La Desregulación Aérea de 1978 nos dio discreción para promulgar cualquier regla que querramos mientras la seguridad aérea no sea comprometida. | The 1978 Airline Deregulation act gives us broad discretion to promulgate any rule we want so long as air safety's not compromised. |
Nuestro primer objetivo... es promulgar una constitución y establecer un parlamento. | Our primary objective is to promulgate a constitution and establish a parliament. |
Su Santidad está dispuesta a promulgar la orden de excomunión. | His Holiness is ready to promulgate the bull of excommunication. |
Creemos que es un principio de nuestro sistema judicial, como los Padres Fundadores promulgaron, que la comprensión sea más importante que... lo contrario. | We believe it's the very foundation of our judicial system, as promulgated by our Founding Fathers, that comprehensiveness be chosen over the opposite. |
El decreto ha sido promulgado. | The decree has been promulgated. |
El sheriff de San Francisco ha abusado de su investidura, ha promulgado un patrón de sobornos y corrupción, y es, por tanto, por los poderes que me otorga la Segunda Carta Magna, despedido de su puesto y librado de sus deberes. | The Sheriff of San Francisco has abused his office, has promulgated a pattern of graft and corruption, and is therefore, by the powers vested in me by the Second Magna Carta, dismissed from his post and relieved of his duties. |
Esencialmente, Dow ha estado promulgando un engaño por el cual han convencido a la gente de que no pueden hacer nada respecto a Bhopal, de que no pueden aceptar la responsabilidad. | Essentially, Dow has been promulgating a hoax by which they've convinced people that they can't do anything about Bhopal, that they cannot accept responsibility. |