頭以外は 吹き飛ぶ | Everything else isn't. |
$50万 吹き飛ぶ | Half a million dollars. |
吹き飛ぶ | Everything else... ...isn't. |
NYの10ブロックは 吹き飛んだ 死者は11,000人以上 | The explosion will level 10 blocks of New York and leave over 11,000 dead. |
我々が導くと言っていた あの場所・・・ 吹き飛んで 100フィート地下に埋もれた | The site we were supposed to lead him to with our minds ... blown to pieces, buried under 100 feet of rock. |
腹がむくむだろう 吹き飛んで そして 結局 死ぬ | Whoever laid the turd will get a bloated belly, blow up, and eventually die. |
うんこをする者は誰であろうとも 腹がむくむだろう 吹き飛んで | Whoever laid the turd will get a bloated belly, blow up, and eventually die. |
吹き飛ばせる | Yeah, ready to blow this place to hell. |