izzy delancy's mder.
A alvorada resolverá o problema por nós.Daybreak will solve our problem for us.
Acho que Deus resolverá os problemas da Humanidade à Sua maneira.Well, I think that God will solve all of mankind's problems in his own way.
Ele o resolverá, monsieur, de um modo ou de outro.He will solve it for you, Monsieur, one way or the other.
Imagino que a morte resolverá o assunto de forma a que todos fiquem satisfeitos.Well, I guess death will solve the issue to everyone's satisfaction.
Isto resolverá o nosso pequeno problema.This will solve our little problem.
Com a ajuda da polícia, resolveremos este incidente o mais cedo possível.With the help of the police, we will solve this incident at the earliest date possible
discussão. Mas não se preocupe, resolveremos isso.But do not worry, we will solve it.
Miúdo, estas duas palavras resolverão todos os teus problemas.You know, kid, these two words will solve all your problems.
Bem, se pegarmos num bocado daquela ligadura à volta do pulso e colocarmos na boca dela, acho que isso resolveria o problema.Well, if we took some of that tape around her wrist and put it over her mouth, I think that would solve it.
Bem, sim, e se a fada dos dentes visitasse as nossas almofadas, também resolveria os nossos problemas de orçamento.Well, yes, and if the tooth fairy should visit our pillows tonight, that would solve our budget issues too.
E acionar o seguro por uma perda total resolveria todos os seus problemas com dinheiro. Certo.So a total-loss insurance claim would solve all of your cash flow problems.
E enquanto que um ataque aéreo resolveria os nossos problemas, preferimos não rebentar com todos os civis naquelas residências enviando-os para o seu amado Allah.And while an air strike would solve our problems, we'd rather not blow every civvy in those residences to their beloved Allah.
E isto resolveria o meu problema da reforma antecipada... Teria algo para fazer...And this would solve my early retirement problem-- something to do with myself.
As câmaras de vigilância resolveriam o problema. Dentro e fora.- You know, uh, cameras would solve this whole problem inside and out.
Se há um padrão fundamental, o que faz sentido pra mim, que a evolução seja eficiente dessa forma, e que se pudermos alinhar esse padrão para criar novas tecnologias que resolveriam os nossos problemas, então vale a pena pra mim abrir a minha mente para estes temas que são tabus sociais.If there is a fundamental pattern - which makes sense to me, that evolution would be efficient in that way and we can align with that pattern to create new technologies, that would solve these problems, that it's worthy to me to open my mind to these socially taboo subjects.
Estávamos em Agosto de 1887, e regressávamos de Yorkshire, onde o Holmes resolvera o assassinato desconcertante do Almirante Abernetty.It was August of 1887... and we were returning from Yorkshire... where Holmes had solved the baffling murder... of Admiral Abernetti.
"O Holt prefere que eu use gravata que resolva casos. ""Holt would rather I wear a tie "than solve a case.
- A Falcão não diz mais nada até que eu resolva o enigma.Well, the Falcon's done parroting until I solve her riddle.
- Não creio que seja essa a solução que resolva o problema.- Somehow, G'Kar, I don't think a rewrite will solve the problem.
- Queres que to resolva?Do you want me to solve that for you?
-Nada que não se resolva.- It, s nothing we can, t solve.
Espero que resolvas o mistério.I hope you've solved the mystery.
Isso não vai mudar até que resolvas os teus problemas com esse homemIt's not going to change until you resolve your issues with that man.
Não posso sentar-me à espera que tu resolvas o problema.I can't sit on my tail and wait for you to solve the problem.
Não resolvas o caso sem mim.D-don't solve the case without me.
Não resolvas o homicídio, salva a vida.Don't solve the murder. Save the life.
- Não te enganes. Ele quer que nós resolvamos os homicídios, mas não quer pagar.He wants us to solve the murders.
-É bom que resolvamos as contendas.It's in our interest to resolve our differences.
A sua comunidade quer que resolvamos o crime ou não?The community either wants us to solve this crime or it doesn't.
E imagino a audiência nesse momento... a pedir que eu e o meu irmão resolvamos a conspiração governamental.And I would imagine the audience at that point rooting for me and my brother to... solve the goverment conspiracy.
E sem a causa de morte, é muito menos provavel que nós resolvamos este crime.And without cause of death, it's much less likely that we'll solve the crime.
- Está bem. O Mayor já me provocou um aneurisma por causa disto. Portanto, resolvam isso depressa.The mayor's already given me an aneurysm over this one, so make it a quick solve.
A menos que os Eagles resolvam o tamanho e força de Richland, os Giants podem levar para casa o seu quarto título estatal consecutivo esta noite.Unless the Eagles find a way to solve Richland's size and strength, the Giants could be taking home their fourth consecutive state title tonight.
Agora resolvam o nosso problema com as múmias!Now solve our mummy problems!
Bem, espero que resolvam isso até à hora do espectáculo.Well, let's hope they solve it by show time.
Deixarei que vocês resolvam os vossos problemas pessoais.I'll let you two solve your personal issues.
-Com todo o respeito... estamos resolvendo um problema nosso aí, entendeu?- With all due respect... we're solving our own problem, understand?
A seguir, colocou-a inconsciente, resolvendo os seus problemas.He knocked her unconscious at the next instance, thus for his purposes solving his problem...
Aqui, por fim, sinto que estou resolvendo coisas.Here at last, I feel... I'm solving things.
E nesta noite de mistérios, um homem que ganha a vida resolvendo mistérios,On this night of mystery, a man who makes his living resolving,
Ele ganha muito dinheiro resolvendo casos assim.He makes a lot of money solving cases like this.
- Mas se não resolverem...- But if they don't solve...
Antes de copiar o caso do " Silenciador", esteve em Seattle semanas antes de resolverem o caso do sádico.Before he copied the Silencer case, he was in Seattle weeks after they solved the sadist.
Aprendi que... quando um dado crime é referido nos jornais e falado na televisão, coloca bastante pressão na Procuradoria para resolverem o crime com rapidez.I have learned that... when a given crime is written about in the papers, when it's talked about on TV, it puts an incredible amount of pressure on the DA's office to solve that crime quickly.
Batem com a cabeça contra o problema até eles se resolverem.Bang their head against the problem until they solve it.
Bem, se esses tipos não resolverem isso ninguém o fará.Well, if these guys do not resolve this ... nobody will.
"És suficientemente esperta para resolveres o enigma?""are you clever enough to solve my riddle?"
A Olivia não é um problema teu para resolveres. - Fitz.Olivia is not your problem to solve.
Achas que seria voluntária se a única forma de resolveres isto, fosse tirá-lo à força de mim?Would I volunteer if the only way for you to solve this was to beat it out of me?
Achas que só te chamaram para resolveres o caso?You think they called you so you could solve the case?
Acredita em mim, quando o resolveres... não importa quanto tempo demore, vale mesmo a pena.Trust me, when you solve it, no matter how long it takes, it's so worth it.
- Estou contente por resolvermos isto.- I'm glad we resolved this.
- Para nós? - Ficaram muito gratos por resolvermos o assassínio, querem que apareçam no filme.- Yeah, they were really grateful that we solved the murder, so they wanted you guys to be in the film.
- Podem discutir pelo boneco depois que resolvermos este homicídio?Can you fight over the doll after we've solved this murder?
- Que acontece se não resolvermos isso?What happens if we don't solve this?
- Se resolvermos aquele homicídio...If we can solve that murder...

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