- Lo necesito para reasignar algunos anestesistas. | Yeah. I need you to reassign some anesthesiologists. |
- Yo tuve que reasignar todas sus clases. | I have to reassign all of her classes. |
Además, estarás controlando todos los casos de la oficina así que necesitarás reasignar los tuyos, incluido el de Fring. | You'd be overseeing every case in the office so you'd need to reassign all your day-to-days, Fring included. |
Amenazó con reasignar a mis hijos. | He threatened to reassign my children. |
Creo que va a ser divertido, ahora que el alcalde ha pedido reasignar a Laura Davey. | I think it's gonna be fun, now that the Mayor has asked to reassign it to Laura Davey. |
El viernes, les reasigno a los Nerds al control de masas. | On friday, i'm reassigning you nerds to crowd control. |
Lo reasigno a usted y al soldado Esparza a una batería en el fondo de la iglesia, para que puedan estar con sus familias. | I'm reassigning you and Private Esparza to the battery at the rear of the church so you can be near your families. |
Si quieres, te reasigno. | If you like, we can reassign you immediately. |
Si te reasigno, ¿abandonarás la búsqueda de ese hombre? | If I reassign you, will you abandon your search for this man? |
Te reasigno a Chilton Foliat. | I'm reassigning you to Chilton Foliat. |
Se impone a mí y reasigna a mis hombres. | He countermands my orders arbitrarily reassigns my crew. |
Voy con Cuddy, Cuddy la despide o la reasigna. | I go to Cuddy, Cuddy fires her or reassigns her. |
Se entrenó como especialista en armas pero estuvo tanto en la cocina que lo reasignamos allí permanentemente. | He was trained as a weapons specialist... but he spent so much time in KP... we reassigned him to the kitchen on a permanent basis. |
Señora, Martin Collins, el de servicio secreto que reasignamos-- | Ma'am, Martin Collins, the secret service guy we reassigned... |
¡O acabas con esto o te reasignamos porque no pienso caer contigo! | Either you break it off, or you get your ass reassigned... 'cause I'm not goin' down with you! |
Ellos no me reasignan a Angola debido a mis habilidades. | They didn't reassign me to Angola because of my skills. |
En el que les reasignan a un trabajo de oficina. | Where they get reassigned a desk job. |
Lo reasignan a tareas administrativas, y deja SÄPO unos años después. | He reassigned to desk duty and quit SÄPO a few years after that. |
A pesar de la inocencia de cualquier mala acción, reasigné a los enfermeros. | Although innocent of any wrongdoing, I reassigned the nurses. |
Así era. La reasigné. | I had her reassigned. |
Lo reasigné al parque motor. | Had him reassigned to the motor pool. |
Sabes qué, lo reasigné, no fue a ninguna parte. | You know what, I reassigned it; It didn't go anywhere. |
Te reasigné bajo la supervisión de Torrance. esperando que te pudiera manejar. | I reassigned you under Torrance, hoping that he was gonna reign you in. |
Mamá ¿Por qué me reasignaste? | Mom, why did you get me reassigned? |
Nos reasignaste. Nos mantuviste en nómina durante tres meses. | You reassigned us, kept us on payroll for three months. |
Renunciaste a todos tus casos, los reasignaste a otros médicos. | You passed on all your cases, reassigned them to other doctors. |
Aaron reasignó el artículo de la corrupción judicial. | Aaron reassigned the judicial corruption piece. |
El 8 de diciembre de 1944... seis meses después de que la metralla interrumpiera mi carrera... con la Segunda Compañía de Asalto y Transmisiones en Omaha Beach... me reasignó el cuartel general de la Zona de Comunicaciones, TOE... y me ordenó que me presentara a una unidad nueva: | On the 8th of December, 1944, six months after a piece of enemy shrapnel... cut short my career with the Second Assault and Signal Company on Omaha Beach... I was reassigned by headquarters, Com. "Z", E. T. O... and ordered to report to a new outfit- G2, S.S.S., Seventh Army. |
El Comandante Tucker reasignó al equipo que estaba trabajando aquí. | Commander Tucker reassigned the repair team that was working here. |
