Sentenciar (to sentence) conjugation

78 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: voice, to voice an opinion

Conjugation of sentenciar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I sentence
you sentence
he/she/it sentences
we sentence
you all sentence
they sentence
Present perfect tense
he sentenciado
I have sentenced
has sentenciado
you have sentenced
ha sentenciado
he/she/it has sentenced
hemos sentenciado
we have sentenced
habéis sentenciado
you all have sentenced
han sentenciado
they have sentenced
Past preterite tense
I sentenced
you sentenced
he/she/it sentenced
we sentenced
you all sentenced
they sentenced
Future tense
I will sentence
you will sentence
he/she/it will sentence
we will sentence
you all will sentence
they will sentence
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would sentence
you would sentence
he/she/it would sentence
we would sentence
you all would sentence
they would sentence
Past imperfect tense
I used to sentence
you used to sentence
he/she/it used to sentence
we used to sentence
you all used to sentence
they used to sentence
Past perfect tense
había sentenciado
I had sentenced
habías sentenciado
you had sentenced
había sentenciado
he/she/it had sentenced
habíamos sentenciado
we had sentenced
habíais sentenciado
you all had sentenced
habían sentenciado
they had sentenced
Future perfect tense
habré sentenciado
I will have sentenced
habrás sentenciado
you will have sentenced
habrá sentenciado
he/she/it will have sentenced
habremos sentenciado
we will have sentenced
habréis sentenciado
you all will have sentenced
habrán sentenciado
they will have sentenced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I sentence
(if/so that) you sentence
(if/so that) he/she/it sentence
(if/so that) we sentence
(if/so that) you all sentence
(if/so that) they sentence
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya sentenciado
I have sentenced
hayas sentenciado
you have sentenced
haya sentenciado
he/she/it has sentenced
hayamos sentenciado
we have sentenced
hayáis sentenciado
you all have sentenced
hayan sentenciado
they have sentenced
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have sentenced
(if/so that) you have sentenced
(if/so that) he/she/it have sentenced
(if/so that) we have sentenced
(if/so that) you all have sentenced
(if/so that) they have sentenced
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have sentenced
(if/so that) you have sentenced
(if/so that) he/she/it have sentenced
(if/so that) we have sentenced
(if/so that) you all have sentenced
(if/so that) they have sentenced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera sentenciado
I had sentenced
hubieras sentenciado
you had sentenced
hubiera sentenciado
he/she/it had sentenced
hubiéramos sentenciado
we had sentenced
hubierais sentenciado
you all had sentenced
hubieran sentenciado
they had sentenced
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese sentenciado
I had sentenced
hubieses sentenciado
you had sentenced
hubiese sentenciado
he/she/it had sentenced
hubiésemos sentenciado
we had sentenced
hubieseis sentenciado
you all had sentenced
hubiesen sentenciado
they had sentenced
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have sentenced
(if/so that) you will have sentenced
(if/so that) he/she/it will have sentenced
(if/so that) we will have sentenced
(if/so that) you all will have sentenced
(if/so that) they will have sentenced
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere sentenciado
I will have sentenced
hubieres sentenciado
you will have sentenced
hubiere sentenciado
he/she/it will have sentenced
hubiéremos sentenciado
we will have sentenced
hubiereis sentenciado
you all will have sentenced
hubieren sentenciado
they will have sentenced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's sentence!
Imperative negative mood
no sentencies
do not sentence!
no sentencie
let him/her/it sentence!
no sentenciemos
let us not sentence!
no sentenciéis
do not sentence!
no sentencien
do not sentence!

Examples of sentenciar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Ahora tienes el poder de sentenciar su alma al Infierno.Now you have the power to sentence his soul straight to Hell.
Con el debido respeto, a usted no la eligieron para sentenciar a muerte a decenas de miles de estadounidenses.With all due respect, you were not elected to sentence tens of thousands of Americans to death.
