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Apprestarsi (to prepare) conjugation

6 examples
This verb can also mean the following: get ready

Conjugation of apprestarsi

Present tense
mi appresto
I prepare
ti appresti
you prepare
si appresta
he/she/it prepares
ci apprestiamo
we prepare
vi apprestate
you all prepare
si apprestano
they prepare
Present perfect tense
mi sono apprestato
I have prepared
ti sei apprestato
you have prepared
si è apprestato
he/she/it has prepared
ci siamo apprestati
we have prepared
vi siete apprestati
you all have prepared
si sono apprestati
they have prepared
Past preterite tense
mi apprestai
I prepared
ti apprestasti
you prepared
si apprestò
he/she/it prepared
ci apprestammo
we prepared
vi apprestaste
you all prepared
si apprestarono
they prepared
Future tense
mi appresterò
I will prepare
ti appresterai
you will prepare
si appresterà
he/she/it will prepare
ci appresteremo
we will prepare
vi appresterete
you all will prepare
si appresteranno
they will prepare
Conditional mood
mi appresterei
I would prepare
ti appresteresti
you would prepare
si appresterebbe
he/she/it would prepare
ci appresteremmo
we would prepare
vi apprestereste
you all would prepare
si appresterebbero
they would prepare
Past impf. tense
mi apprestavo
I used to prepare
ti apprestavi
you used to prepare
si apprestava
he/she/it used to prepare
ci apprestavamo
we used to prepare
vi apprestavate
you all used to prepare
si apprestavano
they used to prepare
Past perfect tense
mi ero apprestato
I had prepared
ti eri apprestato
you had prepared
si era apprestato
he/she/it had prepared
ci eravamo apprestati
we had prepared
vi eravate apprestati
you all had prepared
si erano apprestati
they had prepared
Future perfect tense
mi sarò apprestato
I will have prepared
ti sarai apprestato
you will have prepared
si sarà apprestato
he/she/it will have prepared
ci saremo apprestati
we will have prepared
vi sarete apprestati
you all will have prepared
si saranno apprestati
they will have prepared
Present subjunctive tense
mi appresti
(if/so that) I prepare
ti appresti
(if/so that) you prepare
si appresti
(if/so that) he/she/it prepare
ci apprestiamo
(if/so that) we prepare
vi apprestiate
(if/so that) you all prepare
si apprestino
(if/so that) they prepare
Present perf. subjunctive tense
mi sia apprestato
I have prepared
ti sia apprestato
you have prepared
si sia apprestato
he/she/it has prepared
ci siamo apprestati
we have prepared
vi siate apprestati
you all have prepared
si siano apprestati
they have prepared
Imperative mood
si appresti
let's prepare!
si apprestino
Conditional perfect tense
mi sarei apprestato
I would have prepared
ti saresti apprestato
you would have prepared
si sarebbe apprestato
he/she/it would have prepared
ci saremmo apprestati
we would have prepared
vi sareste apprestati
you all would have prepared
si sarebbero apprestati
they would have prepared

Examples of apprestarsi

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
Ora che ti appresti a lasciarci, Niels, sappi che la tua presenza qui, per quanto fugace sia stata, ha risollevato i nostri spiriti e rafforzato la nostra volonta'.As you prepare to leave us, Niels, know that your presence here, fleeting though it was, lifted our spirits and strengthened our will.
Durante questa festa il mio cuore si appresta ardentemente a ricevere il giuramento del mio amante...During these festivities, my heart prepares itself to receive in ardour the avowals of my lover...
E' un processo che inizia proprio nel nostro cortile astronomico, in cui la nostra navicella si appresta a volare, fuori dalla Galassia.It's a process that begins right in our own astronomical backyard, where our spaceship prepares to fly outside the galaxy.
Il comandante ha acceso il segnale delle cinture, ci apprestiamo ad atterrare.Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has turned on the seat-belt sign as we prepare for our final descent.
In breve, ci caricarono di fretta su una barca, ci trasportarono per qualche lega in alto mare, dove avevano apprestato la carcassa marcita di un vascello. Senza sartie, albero, vela. Persino i topi, istintivamente, l'avevano abbandonata.In few, they hurried us aboard a bark bore us some leagues to sea where they prepared a rotten carcass of a boat not rigg'd, nor tackle, sail, nor mast the very rats instinctively had quit it
Nella loro magnifica proprietà nei dintorni di Roma, i marchesi di X si apprestano a ricevere i loro invitati.At his magnificent Roman estate, the Marquis of X prepares for his guests

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