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Surveiller (to watch over) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of surveiller

Present tense
je surveille
I watch over
tu surveilles
you watch over
il/elle/on surveille
he/she/it watches over
nous surveillons
we watch over
vous surveillez
you all watch over
ils/elles surveillent
they watch over
Present perfect tense
j’ai surveillé
I watched over
tu as surveillé
you watched over
il/elle/on a surveillé
he/she/it watched over
nous avons surveillé
we watched over
vous avez surveillé
you all watched over
ils/elles ont surveillé
they watched over
Past impf. tense
je surveillais
I was watching over
tu surveillais
you were watching over
il/elle/on surveillait
he/she/it was watching over
nous surveillions
we were watching over
vous surveilliez
you all were watching over
ils/elles surveillaient
they were watching over
Future tense
je surveillerai
I will watch over
tu surveilleras
you will watch over
il/elle/on surveillera
he/she/it will watch over
nous surveillerons
we will watch over
vous surveillerez
you all will watch over
ils/elles surveilleront
they will watch over
Past perfect tense
j’avais surveillé
I had watched over
tu avais surveillé
you had watched over
il/elle/on avait surveillé
he/she/it had watched over
nous avions surveillé
we had watched over
vous aviez surveillé
you all had watched over
ils/elles avaient surveillé
they had watched over
Past preterite tense
je surveillai
I watched over
tu surveillas
you watched over
il/elle/on surveilla
he/she/it watched over
nous surveillâmes
we watched over
vous surveillâtes
you all watched over
ils/elles surveillèrent
they watched over
Past anterior tense
j’eus surveillé
I had watched over
tu eus surveillé
you had watched over
il/elle/on eut surveillé
he/she/it had watched over
nous eûmes surveillé
we had watched over
vous eûtes surveillé
you all had watched over
ils/elles eurent surveillé
they had watched over
Future perfect tense
j’aurai surveillé
I will have watched over
tu auras surveillé
you will have watched over
il/elle/on aura surveillé
he/she/it will have watched over
nous aurons surveillé
we will have watched over
vous aurez surveillé
you all will have watched over
ils/elles auront surveillé
they will have watched over
Present subjunctive tense
que je surveille
that I watch over
que tu surveilles
that you watch over
qu’il/elle/on surveille
that he/she/it watch over
que nous surveillions
that we watch over
que vous surveilliez
that you all watch over
qu’ils/elles surveillent
that they watch over
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie surveillé
that I have watched over
que tu aies surveillé
that you have watched over
qu’il/elle/on ait surveillé
that he/she/it have watched over
que nous ayons surveillé
that we have watched over
que vous ayez surveillé
that you all have watched over
qu’ils/elles aient surveillé
that they have watched over
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je surveillasse
that I would watch over
que tu surveillasses
that you would watch over
qu’il/elle/on surveillât
that he/she/it would watch over
que nous surveillassions
that we would watch over
que vous surveillassiez
that you all would watch over
qu’ils/elles surveillassent
that they would watch over
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse surveillé
that I had watched over
que tu eusses surveillé
that you had watched over
qu’il/elle/on eût surveillé
that he/she/it had watched over
que nous eussions surveillé
that we had watched over
que vous eussiez surveillé
that you all had watched over
qu’ils/elles eussent surveillé
that they had watched over
Conditional mood
je surveillerais
I would watch over
tu surveillerais
you would watch over
il/elle/on surveillerait
he/she/it would watch over
nous surveillerions
we would watch over
vous surveilleriez
you all would watch over
ils/elles surveilleraient
they would watch over
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais surveillé
I would have watched over
tu aurais surveillé
you would have watched over
il/elle/on aurait surveillé
he/she/it would have watched over
nous aurions surveillé
we would have watched over
vous auriez surveillé
you all would have watched over
ils/elles auraient surveillé
they would have watched over
Imperative mood
watch over!
let's watch over!
watch over!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie surveillé
have watched over
ayons surveillé
let's have watched over
ayez surveillé
have watched over

Examples of surveiller

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Quelqu'un doit rester pour surveiller Coley.""Someone's gotta watch over stores and things, so you stay, Coley."
- Il les a rongées. - Enfoiré. D'où la nécessité de le surveiller en permanence, ce qui n'est pas sans risque.It's why having a full-time person to watch over him is essential which is not without its risks.
- Je dis exactement ça - Peut-être quils sont ici pour nous surveillerMaybe they're here to watch over us.
- Je vais rester ici pour surveiller.- I'll stay and watch over things here.
- Klaus l'a contraint à me surveiller.! Klaus compelled him to watch over me.
Avec ce pouvoir, je peux m'assurer que chaque rue, chaque coin de Bassora sera surveillé.With this power, I can make sure that every street, every corner of Basra is watched over.
Il sera surveillé.He will be cared for, watched over.
Je l'ai surveillé durant quarante ans, et tout s'est bien passé.I have watched over him for 40 years, And everything's been just fine.
La belle au bois dormant... le prince crapaud- sont surveillé par un magicien.Sleeping Beauty... the Frog Prince- are watched over by a wizard.
On pourrait être surveillé.It might be already watched over.
"Nous remercions les Ancêtres pour la grande générosité qu'ils nous accordent." "Et nous demandons qu'ils bénissent le Lord Protecteur." "Afin qu'il nous surveille et nous protège toujours."We thank the ancestors for the great bounty bestowed upon us, and we ask that they bless the Lord Protector, that he may ever watch over us and keep us safe.
1er mai 1956 Ma mamie surveille les sirènes des attaques aériennes chaque jour férié.May 1 , 1956 starring: My grandmother keeps watch over an air-raid siren every public holidays.
Bothos, surveille Leo.Bothos, watch over Leo.
Cette nuit, je surveille sa tombe avec le révérend.But I'm going to watch over her grave tonight with the vicar until daybreak.
Chaque jour, je surveille les jeunes pousses.I watch over the young shoots every day.
Diane, vous surveillez mes affaires légales.Diane, you watch over my legit businesses.
Et surveillez les personnes comme Stark qui jouent avec.And watch over people like Stark who are toying with it.
Hull, Anderson et toi, surveillez-la jusqu'à 4 h.Hull, you and Anderson keep watch over her until 0400.
Je sais qu'il peut être un peu méchant des fois Mais s'il vous plaît, surveillez le aussi.I know he can be a meany sometimes, but please watch over him too.
Maintenant surveillez les boîtes venant de Düss...Ok, now watch over the over coming from Dust.
C'est peut-être l'une de ses servantes maintenant, nous surveillant et agitant sa toile de la destiné.Perhaps that's one of her servants now, watching over us and weaving its web of destiny.
Il faut te voir. Surveillant les soins intensifs telle une lionne surveillant sa jungle.Look at you, watching over the ICU like a proud lioness looking out over her jungle.
Je parle de plusieurs mois de longues nuits terriblement silencieuses toute seule en néonatale surveillant 27 couveuses pleines de petites vies fragiles et mourantes.I'm talking for months of long, terrible, quiet nights all alone in the NICU watching over 27 incubators full of fragile, dying, little lives.
Même Fury avait un Conseil Mondial le surveillant,Even Fury had a World Council watching over him,
Rahl n'a confiance en personne, donc il n'y aura aucun garde surveillant la chambre.Rahl trusts no one, so there are no living guards watching over the chamber itself.

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