Perustuen ruumiin lopulliseen asentoon korreloin jokaisen vamman ruumiin liikkeisiin murskautuvassa autossa. | Plugged in the bone fragments' final positions, and, based on those... correlated each injury as the body was moved through the car as it was crushed. Oh, God. |
Heillä on tietokanta, - joka korreloi kaiken, mitä virkamiehemme tekevät. | They have this database that correlates everything that our public officials do. |
Hitinennustusalgoritmi Hunterin iPodista korreloi kapealla alalla sen kanssa, miten menestyvä laulusta tulee yli 80-prosenttisesti. | The hit prediction algorithm from Hunter's iPod correlates, within a fairly narrow range, with how commercially successful a song will be over 80% of the time. |
Se korreloi öytämiemme pirstaleiden kanssa. | It correlates with the debris we found. |
Tavoite on kerätä tietoa, - joka korreloi kielekkeen leveyden roikkumisaikaan. | The goal is to come up with a set of data That correlates ledge thickness to hang time. |
Todisteita on löydetty siitä että matemaattinen kyky korreloi skitsofrenian kanssa. | - What? - There's been some evidence to suggest that mathematical ability correlates with schizophrenia. |