Assumere (to take on) conjugation

39 examples
This verb can also mean the following: employ, hire, assume

Conjugation of assumere

Present tense
I take on
you take on
he/she/it takes on
we take on
you all take on
they take on
Present perfect tense
ho assunto
I have taken on
hai assunto
you have taken on
ha assunto
he/she/it has taken on
abbiamo assunto
we have taken on
avete assunto
you all have taken on
hanno assunto
they have taken on
Past preterite tense
I took on
you took on
he/she/it took on
we took on
you all took on
they took on
Future tense
I will take on
you will take on
he/she/it will take on
we will take on
you all will take on
they will take on
Conditional mood
I would take on
you would take on
he/she/it would take on
we would take on
you all would take on
they would take on
Past impf. tense
I used to take on
you used to take on
he/she/it used to take on
we used to take on
you all used to take on
they used to take on
Past perfect tense
avevo assunto
I had taken on
avevi assunto
you had taken on
aveva assunto
he/she/it had taken on
avevamo assunto
we had taken on
avevate assunto
you all had taken on
avevano assunto
they had taken on
Future perfect tense
avrò assunto
I will have taken on
avrai assunto
you will have taken on
avrà assunto
he/she/it will have taken on
avremo assunto
we will have taken on
avrete assunto
you all will have taken on
avranno assunto
they will have taken on
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I take on
(if/so that) you take on
(if/so that) he/she/it take on
(if/so that) we take on
(if/so that) you all take on
(if/so that) they take on
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia assunto
I have taken on
abbia assunto
you have taken on
abbia assunto
he/she/it has taken on
abbiamo assunto
we have taken on
abbiate assunto
you all have taken on
abbiano assunto
they have taken on
Imperative mood
take on!
take on!
let's take on!
take on!
take on!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei assunto
I would have taken on
avresti assunto
you would have taken on
avrebbe assunto
he/she/it would have taken on
avremmo assunto
we would have taken on
avreste assunto
you all would have taken on
avrebbero assunto
they would have taken on

