Approfittare (to take advantage) conjugation

65 examples

Conjugation of approfittare

Present tense
I take advantage
you take advantage
he/she/it takes advantage
we take advantage
you all take advantage
they take advantage
Present perfect tense
ho approfittato
I have taken advantage
hai approfittato
you have taken advantage
ha approfittato
he/she/it has taken advantage
abbiamo approfittato
we have taken advantage
avete approfittato
you all have taken advantage
hanno approfittato
they have taken advantage
Past preterite tense
I took advantage
you took advantage
he/she/it took advantage
we took advantage
you all took advantage
they took advantage
Future tense
I will take advantage
you will take advantage
he/she/it will take advantage
we will take advantage
you all will take advantage
they will take advantage
Conditional mood
I would take advantage
you would take advantage
he/she/it would take advantage
we would take advantage
you all would take advantage
they would take advantage
Past impf. tense
I used to take advantage
you used to take advantage
he/she/it used to take advantage
we used to take advantage
you all used to take advantage
they used to take advantage
Past perfect tense
avevo approfittato
I had taken advantage
avevi approfittato
you had taken advantage
aveva approfittato
he/she/it had taken advantage
avevamo approfittato
we had taken advantage
avevate approfittato
you all had taken advantage
avevano approfittato
they had taken advantage
Future perfect tense
avrò approfittato
I will have taken advantage
avrai approfittato
you will have taken advantage
avrà approfittato
he/she/it will have taken advantage
avremo approfittato
we will have taken advantage
avrete approfittato
you all will have taken advantage
avranno approfittato
they will have taken advantage
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I take advantage
(if/so that) you take advantage
(if/so that) he/she/it take advantage
(if/so that) we take advantage
(if/so that) you all take advantage
(if/so that) they take advantage
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia approfittato
I have taken advantage
abbia approfittato
you have taken advantage
abbia approfittato
he/she/it has taken advantage
abbiamo approfittato
we have taken advantage
abbiate approfittato
you all have taken advantage
abbiano approfittato
they have taken advantage
Imperative mood
take advantage!
take advantage!
let's take advantage!
take advantage!
take advantage!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei approfittato
I would have taken advantage
avresti approfittato
you would have taken advantage
avrebbe approfittato
he/she/it would have taken advantage
avremmo approfittato
we would have taken advantage
avreste approfittato
you all would have taken advantage
avrebbero approfittato
they would have taken advantage

