"Tilasi paranee." | "Your condition improves." |
- Jos sää vain paranee. | If the weather improves, we shall learn much. |
Dyson, toivottavasti sinun suorituskykysi paranee. | And you, Dyson... let's hope your performance improves. |
Hän on varma, että isä paranee rukousten takia. | As he improves, she becomes convinced... that it's because she's praying again. |
Jos Bob jättää Alicen, Bobin mahdollisuus paranee 9 %. | But if Bob leaves Alice, his chance improves by 9%. |
- Elinolosi paranevat. | Your conditions will improve. |
- Entä jos asiat paranevat? | - What if things improve? |
- Mahdollisuutesi paranevat. | Oh, your chances improve, then. |
Annamme hänelle steroideja. Jos olemme oikeassa, oireet paranevat 12 tunnissa. | So we give him steroids and if we're right, we should start seeing his symptoms improve within half a day. |
Hearstin ateriat paranevat. | Hearst's meals are about to improve. |
- Luin itävaltalaisen lehden. Jostain syystä monien kuppapotilaiden tila parani. | So I read in this Austrian journal that several syphilis patients inexplicably improved. |
En tarkoita - että hänen asenteensa tai käytöksensä olisi muuttunut - vaan että käsitykseni hänestä parani kun tutustuin häneen | I don't mean to imply that... either his mind or his manners are changed for the better. Rather, my knowing him better improved my opinion of him. I see. |
Selviytymismahdollisuutemme parani huomattavasti. | Our odds of survival just improved dramatically. |
Terveyteni parani huomattavasti, kun pääsin ulos. | It improved greatly when I finally discovered the outdoors. |
Tosiasiassa maineesi parani, kun aloit seurustella kanssani. | The fact is that slumming it with me actually improved your reputation. |
- Tuskinpa tapahtuu. Mutta lähitulevaisuuden näkymät paranivat juuri. | Well, not likely, but my short-term prospects just improved. |
Ja vaikka Lizin kädet paranivat Gracen neuvojen ansiosta, - | And although Liz's hands had improved through Grace's good counsel |
Vähitellen kuuntelijaluvut paranivat ja pian haastattelin puolikuuluisuutta - | # Gonna use my arms, gonna use my legs... # Little by little, our ratings actually improved, and before long, I got to interview my first real semifamous celebrity, |
Suurin osa ihmisistä kuvittelee, että jos kaikki velat maksettaisiin pois, niin talouden tila paranisi. | Most people imagine that if all debts were paid off, the state of the economy would improve. |
Tilanteesi paranisi huimasti, jos suostuisit tanssimaan. | Your situation here would improve a thousand percent if you danced again. |
Pikkuherra Joey, toivoin, että asiat paranisivat välillämme, kun olit poissa. | Master Joey, I hoped things would improve between you and I while you were away. |
Asia ei koskaan parane, jos et sano vastaan. | If you do not say from will never improve. |
Ei se siitä toistamalla parane. | Repeatin' a thing doesn't improve it, |
Ellei tila parane hänet on vietävä sairaalaan | He says... he sees no improvement. He's gonna have to have him admitted. |
Entä jos mummin tila ei parane? | What if grandma's condition does not improve? |
Harhatuntemuksesi ei parane. | There's no improvement to your paresthesia. |
Hän on paranemassa. | Look, his health is improving. |
Hänen hengityksensä on paranemassa ja heikkoutta esiintyy raajoissa. | Her breathing's improving and the weakness is in her extremities. |
Bunin tila on paranemaan päin. | Looks like bun's condition is improving. |
Hän on yhä tajuton, mutta paranemaan päin. | He's still unconscious but he's improving. |
Hänen tilansa on paranemaan päin. | His condition is improving. |
Maksa on paranemaan päin. | his liver's actually improving. |
No, paranemaan päin. | Well, it's improving. |