Mutta ehdit vandalisoida Chrysleriani. | Oh, but it's a good time for you to vandalize my chrysler though. |
Osaisinpa piirtää. Tai vandalisoida. | Seriously, I wish I could draw or vandalize. |
- Muistuttaa kouluja, joita vandalisoin. | It reminds me of the schools I used to vandalize. |
Siksikö vandalisoit naapuriasi yöllä? | Is that why you vandalized your neighbor's home under the cover of darkness? |
Älkää sanoko jonkun kauhun, joka on liian irvokas näyttämään kasvonsa, - mutta vandalisoi kaupunkiamme S-kirjain rinnassaan, olevan sankari. | Don't tell me some abomination who is too grotesque to show his face but vandalizes our town with the letter "S" is a hero! |
- Ne vandalisoivat hautausmaita. | They vandalize cemeteries. |
He tekevät tageja, vandalisoivat. | They tag stuff, vandalize. |
Paikalliset vandalisoivat hänen kotiaan, kuten näette takanani, - ja hänet otettiin säilöön ollessaan tutkimuksen alla. | The locals vandalized his home, as you can see behind me, and he was put in protective custody while he was under investigation. |
Se on huligaanijoukkio, jotka vain vandalisoivat. | It's a small group of hooligans who choose to vandalize public places, nothing more. |
Viimeiset telttamme vandalisoitiin. | Our last two tents were vandalized. |
Tyttäremme on vandalisoinut koulua. | Our daughters just vandalized the school. |