Examples of approfittare

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
"Non preoccuparti troppo di fare favori agli altri, perché c'è sempre qualcuno pronto ad approfittare del tuo buon animo.""Do not be so anxious to do favors unto others, "as there is one who is just waiting to take advantage of your good nature."
"Non ti devi approfittare del suo talento per la musica o del tuo ruolo di suo insegnante per poterla soggiogare"Don't take advantage of her because you're her self-proclaimed teacher.
"Non ti devi approfittare del vostro comune interesse"."You shouldn't take advantage of her kinship".
"Paranoico " è l'epiteto che ti affibbia chi vuole approfittare di te per farti abbassare la guardia.Paranoid is what people who are trying to take advantage call you to get you to drop your guard.
"Pensa che la moglie del governatore dovrebbe approfittare della sua posizione per concorrere?""Do you think the wife of a sitting governor should take advantage of her position to run for office?"
- Allora ne approfitto. - Sì.- Then I'll take advantage of it.
Di solito sto sul sito ma... quando si presenta l'opportunita' di insegnare a New York... approfitto della tecnologia.Um, ordinarily, I'd be on site, but when teaching opportunities pop up here in New York, I take advantage of the technology.
Ho 15 anni, mi approfitto della buona fede di chiunque.I'm 15. I'll take advantage of anyone who'll let me.
Io non me ne approfitto, ok?I don't take advantage, okay?
Io non mi approfitto mai delle povere e virtuose.I never take advantage of the poor or the virtuous.
- E' rock and roll. E'... E' stata una mia decisione, non lascero' che qualcuno si approfitti di te, ok?I understand it... listen, Amber, it was my decision, and I'm not gonna stand by and let somebody take advantage of you.
- Non si approfitti di me.Don't take advantage of me.
- Si vede benissimo che approfitti della luna bassa per allungarti in modo esagerato.One sees perfectly well.. that you take advantage of the low moon to lengthen in an exaggerated manner.
6E' meglio che ne approfitti.It's best that I take advantage.
AVANZA CON NOI FATTI VISITARE DA ZOE Mi rifiuto di stare a guardare e lasciare che Brick si approfitti della mia unica figlia.I refuse to stand by and let Brick take advantage of my only daughter.
- Scarlet, nessuno oltre a me si approfitta della mia ex moglie.Scarlet, nobody takes advantage of my ex-wife other than me.
Avresti dovuto essere il suo insegnante, non uno psicopatico che si approfitta di una ragazzina che non riconoscerebbe una relazione sana neanche se ce l'avesse seduta di fianco!You were supposed to be her teacher, not some sicko who takes advantage of a kid who wouldn't know a healthy relationship if she was sitting next to it in study hall.
Che sia caduto da solo o fatto cadere, Raj Saxena approfitta del vantaggio e segna nuovamente!Whether he fell or was made to fall, Raj Saxena takes advantage and... that's a basket!
E approfitta della sua posizione per insidiare le povere malate.and he takes advantage of his position to harass his poor patients.
E si approfitta delle donne, quindi, da amico...And he takes advantage of women, So, as a friend... Whoa.
- Kelly e' fuori citta', e ne approfittiamo.Kelly's still out of town, And we got to take advantage.
Allora perché non ne approfittiamo e ci rilassiamo?Now, why don't we take advantage of the lull and relax?
Cristo verrà a portarci via dalla Terra... perciò tagliamo gli alberi, usiamo tutto il petrolio... e approfittiamo di tutto ciò che la Terra può offrire.Christ is coming to take us away from Earth so cut down our trees, use all of our oil take advantage of everything that the Earth has to offer...
Ehi Andres, perche' non approfittiamo che sei qua, e che io sono piu' grande, e non ci beviamo qalcosa?Hey Andres, why don't we take advantage that you are here and that I'm all grown up up and we have a drink?
I romani sono in rotta, perché non approfittiamo?The Romans are routed, why not take advantage?
- No, abbiamo già approfittato troppo di voi.- No! No, we've taken advantage of you already.
- Si e' approfittato di te in qualche modo.He's taken advantage of you somehow. He hasn't.
Ad oggi, oltre 400 persone hanno approfittato di questa meravigliosa opportunita'.Over 400 people have taken advantage of this wonderful opportunity to date.
Avete approfittato dei finanziamenti governativi.You've taken advantage of government funding.
Avete approfittato di questioni riservate che vi hanno concesso.You have taken advantage ofconfidenfial matters afforded you.
A proposito... Tu e Max non approfittate della mia assenza per provare le molle del letto matrimoniale.By theway ,you and Max take advantage of my absence to test the benefits of braenog beds.
Basta... sfotterlo un po' e poi ve ne approfittate per gli scambi.You just... you razz him a little, but you take advantage of him in trades. He's more worthless than the black Thompson Twin.
