- Hieno vapa, mutta ei tuo saalista. Kehno työmies kalujaan syyttää. | Well, it's beautiful, it's just that I'm not catching anything. |
- Jos lopetat ennen saalista... | But if you stop the crime before you get away with anything... |
- Luuletko, että hän saa saalista? | - Think he'll catch anything? |
- Siltä varalta, ettei löydy saalista. | In case there's nothing to hunt. |
Aion saada tänään saalista - tavalla tai toisella. Saan jotain vielä tähtäimeeni. | I'm going to get me some game today, one way or the other, I'm going to shoot me something. |
Apumiehille ei pidä puhua sanaakaan saaliin arvosta. | The helpers will be paid off like housepainters. They'll be told nothing about the size of the take. |
Haluatte jakaa saaliin. | They will have to share everything. |
Jeesus, todellakin saimme kunnon saaliin. | Jesus, we really caught something here. |
Kun Cerberus tajusi keräilijöiden olevan siirtokuntien katoamisten takana - houkuttelin ne esiin helpon saaliin varjolla. | Look, everything Ive done has been in pursuit of Cerberus goals... After we figured out the Collectors were the ones making off with the colonists, I got in touch, I lured them out with a colony that would be easy pickings, and voila. |
Miksi Gray jakoi saaliin muiden kanssa? | So, she's got a nice thing going. |