Cuando Illinois aún aplicaba la pena de muerte los jurados eran diez veces más proclives a sentenciar a un afro-americano que a un blanco.When Illinois still had the death penalty, juries were ten times more likely to sentence an African-American than a white one.
Dijo que pensaba sentenciar a Polanski in absentia, así que preparé para impugnar alegando incapacitación del juez.He said that he intended now to sentence Polanski in absentia. So I prepared the challenge for cause to disqualify a judge.
El lado bueno de esto es que Trelane puede sentenciar a Phan sin tener que recusarse.Well,on the bright side,Trelane's free to sentence Phan without having to recuse himself.
"Así que te sentencio a que te cases.""So I sentence you to be married."
"Lo sentencio a 15 años..."I sentence you to 15 years
"Yo, en mi carácter de Sheriff de Nottingham, por la presente sentencio...I, Vaizey... Sheriff of Nottingham, hereby pronounce sentence of...
- Ahora la sentencio a 12 años.I now sentence you to twelve years.
- Ahora la sentencio a doce años.- I now sentence you to twelve years.
- Han acusado a la fiscalía de que los delincuentes de color reciben peores sentencias.- The prosecutor's office in the past... has been embarrassed by reports that minority criminals get stiffer sentences.
- Severas sentencias para todos.- Severe sentences for all of them.
- Tenías cosas que hacer El Congreso ignora mi seriedad con las sentencias severas.Congress doesn't know I'm serious about these Draconian sentences.
...y el gobernador dijo que la tasa de crímenes bajó... porque las sentencias son más largas.And the governor said the crime rate is down because of longer prison sentences.
5 sentencias de muerte en el juicio a las "dos Djamilas"5 death sentences in trial of "two Djamilas"
"...y sentencia a los negros que matan a blancos...""...and sentences blacks who kill whites...
- Este jurado lo sentencia a 7 años.This court sentences him to seven years.
... sentencia a Ram Jaane a morir en la horca....sentences Ram Jaane to death by the noose.
A diferencia de su país, la sentencia aquí se cumple en una semana.And, unlike in your country, sentences are carried out within a week.
Acabas de firmar tu propia sentencia de muerte.You just signed your own death sentences.
Además, este tribunal declara al mulato Calavera conocido como capitán Calavera, culpable de piratería en alta mar un delito contra Dios y la naturaleza, y le sentenciamos a morir ahogado en el mar".Furthermore, this tribunal declares the mulatto, Calavera otherwise known as Captain Skull, guilty of piracy on the high seas a crime against God and nature, and sentence him to be cast into the sea there to perish by drowning."
Del cargo del Articulo 15, golpear a un oficial... encontramos al acusado culpable... y lo sentenciamos a un año en la Prisión Naval de Miramar.On the Article 15 charge of striking an officer... we find the defendant guilty as charged... and sentence him to one year in the Naval Consolidated Brig at Miramar.
Del cargo del Articulo 90, desobedecer una orden licita... declaramos al acusado culpable... y lo sentenciamos a 10 años en la Prisión Naval de Miramar.On the Article 90 charge of disobeying a lawful order... we find the defendant guilty... and sentence him to 10 years at NAVCONBRIG Miramar.
En nuestra organización, propuse que el secuestro se volviera pena capital, así que sentenciamos de muerte a Boilesen.In our organization, I proposed that the kidnapping be transformed into capital punishment, so we sentenced Boilesen to death.
Encontramos a la acusada culpable de todos los cargos y la sentenciamos a morir en la silla eléctrica.We find the defendant guilty as charged... and sentence her to die in the electric chair.
A Burt lo sentencian a cadena perpetua.There's Burt, sentenced to life in prison, no hope of parole.
Ahora se ha revelado que si escribes una historia critica del gobierno de ocupación, te arrestan instantáneamente y te sentencian a unos 30 años de prisión.Now it's been revealed that if you write one story critical of the occupational government you're instantly arrested and sentenced on average to 30 years in prison.
