-Haluamme molemmat, että tämä ratkeaa. | Fine. But I want this resolved as much as you do. |
Mutta varat ovat hallussamme, kunnes juttu ratkeaa. | It's just that we're gonna hold on to the funds until this issue is resolved. |
Siihen saakka, kunnes tämä asia ratkeaa, minun pitää vapauttaa sinut. | So, until this matter is resolved, I have no choice but to let you go. |
Mies murhattiin vankilassa ennen kuin asia ratkesi. | The husband was murdered in prison before the matter was resolved. |
Onneksi tilanne ratkesi. | Fortunately that situation was resolved. |
Panttivankitilanne ratkesi. | The hostage situation was resolved. |
Se ratkesi tyydyttävästi. | It was resolved to my satisfaction. |
Ne ratkesivat, kun lähdit ltävallasta. | They were resolved the moment you left Austria. |
Konfliktien ratkominen osoittaa meille, että asia ei ratkea ennen kuin kaikki osapuolet kykenevät näkemään asian myös toisten osapuolten näkökulmasta. | Conflict resolution teaches us that nothing may be resolved... unless and until each side recognizes the absolute right... of the other side to a point of view. |
Mielialanvaihtelusi syyt eivät ratkea - ennen kuin tiedät mistä on kyse. | Now the emotions you're feeling won't be resolved until you know whathey're about. |
Niin? "Konflikti ei ratkea, ennen kuin osapuolet ymmärtävät toistensa..." | No conflict may be resolved until each side recognizes the absolute right of the other- |
He olisivat juhlineet kuolemaasi ja konflikti olisi ratkennut sillä. | They would have danced at your execution together. And with this, the conflict would have been resolved. |
Miten niin ratkennut? | What does he mean, the situation has been resolved? |
Sinun mukaasi. Mutta riidanaihe ei ole ratkennut. | But what you were arguing about hasn't been resolved. |