Promover (to promote) conjugation

78 examples

Conjugation of promover

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I promote
you promote
he/she/it promotes
we promote
you all promote
they promote
Present perfect tense
he promovido
I have promoted
has promovido
you have promoted
ha promovido
he/she/it has promoted
hemos promovido
we have promoted
habéis promovido
you all have promoted
han promovido
they have promoted
Past preterite tense
I promoted
you promoted
he/she/it promoted
we promoted
you all promoted
they promoted
Future tense
I will promote
you will promote
he/she/it will promote
we will promote
you all will promote
they will promote
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would promote
you would promote
he/she/it would promote
we would promote
you all would promote
they would promote
Past imperfect tense
I used to promote
you used to promote
he/she/it used to promote
we used to promote
you all used to promote
they used to promote
Past perfect tense
había promovido
I had promoted
habías promovido
you had promoted
había promovido
he/she/it had promoted
habíamos promovido
we had promoted
habíais promovido
you all had promoted
habían promovido
they had promoted
Future perfect tense
habré promovido
I will have promoted
habrás promovido
you will have promoted
habrá promovido
he/she/it will have promoted
habremos promovido
we will have promoted
habréis promovido
you all will have promoted
habrán promovido
they will have promoted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I promote
(if/so that) you promote
(if/so that) he/she/it promote
(if/so that) we promote
(if/so that) you all promote
(if/so that) they promote
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya promovido
I have promoted
hayas promovido
you have promoted
haya promovido
he/she/it has promoted
hayamos promovido
we have promoted
hayáis promovido
you all have promoted
hayan promovido
they have promoted
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have promoted
(if/so that) you have promoted
(if/so that) he/she/it have promoted
(if/so that) we have promoted
(if/so that) you all have promoted
(if/so that) they have promoted
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have promoted
(if/so that) you have promoted
(if/so that) he/she/it have promoted
(if/so that) we have promoted
(if/so that) you all have promoted
(if/so that) they have promoted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera promovido
I had promoted
hubieras promovido
you had promoted
hubiera promovido
he/she/it had promoted
hubiéramos promovido
we had promoted
hubierais promovido
you all had promoted
hubieran promovido
they had promoted
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese promovido
I had promoted
hubieses promovido
you had promoted
hubiese promovido
he/she/it had promoted
hubiésemos promovido
we had promoted
hubieseis promovido
you all had promoted
hubiesen promovido
they had promoted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have promoted
(if/so that) you will have promoted
(if/so that) he/she/it will have promoted
(if/so that) we will have promoted
(if/so that) you all will have promoted
(if/so that) they will have promoted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere promovido
I will have promoted
hubieres promovido
you will have promoted
hubiere promovido
he/she/it will have promoted
hubiéremos promovido
we will have promoted
hubiereis promovido
you all will have promoted
hubieren promovido
they will have promoted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's promote!
Imperative negative mood
no promuevas
do not promote!
no promueva
let him/her/it promote!
no promovamos
let us not promote!
no promováis
do not promote!
no promuevan
do not promote!