Cuando alguien confiesa un crimen lo sentencian a muerte y se rehúsa a apelar la expresión correcta es "ex abogado".Once a person confesses to a crime... gets sentenced to death, and refuses to appeal... the term becomes "former lawyer. "
Después de que te sentencian te mandan a otro sitio.So they send you to another spot after you're sentenced or whatever.
En los Estados Unidos sentencian a miles de criminales basados en su perfil.In the US, they sentence a thousand criminals a year based on profiling.
Como reina, sentencié a muchos a muerte, hice muchos prisioneros.Well, as Queen, I sentenced many to death, captured many prisoners.
Hace tres meses sentencié a un hombre llamado Raymond Tubbs. a 40 años sin condicional.Three months ago I sentenced a man named Raymond Tubbs to 40 years without parole.
Soñé que Ud. era el desertor al que sentencié... y que quería darme un tiro.I dreamt you were the deserter I sentenced and that you wanted to shoot me.
Te sentencié a 10 años.I sentenced you to 10 years.
Todos los que sentencié desafiarán la decisión.Everybody I sentenced will challenge the ruling.
- ¿Lo sentenciaste?You've sentenced him?
El conde volvió de entre los muertos, y yo ahora estoy volviendo del destierro al que me sentenciaste.The count returned from the dead, as I am now returned from the banishment to which you sentenced me...
Me gustó cuando sentenciaste a esas dos chicas a que se besaran.I liked when you sentenced those two girls to kiss each other.
Sabías que no envenené a Joffrey, pero me sentenciaste de todas formas.You knew I didn't poison Joffrey, but you sentenced me all the same.
Soy tu hijo y me sentenciaste a morir.I am your son and you sentenced me to die.
"¿Pero qué c... quieres que haga?" Y entonces Poncio Pilatos, mandado por los judíos, sentenció a Jesús a ser torturado y crucificado."What the ( bleep ) do you want from me ?" And so Pontius Pilate, who was thus instructed by the Jews, sentenced the Jesus to be scourged and crucified.
- Empecé a, pero luego tuve que pensar sobre mi posición en la empresa, y el hecho de que el tio de mi colega es el juez que te sentenció.- I started to, but then I had to think about my position in the firm, and the fact that my colleague's uncle is the judge that sentenced you.
Borna me sentenció a muerte por hereje. pero Zareta le suplicó piedad.Borna sentenced me to death for heresy, but Zareta begged him for mercy.
Bueno, si no son los oficiales que lo arrestaron ni el juez que lo sentenció--Well, it's not the officers who arrested him or the Judge who sentenced him.
Cuando el juez que presidía tu caso sentenció tan ligeramente al asesino de tu hijo tu alma jamás se recuperó.Jeff, when the judge presiding over your case sentenced your boy's murderer so lightly, your soul never recovered.
- Se dijo que sufría de demencia así que lo sentenciaron a prisión perpetua.- There was some talk of him being insane... so they sentenced him to life imprisonment instead.
- ¿Lo sentenciaron a la horca? .- Were you sentenced to be hung?
A los Ladrones de la Fama los sentenciaron hoy... por su papel en los allanamientos... en los que robaron más de tres millones en bienes de lujo.Members of the Bling Ring were sentenced today... for their role in a rash of break-ins... that netted more than three million in high-end goods.
A pesar del parecido, Nobukado es un malvado según me cuentas, tanto que lo sentenciaron a ser crucificado.Even with this resemblance, Nobukado, he is so wicked as to be sentenced to crucifixion.
A todos los involucrados los declararon traidores y los sentenciaron a muerte.All those involved were branded traitors and sentenced to death.
Luego haré mis observaciones y lo sentenciaré a Chino para el estudio de diagnóstico y la prensa no necesita saber más al respecto."and you argue that he should be put on probation. "Then I will make my remarks, "and I will sentence him to Chino for the diagnostic study,
El juez lo sentenciará a una instalación juvenil.The judge will sentence him to a juvenile facility.