E se non ne approfittate ora, resterete per sempre degli schiavi.And if you do not take advantage now, you will be forever slaves.
La prossima settimana non ci sarò, quindi approfittate ora della mia presenza.I won't be here next week so take advantage of me now.
Non ve ne approfittate perché è invaghito di tua madre.Don`t take advantage just because he`s attracted of your mother.
- Hai pensato che avrei ignorato il fatto che te ne sei approfittato pienamente. Dopo che ti ho detto quanto odio... - quando le persone se ne approfittano.You thought that I would ignore the fact that you completely took advantage after I told you how much I hate when people take advantage.
-Siamo poveri e se ne approfittano.We're poor and they take advantage!
A loro piaci, e' che hanno sempre visto la gentilezza come una debolezza. - Si approfittano della gentilezza.They do, they've just always seen nice as a sign of weakness, they take advantage of nice.
Ancora oggi molti criminali non ne approfittano.A lot of criminals today don't take advantage.
Arrivano, approfittano di lei e poi le spezzano il cuore.These guys come in, take advantage of her, then break her heart.
Eri venuta per aiutarmi. lo approfittai della situae'ione.I took advantage of the situation.
- Si approfittò di te, vorrai dire.You mean he took advantage of you.
Ma... il rettore se ne approfittò.But... ..the Master took advantage somewhat.
Mentre mi spogliava ne approfittò per palparmi... afferrandomi qui, afferrandomi là...She took advantage of that to paw me. She pinched me here and there.
Pablo approfittò del rapimento di Marta Ochoa per mettere insieme tutti i narcotrafficanti per la prima volta.Pablo took advantage of the kidnapping of Marta Ochoa to bring all the narcos together for the very first time.
Saddam approfittò della debolezza del Paese per colpire.Saddam took advantage of the country's weakness to strike.
Dopo che Joy, Darnell e i ragazzi furono presi dal Programma Protezione Testimoni, io e Randy approfittammo dell'alloggio gratis e tornammo alla roulotte.AfterJoy, Darnell and the boys were snatched... by the Witness Protection Program... me and Randy took advantage of the free rent and moved back to the trailer.
Credevo di essere in debito con loro, cosi'... ne approfittarono.I thought I owed them, and they took advantage of that.
Altri se ne approfitteranno.Others will take advantage of this.
Ci sono insetti che si approfitteranno di voi.And there are insects out there that will take advantage of you.
I padroni si approfitteranno di questa situazione.The masters will take advantage of this situation.
La rabbia le farà commettere uno sbaglio, e loro se ne approfitteranno.If you're angry, you're gonna make a mistake. These people will take advantage of that.
Ma tu stai veramente pensando che potrai farcela di nuovo, le persone se ne approfitteranno, Street.But you actually thinking you're gonna do it again, people will take advantage of that, Street.
E se fossi il figlio delinquente, approfitterei dell'assenza di mio padre.And if I were the delinquent son, I would take advantage of my father's absence.
Ora pensa che lo stesso ragazzo si approfitterebbe di lei da sbronza?Now you think the same guy would take advantage of her when she's drunk?
A me non piace che le persone si approfittino di mio marito.I don't like when people take advantage of my husband.
A meno che non si approfittino di coloro che invece lo sono.As long as they don't take advantage of the ones who are.
Abbiamo tutto iI necessario per non rimanere nella povertà ma l'ignoranza sulla storia del nostro paese permette che i nostri goveranti si approfittino di noi... ... ...Esattamente come fecero gli spagnoli quando arrivarono in Messico.We have everything We need to stop living in poverty but our lack of knowledge about our history allows those Who govern us to take advantage of us just like When the Spaniards came to Mexico.
Beh, allora potreste fare in modo che si approfittino di me.Well, then maybe you can get them to take advantage of me.
Clara... non importa dove vai o quello che fai, non devi lasciare che le persone si approfittino di te.Clara... no matter where you go, or what you do, you mustn't let people take advantage of you.
#Mipareche se sta approfittando troppo.To me it seems like you're taking advantage too much!
- Chiedo scusa? - Niente. - Steve, devi capire, tuo padre vuole solo assicurarsi che Emmy non si stia approfittando di te.Steve, you have to understand, your father just wants to make sure that Emmy is not taking advantage of you.
- Lo so, ci sono passata. - Ok, beh, non appena capiro' che sta approfittando di me, glielo diro'.Okay, well, the second I realize she's taking advantage of me, I will tell her.
- Ne sta approfittando.- He's taking advantage of you.
- Non me ne sto approfittando.Not taking advantage.

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