Participar (to take part) conjugation

67 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: take, to participate

Conjugation of participar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I take part
you take part
he/she/it takes part
we take part
you all take part
they take part
Present perfect tense
he participado
I have taken part
has participado
you have taken part
ha participado
he/she/it has taken part
hemos participado
we have taken part
habéis participado
you all have taken part
han participado
they have taken part
Past preterite tense
I took part
you took part
he/she/it took part
we took part
you all took part
they took part
Future tense
I will take part
you will take part
he/she/it will take part
we will take part
you all will take part
they will take part
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would take part
you would take part
he/she/it would take part
we would take part
you all would take part
they would take part
Past imperfect tense
I used to take part
you used to take part
he/she/it used to take part
we used to take part
you all used to take part
they used to take part
Past perfect tense
había participado
I had taken part
habías participado
you had taken part
había participado
he/she/it had taken part
habíamos participado
we had taken part
habíais participado
you all had taken part
habían participado
they had taken part
Future perfect tense
habré participado
I will have taken part
habrás participado
you will have taken part
habrá participado
he/she/it will have taken part
habremos participado
we will have taken part
habréis participado
you all will have taken part
habrán participado
they will have taken part
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I take part
(if/so that) you take part
(if/so that) he/she/it take part
(if/so that) we take part
(if/so that) you all take part
(if/so that) they take part
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya participado
I have taken part
hayas participado
you have taken part
haya participado
he/she/it has taken part
hayamos participado
we have taken part
hayáis participado
you all have taken part
hayan participado
they have taken part
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have taken part
(if/so that) you have taken part
(if/so that) he/she/it have taken part
(if/so that) we have taken part
(if/so that) you all have taken part
(if/so that) they have taken part
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have taken part
(if/so that) you have taken part
(if/so that) he/she/it have taken part
(if/so that) we have taken part
(if/so that) you all have taken part
(if/so that) they have taken part
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera participado
I had taken part
hubieras participado
you had taken part
hubiera participado
he/she/it had taken part
hubiéramos participado
we had taken part
hubierais participado
you all had taken part
hubieran participado
they had taken part
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese participado
I had taken part
hubieses participado
you had taken part
hubiese participado
he/she/it had taken part
hubiésemos participado
we had taken part
hubieseis participado
you all had taken part
hubiesen participado
they had taken part
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have taken part
(if/so that) you will have taken part
(if/so that) he/she/it will have taken part
(if/so that) we will have taken part
(if/so that) you all will have taken part
(if/so that) they will have taken part
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere participado
I will have taken part
hubieres participado
you will have taken part
hubiere participado
he/she/it will have taken part
hubiéremos participado
we will have taken part
hubiereis participado
you all will have taken part
hubieren participado
they will have taken part
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
take part!
take part!
let's take part!
take part!
take part!
Imperative negative mood
no participes
do not take part!
no participe
let him/her/it take part!
no participemos
let us not take part!
no participéis
do not take part!
no participen
do not take part!