Si Morgan viola su libertad... si trata de salir del estado o si comete otro crimen... este tribunal lo sentenciará hasta el límite de su poder... y lo remitirá a la penitenciaría... para que cumpla su sentencia entera según lo establece la ley.If Morgan violates his probation... ifhe tries to leave the state or commits another crime... this court will sentence him to the limit of its power... and remand him to the penitentiary... for the full term ofhis sentence as provided by law.
Si sale mayoría el detective sentenciará al criminal a prisión.If the majority agree the detective will sentence the criminal to prison.
Un disparo y el Gran Coësre los sentenciaría a muerte.One shot and the Great Coësre would sentence you to death.
Rosalyn, sentenciarías a tu propio creador a la muerte verdadera si eso ayudara a tu agenda política.Rosalyn, you would sentence your own maker to the true death if it served your political agenda.
- Díselo al juez que sentencie su vida y el no se mueve.- Tell it to the judge to sentence his life and he don't budge.
A menos que sentencie a Milner a prisión, la ordenanza dice destierro.Unless I commute Milner's sentence to imprisonment, the bylaw says banishment.
Antes de que me sentencie, ¿puedo decir...?Before you sentence me, can I just say...
El asunto se resolverá antes de que se sentencie a Devereaux en tu caso.The matter will be resolved before Devereaux is sentenced in your case.
En el momento en que el juez sentencie a Tobin, no tendrá incentivo para hablar.The minute the judge sentences Tobin, he'll have no incentive to talk.
Cuando seas rey... Jacobo y yo deseamos sentarnos junto a tu trono cuando los sentencies.When you're king, James and I wish to sit by your throne as sentence is passed on them.
Yo digo que le sentenciemos a la Jueza Harper...I say we give Judge Harper this sentence...
"la solución es el sistema de justícia americano... simplemente consigue que te sentencien a muerte."America's criminal justice system, just get yourself sentenced to death.
Actualmente, es muy probable que lo sentencien a muerte.At the moment, he's most likely to get a death sentence,
Bueno, ¿y si la boda es antes de que le sentencien?Well, what about having the wedding before he's sentenced?
Disfrutaré viendo desaparecer esa sonrisa cuando te sentencien a cadena perpetua.I'm gonna enjoy seeing that smirk disappear when that foreman hands down a life sentence.
El juez te lo explicará cuando te sentencien.Oh, the judge will explain all that when you're sentenced.
"El condenado es sentenciado a muerte""The condemned is sentenced to death"
"El jurado ha determinado que Damien Echols sea sentenciado a pena de muerte por inyección letal"."We the jury have determined that Damien Echols shall be sentenced to death by lethal injection."
"Hemos decidido que Jason Baldwin sea sentenciado a cadena perpetua sin libertad condicional"."We have determined that Jason Baldwin shall be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole."
"Un hombre en Londres fue sentenciado a 20 meses de cárcel..."A London man has been sentenced to 20 months in jail
"de asesinato en primer grado y sentenciado a muerte, ahora llevaremos a cabo la sentencia.""of murder in the first degree and sentenced to death, we will now carry out the sentence."
- Me está acusando condenando y sentenciando sin un juicio justo.You're accusing, convicting and sentencing me without a fair trial.
A la esposa de Baxter la asaltaron y estuvo sentenciando desde su imparcialidad, desde entonces.Baxter's wife was assaulted. He's been sentencing from his bias since.
Ahí está tu patrón, solo ha estando sentenciando a prisión a blancos los últimos seis meses.There's your pattern, he's been sentencing only whites to prison for the last six months.
Así que para él para disparar ella en su corazón - en el universo de sus delirios - estaría sentenciando a su a la condenación eterna .So for him to shoot her in her heart-- in the universe of his delusions-- he would be sentencing her to eternal damnation.
Entonces estás sentenciando a tu propia gente a la muerte.Then you're sentencing your own people to death.

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