Examples of assumere

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
"contesti culturali, possono assumere significati che sono sensibilmente diversi da quelli tenuti in origine.""...cultural contexts, they can take on meanings that are significantly divergent from those they originally held."
- Nelle persone che ne soffrono e prendono freddo, cosa che porta normalmente a un innalzamento dell'emocromo, quando l'organismo si prepara a combattere, i globuli rossi impazziscono e tendono ad assumere una forma a falce,Well, a sickler gets a cold or a chill. Anything that makes a normal person's blood cell count go up, any time the body gets ready to fight something, the red blood cells panic, and they take on a sickle shape.
- ho provato ad assumere il ruolo di capo...Tried to take on a leadership role. Good.
Alle 4 antimeridiane i germogli hanno iniziato ad assumere una forma definitiva.At 4:00 a.m., the sprouts began to take on definite form.
Beh, sfortunatamente, ma fortunatamente, dal mio punto di vista, La politica dello studio vieta ad un associato al primo anno di assumere nuovi casi, quindi...Well,unfortunately,or from my perspective,fortunately, it's policy not to allow first year associates to take on new matters,so--
E' davvero con immensa umilta'... che mi assumo questa enorme responsabilita'.It is with great humility that I take on this immense responsibility.
Ma quando mi assumo un caso, cerco di vincerlo.But when I take on a case,I take it on to win.
Speriamo che non debba fare questa esperienza anche tu. Quando due uomini si trovano in una situazione ti assumi alcune responsabilità dell'altro.Hopefully... you'll never have to experience this yourself, but when two men are in a situation like me and your dad were... for as long as we were, you take on certain responsibilities of the other.
Applicato secondo le linee di Langer, assume la struttura della pelle reale.Applied along Langer's lines, it takes on the structure of real skin.
Ascolta, stavo pensando se un fantasma assume la presenza fisica e si manifesta, allora come si fa ad impedirgli di inseguire qualcuno?Look, I've been thinking if a ghost takes on physical presence and manifests itself, then what's to stop it from going after somebody?
Beh, senza entrare nello specifico della metafisica piu' complessa della cosa, l'anima della terra assume forma corporea, con la quale poi l'Ash si accoppia.Well, without getting into the grander, more mind bending metaphysics of it, the soul of the land takes on corporeal form, with which The Ash will mate.
E chi si assume questo ruolo ?And who takes on this role?
E una volta lì dentro, ne assume...And once in it, she takes on...
- Mi piacerebbe... ma... assumiamo solo persone con esperienze vere di marketing.I'd like to, but we only take on people with real marketing experience.
- Il rapporto con mia mamma ha assunto tutta un'altra dimensione.My mom and I, our relationship has taken on a whole new dimension.
- Perche' e' stato assunto?- Why was he taken on?
Abbiamo assunto un aspetto familiare per contribuire a colmare il divario.We've taken on a familiar appearance to help bridge the divide.
Abbiamo assunto un nuovo cuoco.We've taken on a new cook.
Abe si era assunto il compito di quantificare e spiegare il dispositivo.Abe had taken on the task of quantifying and explaining the device.
Allora perche' vi assumete l'onere di prendervene cura?Then why, why do you take on this burden of care?
Non assumete chi si pulisce il culo con il dito!Don't take on staff who wipe their arses with their fingers!
Se con la vostra fede vi assumete questo impegno memori del vostro battesimo fate la vostra professione di fede in Cristo Gesù...If, with the strength of faith, you are ready to take on this task, mindindful of the promises made at your baptisms, renounce sin and make your profession of faith in Jesus Christ.
ZBZ, che posizione assumete rispetto all'attuale dibattitoZBZ, what is your take on the current debate
Beh, questi mutaforma, assumono le sembianze di persone in posizioni di autorita'.Well, these shape-shifters, they take on the appearance Of people in positions of authority.
E nel multiverso la' fuori, da qualche parte vicino a noi, esiste un'altra regione in cui questi numeri assumono altri valori casuali, e poi ce n'e' un'altra in cui assumono un altro valore casuale ancora.And out there in the multiverse, next to us somewhere, is another region where these numbers take on some other random value, and then another region where they take on some other random value still.
Nuovi legami fioriscono... e assumono forme nuove.New relationships flourish and take on new form...
Penso che, dopo un'infanzia difficile... le cose assumono un'altra prospettiva.I guess when you've had a difficult childhood, things take on their own perspective.
Questa squadra e' come una famiglia, e le famiglie assumono i tratti del loro capo.This team is like a family. And families take on the traits of their leaders.
Alla fine della sua vita, ando' in pensione, assunse un nome falso, si arruolo' come soldato semplice. Che cosa voleva?End of his life, he retired, took on a false name, enlisted as a private.
Quando Patty Hewes assunse il caso di Frobisher ottenne tutte le registrazioni finanziare.When patty hewes took on frobisher's case, she got all of his financial records.
Solo con la fine della guerra fredda, nel '56, le prigioni assunsero un volto umano ed iniziammo a fare amicizia liberamente.It was only with the Thaw of '56 that the prison took on a human face and we began to fraternize freely.
Io, Cha Ji Heon, assumerò il ruolo di del Chief Financial Officer.I, Cha Ji Heon, will take on the role of the Chief Financial Officer.
Arrivano sempre più appelli perché il presidente Bush assuma un ruolo maggiormente attivo...There are growing calls for President Bush to take on a more active role...
Ci vorra' del tempo perche' il suo viso guarisca. E affinche' le sue caratteristiche assumano una forma permanente.It will take time for your face to heal and for your features to take on their permanent shape.
Ascoltate ragazzi, vostra mamma si sta assumendo molte responsabilita' fuori da... casa, ma state tranquilli.Drink this. Listen, guys, your mom is taking on more responsibilities outside of the... house, but don't you worry.
Che dire assumendo e5?What about taking on e5?
Cielo, l'espressione "colpire il pubblico" sta assumendo un'infausta connotazione.Oh, dear. The term "target audience" is taking on a sinister connotation.
Con l'arrivo dell'Imperatore, le famiglie stanno assumendo piu' personale.With the Emperor coming, households are taking on more staff.
Ezra si sta assumendo le sue responsabilita'Ezra is taking on these big responsibilities.

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