Examples of participar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Sentimos que no teníamos derecho a participar en una guerra al lado de los no creyentes del Islam.""We felt that we had no right "to take part in a war alongside "non-believers of Islam
"Yo, la paciente accedo a participar en el siguiente tratamiento propuesto..."I, the patient, "agree to take part in the treatment proposed, as follows...
- No puedo participar.I'm not allowed to take part.
- ¿Le gustaría participar?- Would you like to take part?
-Me encantaría participar.-I'd love to take part.
Su unidad no participo en la campaña Francesa.His unit did not take part in the French campaign.
"Ishan, si tu no participas le dolera mucho al tio Adi.""lshan, if you don't take part then it will hurt uncle Adi."
Pero que sólo funciona si participas, si eres receptivo y te sueltas y dejas que todo te arrastre.But it only reveals itself to those who take part, who get into it, Iet go and absorb it all.
¡Ven! ¿Por qué no participas en nuestra conversación?Come, take part in our conversation instead.
¿Por qué no participas en el espectáculo de baile?Why don't you take part in the dance show?
Empezamos con el metraje donde ese chico marroquí participa en una carrera de esquí.We start with stock footage where that Moroccan kid takes part in a ski race.
Nuestra escuela participa en el concurso nacional de charlas escolares.Our school takes part in the national school talk competition...
Toda la población de Tehuantepec participa en este evento.The whole population of Tehuantepec... takes part in the event.
Y todo el que participa en ella es un loco y un asesino.And anyone who takes part in it is a lunatic and a murderer.
Algunos médicos participan en las obritas de la mutual.Some doctors take part in the plays they put on.
En el que los niños, que tienen la madurez necesaria para ello, y el deseo de participar en ellas, participan.In which the children who are mature enough, and wish to take part, participate.
Es una película de guerra donde estos dos chicos participan en lo indecible brutalidad de la guerra y luego se encuentran con una caja de tulipanes.It's a war movie where these two guys take part in the unspeakable brutality of war and then they find a box of tulips.
Estamos aquí para seguir a unos de estos equipos que participan por primera vez.We're here to follow one of those teams as they take part in their very first event.
Hay dueños que participan en el proceso de eutanasia de más de 60 mil animales...por día.In either case, pet owners like these unknowingly take part in the euthanasia of over 60,000 animals per day.
Certifica que participé en el Concurso Mundial de Magia.It certifies that I took part in the World Magic Contest.
Desde entonces he violado, he cometido adulterio, participé en genocidios, pero eso no es lo importante.Since then I've raped, committed adultery, took part in genocide, but that's not important.
Investigué y participé del arresto del civil Stuart Edgar Angel Jones".I investigated and took part in the arrest of the civilian Stuart Edgar Angel Jones"
Mucho antes de la Gran Purga, participé en ese tipo de ceremonias.Long before the time of the Great Purge I took part in such ceremonies.
Yo también participé en la guerra.I also took part in the war.
- Oh, entonces, ¿participaste?- Oh, so you took part?
Tú participaste, - aguantaste...You took part, you endured it...
¿Y tu participaste?And you took part?
- Yo sé que esta persona participó en la captura y usando la maldición cruciatus ¡torturô al auror Frank Longbottom y a su esposa!- I know for a fact this person took part in the capture and, by means of the Cruciatus Curse torture of the Auror Frank Longbottom and his wife!
Andréi Matvéievich Kashulin, participó en el fusilamiento de los cosacos rojos de Podtélkov.Andrei Kashulin took part in the execution of Podtyolkov's Red Cossacks.
Aunque ha estado poco tiempo, participó en un par de huelgas.Although he's only been down a short while, he's took part in a couple of strikes.
Creemos que participó el líder del Congreso.We think Congressional Leadership took part.
Declara no recordar exactamente en qué acciones participó durante ese verano. Pero sí admite haber participado en matanzas como las de Ostrog.He claims not to recall exactly which actions he took part in that summer, but he does admit to participating in killings like the one in Ostrog.
(narrador) Todos participaron.(narrator) All took part.
Anoche, 3.000 personas participaron en manifestaciones de protesta... en Oslo y Bergen.Last night over 3000 people took part in protest marches in Oslo and Bergen.
Cinco participaron en el robo.5 actually took part in the robbery.
El testigo afirma que en el secuestro participaron tres hombres.Witnesses said three men took part in the abduction.
En las condiciones actuales, cualquiera podría ser arrastrado a través de esa puerta, no solo los cuatro que participaron en el ritual.In current conditions, anyone can be pulled in through that gate, not just the four that took part in the ritual.
El dorsal 37 ha ganado el trofeo y participará en la carrera de Roubaix y conocerá a Eddy Merckx.Number 37 has won the cup and will take part in the race at Roubaix and meet Eddy Merckx.
El obispo Giorgio participará de nuestra procesión.In fact, Bishop Giorgio will take part in our procession.
Un vocero del presidente Kelly anunció que el célebre científico mutante Henry McCoy participará de las audiencias del Senado por la emergencia sanitaria, programadas para mañana en Washington.A spokesman for President Kelly has announced that noted mutant scientist Henry McCoy will take part in the Senate Committee hearings on this public health emergency scheduled for tomorrow in Washington.
Hemos participado en la vida de esta isla... y participaremos en esto también.We have taken part in all the life on this island and we will take part in this as well.
Ahora los equipos participarán de dos rituales hindúes que asegurarán que se encontrarán con la buena suerte.Now teams will take part in two hindu Rituals that will ensure that They encounter good luck.
Para el desafío de hoy, participarán en el Torneo de Bolos de Survivor.For today's challenge,you will take part in a surviefer bowling tournament.
- No le ordeno que participe en ella.- I'm not ordering you to take part.
A no ser que yo participe.Unless I take part in it.
Aún necesito a alguien que participe en la simulación de entrevista de empleo...I still need someone to take part in the job interview role play...
Deje que participe.Let him take part.
Exigen que participe.And now they want me to take part.
No te he pedido que participes en la batalla.I don't want you to take part in the battle.
Si entrenas duro, puede que participes.If you train hard enough you might take part in it.
Te pedimos que no participes en las meditaciones.We ask that you don't take part during the meditations.
¿Es imprescindible que participéis?Is it really necessary for you to take part?
A cambio de nuestra cooperación... pedimos que sus gobiernos participen en la defensa de Babylon 5.In exchange for our cooperation... we ask that your governments take part in the ongoing defense of Babylon 5.
A veces piden a los empresarios locales ...que participen y asesoren.They sometimes ask local businessmen to take part.
Conseguir algunos trabajadores de su villa para que participen en esto.Get some workers from their village to take part in that.
Deja que participen.Let them take part.
No debería estar permitido que los hijos de los inmigrantes ilegales participen de la generosidad de América, señor presidente.The children of illegal immigrants should not be allowed to take part in the bounty of America, Mr. President.
- había participado en la guerra del pacifico, y repetía con orgullo siempre estas cosas,- he had taken part in the Pacific war, and repeated with pride these things,
ASESOR DE LA CPA PARA IRAQ ...que han participado en la insurgencia?ADVISER OF THE CPA FOR IRAQ ... what have they taken part in the rebellion?
Cuando veáis esto El Mini ya habrá participado en su primer rally de verdad.By the time you watch this film, the Mini will have taken part in its first proper rally.
De alguna manera, hemos participado En su vida.In some way, we've taken part in their lives.
EI sabe que eI combate de mañana deberá ser el más terrible de todos en Ios que él ha participado, por eso se imaginó Ia posibilidad de su muerte de manera muy vivaz, casi verídica, simple y terrible.He knew that the morrow's battle would be the most dreadful of all those he had taken part in, and the plain possibility of death presented itself to him vividly, almost like an awesome certainty.
... están participando en este gran evento....are taking part in this great event.
Actualmente estoy aquí participando en la última... obra espectacular fílmica del general Clutterbuck.l am here at the moment taking part... in Mr. General Clutterbuck's... latest motion picture extravaganza.
Ahí estábamos, participando de ese estilo de vida.There we were. We were taking part of that lifestyle.
Archer estaba participando en un protocolo de medicamentos experimental.Archer was taking part in an experimental drug protocol.
El Consejo Jedi sospecha que el senador Rush Clovis está participando secretamente en una conspiración separatista.The Jedi Council suspects that Senator Rush Clovis is secretly taking part in a Separatist conspiracy.

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