El Director Vance nos reasignó a nosotros tres porque creía que había un topo en el NCIS. | You know Director Vance reassigned the three of us because he believed there was a mole in NCIS. |
El director me reasignó a recepción pero no estoy hecho para trabajo de escritorio. | The warden reassigned me to reception, but l'm not cut out for deskwork. |
- No sabemos silo reasignaron. | - We don't know he's been reassigned. |
- No, me reasignaron ... volver a mi antiguo trabajo como "the Sun" como corresponsal de guerra. | No, I got reassigned back to my old job as The Sun's ace war correspondent. |
A mí me degradaron y a ti te reasignaron. | I was demoted and you were reassigned. |
Desearía poder ayudarla pero no hemos hablado desde que lo reasignaron y ni siquiera me dijeron adónde. | I wish i could help you, but we haven't spoken since he was reassigned, And they didn't even tell me where. |
Dos días antes de partir... me reasignaron a Dennis Baker. | Two days ago before kick-off, I was reassigned Dennis Baker. |
Si me quieres fuera díselo a Beckman y me reasignará. | If you want me out, just tell beckman and she will reassign me. |
Haré saber a su teniente que le reasigne por petición de ambos. | I'll let your lieutenant know to reassign you at our mutual request. After only one day? |
Le haré saber a tu teniente que te reasigne a petición mutua. | I'll let your lieutenant know to reassign you at our mutual request. |
Me han ordenado que te reasigne... | I have been instructed to reassign you... |
No puedo permitir que se te limite a ser mi asistente, así que, mañana llamaré a Sargento Mayor para que te reasigne. | I can't let you be reduced to my assistant, so tomorrow I'll call the Sergeant Major and have you reassigned. |
Solo un día o dos hasta que Pax River lo reasigne. | And just a day or two until Pax River reassigns him. |
April, necesito que reasignes estos casos. | April, I need you to reassign these cases. |
Necesito que reasignes algunos anestesiólogos. | Yeah. I need you to reassign some anesthesiologists. |
No reasignes mis cuentas. | Don't bother reassigning my accounts. |
Está sugiriendo que nosotros reasignemos a 15 tripulantes... para que modifiquen el Volador Delta. | You're suggesting we reassign 15 crewmen to "modify" the Delta Flyer? |
Así que puedo llamar a D.O.D., y ver si puedo conseguir que te reasignen. Y por hoy, tómate el día libre. | I think I got it handled, so I can talk to the D.O.D., see if I can get you reassigned, and as for today, you got the day off. |
Esa clase de comportamiento... haría que a un Capitán de la Flota lo reasignen a un contenedor de basura. | That kind of behavior would get a Starfleet Captain reassigned to a garbage scow. |
Fue un error asignarlo a una compañía de fusileros... y me encargaré de que lo reasignen. | It was a mistake assigning you to a rifle company, and I'm going to see that you're reassigned. |
Hacer que lo reasignen. | Get him reassigned. |
Haré que la reasignen. | I'll have her reassigned. |
"Recomiendo que sea removido de su cargo y sea reasignado a ventas, donde pertenece." | "I recommend he be removed from that position and reassigned to sales, where he belongs." |
- Acabo de ser reasignado. | - I just got reassigned. |
- Cientos escribió a George Tenet, exigiendo a estar reasignado a casa de Bagdad. | - Hundreds he wrote to George Tenet, demanding you be reassigned home from Baghdad. |
- Como dije, matar a la Jueza Harper es una manera de conseguir que tu caso sea reasignado. | - Like I said, killing Judge Harper's a way to get your case reassigned. |
- El puesto de traductor ha sido reasignado. | The translation post has been reassigned. |
Dice que está reasignando Alice a Portugal. | It says we're reassigning Alice to Portugal. |
Espera, no respondas todavía, porque también te estoy reasignando a Siberia. | Wait, don't answer yet, because I'm also reassigning you to Siberia. |
Estoy reasignando a Fischer, ocho horas a la semana. | I'm reassigning Fischer, eight hours a week. |
Estoy reasignando sus casos. | I'm reassigning his cases. |
La están reasignando. | They're reassigning you. |