Examples of promover

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Por defecto, intento ser lo más desapercibida posible, para promover un ambiente relajante en casa.By default, I attempt to be as unobtrusive as possible, to promote a relaxing home environment.
"Creo que hay muchos problemas con la teoría de la evolución y creo que es usada para promover una visión del mundo que es anti-teísta, que es atea."I think there are a lot of problems with the theory of evolution and I do believe it is used to promote a world view that is anti-theist, that is atheist.
"Debe hacer todo lo posible para promover la piedad orientar sus discursos a la justicia, el amor y la prudencia.You must do everything to promote piety, slant your speeches towards justice, love and cautiousness.
"Qué gran oportunidad de promover mi arte""Great opportunity to promote my art,"
"Un acto para promover la comodidad de los pasajeros. ""An act to promote the comfort of passengers."
"Por su invalorable servicio a este país y esta unidad demostrando un profesionalismo ejemplar por la presente promuevo al sargento Robert Davis Brown al rango de sargento primera clase.""For service to this country and this unit demonstrating professionalism as a soldier and a leader I hereby promote Sergeant Robert Davis Brown to the rank of Sergeant First Class. "
-Eddie, promuevo mis peliculas.-l promote my movies.
-Yo promuevo mis películas.-I promote my movies.
Como les dije cuando los conocí yo busco y promuevo talentos futbolísticos.As I told u I look and promote young talents soccer talents.
Este es por eso que nunca promuevo cualquiera bajo la edad de 26 años, ¿de acuerdo?This is why I never promote anyone under the age of 26, okay?
Además del deseo burgués de un ideal de sociedad. Tan joven y promueves el consumismo de la agenda capitalistaBesides some bourgeois desire to fulfill an ideal that society embeds in us from an early age to promote a consumer capitalist agenda?
Y tú, tú, Zac, tú te vas a ver como el Supremo Sacerdote de los Einstein si promueves a ese muy talentoso joven.And you, you, Zac, you... you are going to look like the Grand High Priest of Einsteins if you promote this very talented young man.
si esto es cierto, chico tenemos algunas preguntas... si estas a favor de los valores familiares, ¿por que promueves a una estudiante lesbiana para ser la cabeza de la cheerleaders?If that's true, boy do we have some questions... If you're so into family values, why did you promote a lesbian student to be your head cheerleader?
- El crucero gay promueve la promiscuidad.- Whereas the gay cruise promotes promiscuity.
- promueve la ignorancia.- promotes ignorance.
Apenas puedo pensar que el tipo de comportamiento promiscuo que promueve Babylon sea cosa de risaI hardly think the kind of promiscuous behavior that Babylon promotes is a laughing matter.
Así que... tener un sistema que deliberadamente promueve la aceleración del consumo por el bien del supuesto "crecimiento económico", es pura locura ecocida.So...having a system that deliberately promotes the acceleration of consumption for the sake of so-called "economic growth" is pure ecocidal insanity.
Blackberry promueve un sueño agradable.Blackberry promotes a pleasant sleepiness.
- Si lo promovemos bien.- If we promote this right.
Así que promovemos la buena voluntad, no los maleficios.So we promote goodwill, not hexes.
Bien, donde vayamos, visitaríamos las escuelas de taekwondo locales, promovemos la paz y la buena voluntad.Right, wherever we go, we'd visit the iocal taekwondo schools, we promote peace and goodwill.
Como cualquier nuevo líder... promovemos a los que nos son leales.Like any new leaders, we... we promote those loyal to us.
Para mi como sociedad promovemos mentiras Para que la gente use al amor para su beneficio propioIt seems that we as a society and promote lies and appreciate those who use them love their personal benefit.
En ambos casos, promovéis la lucha y cobráis la entrada.Either way, you get to promote the fight and collect the gate.
Así que estas rutas que hemos identificado en la levadura, sumadas a la promoción del envejecimiento, también promueven el daño del ADN y el daño de una variedad de diferentes sistemas dentro de las células.So these pathways that we've identified in yeast, in addition to promoting aging, they also promote DNA damage and the damage of a variety of different systems within the cells.
Bien, ellas promueven la belleza.Well, they promote the fashion.
Científicos eminentes, los doctores Singer y Seitz promueven la visión escéptica sobre el cambio climático.Eminent scientists, Drs. Singer and Seitz promote the skeptic view on climate change.
Cuando resulté herido, casi me promueven.When I was wounded, I was about to be promoted.
Durante una película. Las marcas promueven sus productos usando la "venta suave."During a movie brands promote their products using "soft sell"
"Debido a su diligencia, lo promoví...""Because of his diligence, I promoted him...."
- Lo promoví a cabo.- Got you promoted to corporal.
- Vino como un candidato pero ya lo promoví a pretendiente.- He came as a candidate but I've promoted him.
- ¿Yo me promoví?- I promoted myself?
A partir de ahí, yo promoví a mí mismo a la empresa de la fabricación de productos para el cabello y preparados.From there, I promoted myself to the business of manufacturing hair goods and preparations.
- Además de la gente que promovió Kruse.But also those Kruse promoted, and Kruse himself.
- ¿Quién te promovió?- Who promoted you?
A tal punto, que inmediatamente promovió al Comandante del campo.So much so that he immediately promoted the commandant of the camp,
Bueno, me promovió a despachadora...Yeah, well, he promoted me to dispatcher...
Básicamente la promovió, la llevó a Sacramento, para que él pudiera, ya sabes...He basically promoted her, took her to Sacramento, so he could, you know... Watch it.
- No La aven+tura amorosa que nosotros promovimos está enfrentando los problemas ahoraThe love affair we promoted is now facing problems
- Mariscal, me promovieron.I've been promoted.
- ¿Te promovieron?- Been promoted?
-Al menos, hasta que la promovieron a una posición de maestra.- At least, until you got promoted To a teaching position.
-Técnico quirúrgico, te promovieron.- Surgical technician. I got you promoted.
A los que no hablaron, los promovieron.Those who didn't blab got promoted.
.."este pueblo de Pawan se promoverá"." This village Pawan will promote."
Además, tenga presente que este cementerio promoverá... el aplauso y el reconocimiento de los otros Comandantes en nuestro honor.Keep in mind that this cemetery will promote The praise and recognition of high command towards us.
Cualquier cosa que diga promoverá el site.Anything you say will promote the site.
Incluso Cappie piensa que la fiesta promoverá la paz.Even Cappie thinks the party will promote peace.
Y también promoveremos esto movilizando el movimiento de la pelvis.And we will promote this also by mobilizing the movement of the pelvis.
Bohr participó en la construcción... de la bomba atómica creyendo que promovería la paz.Bohr participated in the construction of the atom bomb and thought it would promote peace.
Pensaste que la industria de alcohol promovería eso? .You'd think the liquor industry would promote that.
Yo promovería a Auctus o a media docena de hombres en su lugar.I would promote Auctus or half a dozen men in his place.
Yo proporcionaría habilidades técnicas, y él promovería esa tecnología.I would provide technical skills, he would promote that technology.
¡Eso promovería las buenas relaciones entre Japón y Francia!It would promote friendly relations between Japan and France!
Contra cada empresa que promueva el capitalismo global y destruya vidas y culturas para aumentar sus rentas.Against any company that promotes global capitalism and destroys lives and cultures in order to increase its profits.
Ellos no nos quieren dar una exención fiscal a menos que la película promueva el turismo.They won't give us a tax break unless the movie promotes tourism.
Espero que mi legado sea un programa del estilo a Barrio Sésamo que promueva el analfabetismo en chicas.I hope my legacy is a Sesame Street type TV show that promotes illiteracy in girls.
Estamos buscando cualquier estructura que promueva humedad.We're looking for any structures that promote humidity.
Están reprimiendo cualquier reunión, publicación o grupo que promueva el terrorismo.They are shutting down any gatherings, postings, or clubs that promote terrorism.
Quieres que insista en que promuevas a Miller en vez de a Quinn.You want me to insist that you promote Miller.
¿Dejan que promuevas eso aquí?They let you promote your thing here?
Tener cáncer o no... dependerá principalmente de cómo promovamos el crecimiento de esas células.Whether we do or don't get cancer is primarily related to how we promote those cancer cells to grow over time.
...que realmente sirva Ceremonia de Inauguración a los propósitos para los que se hizo y que realmente promuevan no sólo armonía entre los estados sino armonía y comunicación entre las naciones del mundo.That it will indeed serve the purposes intended and that it will truly promote not only harmony between the states, but harmony and communication between the nations of the world.
No sólo eso lo voy a hacer conseguir que le promuevan a usted.Not only that III get him to promote you.
Pero hay un peligro que esos sentimientos promuevan culpabilidad.But there is a danger that such feelings might promote guilt.
Quizá promuevan a uno de ustedes.Maybe they're gonna promote one of you.
sistemas de creencia y valores que sean tercos, irracionales y promuevan el pensamiento cerrado.belief systems and values that are stubborn, irrational, and promote closed thinking.
"El Sr. Selfridge, famoso por sus pensamientos liberales, siempre ha promovido a estas mujeres que piden trabajar junto a los hombres".'Mr. Selfridge, notorious for his liberal views, has always promoted those females who demand to work alongside men.'
- Aun así, no me han promovido.But with all that, I still haven't been promoted. Do you know why?
- Fui promovido!I have been promoted.
- Hoy ha sido promovido al rango de capitán Dia Vandy, jefe.Today, you are promoted to the rank of captain. Dia Vandy boss man.
- No es maravilloso? - Te promovido.- You've been promoted?
- Estoy promoviendo el proceso.–I am promoting the process.
- Sí, creo que la única promoción Estoy interesado en está promoviendo ustedes a los generales en mi ejército amistad.- Yeah, I think the only promotion I'm interested in is promoting you guys to generals in my friendship army.
- y mi publicista ya lo está promoviendo. - Puedo ayudar a promoverlo.- and my publisher is already promoting it.
- ¡Espera! ...o parece que estoy promoviendo la violencia...- Wait... -or, you know, sound like I'm promoting violence,
135 veces, la mayoría del tiempo promoviendo Thief Light.135 times, most of the time promoting Thief Light.

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