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Explicar (to explain) conjugation

140 examples

Conjugation of explicar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I explain
you explain
he/she/it explains
we explain
you all explain
they explain
Present perfect tense
he explicado
I have explained
has explicado
you have explained
ha explicado
he/she/it has explained
hemos explicado
we have explained
habéis explicado
you all have explained
han explicado
they have explained
Past preterite tense
I explained
you explained
he/she/it explained
we explained
you all explained
they explained
Future tense
I will explain
you will explain
he/she/it will explain
we will explain
you all will explain
they will explain
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would explain
you would explain
he/she/it would explain
we would explain
you all would explain
they would explain
Past imperfect tense
I used to explain
you used to explain
he/she/it used to explain
we used to explain
you all used to explain
they used to explain
Past perfect tense
había explicado
I had explained
habías explicado
you had explained
había explicado
he/she/it had explained
habíamos explicado
we had explained
habíais explicado
you all had explained
habían explicado
they had explained
Future perfect tense
habré explicado
I will have explained
habrás explicado
you will have explained
habrá explicado
he/she/it will have explained
habremos explicado
we will have explained
habréis explicado
you all will have explained
habrán explicado
they will have explained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I explain
(if/so that) you explain
(if/so that) he/she/it explain
(if/so that) we explain
(if/so that) you all explain
(if/so that) they explain
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya explicado
I have explained
hayas explicado
you have explained
haya explicado
he/she/it has explained
hayamos explicado
we have explained
hayáis explicado
you all have explained
hayan explicado
they have explained
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have explained
(if/so that) you have explained
(if/so that) he/she/it have explained
(if/so that) we have explained
(if/so that) you all have explained
(if/so that) they have explained
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have explained
(if/so that) you have explained
(if/so that) he/she/it have explained
(if/so that) we have explained
(if/so that) you all have explained
(if/so that) they have explained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera explicado
I had explained
hubieras explicado
you had explained
hubiera explicado
he/she/it had explained
hubiéramos explicado
we had explained
hubierais explicado
you all had explained
hubieran explicado
they had explained
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese explicado
I had explained
hubieses explicado
you had explained
hubiese explicado
he/she/it had explained
hubiésemos explicado
we had explained
hubieseis explicado
you all had explained
hubiesen explicado
they had explained
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have explained
(if/so that) you will have explained
(if/so that) he/she/it will have explained
(if/so that) we will have explained
(if/so that) you all will have explained
(if/so that) they will have explained
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere explicado
I will have explained
hubieres explicado
you will have explained
hubiere explicado
he/she/it will have explained
hubiéremos explicado
we will have explained
hubiereis explicado
you all will have explained
hubieren explicado
they will have explained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's explain!
Imperative negative mood
no expliques
do not explain!
no explique
let him/her/it explain!
no expliquemos
let us not explain!
no expliquéis
do not explain!
no expliquen
do not explain!

Examples of explicar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Eso, es algo difícil de explicar.That's kinda hard to explain.
"Ahora va a explicar todo."Now he's going to explain everything."
"Desde el principio de los tiempos la Humanidad ha creado mitos... para explicar el mundo.Since the dawn of time mankind has created myths to explain the world.
"Es muy complicado de explicar."It's too complicated to explain.
"Los humanos no son de la Tierra", una posible teoría para explicar por qué los humanos parecen evolutivamente inadecuados al planeta.In 2013, ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver set forth in his book Humans Are Not From Earth a possible theory to explain why humans seem so evolutionarily unsuited to the planet.
"Cómo explico este día soñado...""How do I explain this day dreaming..."
"Cómo te explico, mi amor""How do I explain, my love"
"Cómo te lo explico, mi amor""How do I explain, my love"
"¿Cómo explico estos encuentros extraordinarios con la muerte?""How do I explain these extraordinary encounters with the dead?"
"¿Sabes, cómo se lo explico a mi corazón?"What do you know, how I explain to my heart.
"Entonces, ¿cómo explicas que esté hablando contigo?"Then how do you explain me talking to you right now?
, entonces ¿como explicas esto?Then how do you explain this?
- A ver cómo le explicas eso ahora.- Let's see how you explain that to her.
- A ver si me lo explicas bien.-You need to explain that better.
- Ahora me lo explicas, eh.- You'll explain it to me now!
"Aceite" -(Oyls)- Eso lo explica Ella tiene un cuarto abajo."Oyls." That explains it.
"Boyle explica que en el primer Acción de Gracias comieron langosta". Lo hicieron."Boyle explains that they ate lobsters at the first Thanksgiving."
"Eso lo explica todo". ¿Qué quiere decir exactamente?"That explains everything." Just what do you mean by that?
"La negativa a la sonrisa explica su estilo."Refusal to smile explains her style.
"Tú no existes en absoluto", explica."You don't exist at all," he explains.
"Así que esa noche, James y yo ideamos una prueba mas y luego, en el bar, le explicamos a Hammond"'So that night, James and I 'dreamed up one more test 'and then, in the bar, we explained it to Hammond. '
- A continuación, explicamos lo que vimos.- Then explain what we saw.
- Así que ¿cómo explicamos ésto?- So how do we explain that?
- Bueno, entonces se lo explicamos-- - ¿Creerías tú una historia así,- Well, we'll just explain to them... - Would you believe such a story
- Como explicamos antes estamos aquí para aclarar algunos puntos sobre otras cuestiones.Like we explained earlier, we're mostly here to dot some I's on a different matter.
- ¿Cómo explicáis el coche de afuera?How do you explain that car outside?
Mira, yo tengo que irme a la taberna, así que cuando vuelva me lo explicáis, porque yo no consigo enterarme de nada.Look, I have to go to the tavern, so you can explain it to me again, because I can not understand anything.
¿Cómo explicáis eso, fiesteros?How do you explain that, party boys?
¿Cómo explicáis eso?So how do you explain that?
¿Cómo explicáis mis accidentes?How do you explain my accidents?
- Los pulmones explican el corazón.The lungs explain the heart.
- Me explican cosas.- They explained things to me.
- Necesito cosas explican con calma.- I need things explained calmly.
- Pero los energizantes no explican--But energy drinks don't explain...
- Si no, ¿cómo se explican sus poderes?- How else can we explain her powers?
"Como expliqué en la primera carta,(MAN READS) "As I explained in the first letter,
"Cállate", le expliqué."Shut up," I explained.
"Le expliqué que habíamos ido a pasar el día y el golpe de estado nos detuvo"."l explained that we'd come for one day and got stuck by the coup." Oh.
"Le expliqué que sólo podía darle un anticonceptivo de emergencia.""I explained to her that I could only offer her "some emergency contraception.
"Pero Esteban, era lo que yo tengo" luego fue a la mesa, le expliqué y me dijo:I said, "That's what I get." So I went to the blackboard, explained what it was.
- Escribiste y le explicaste todo.-You wrote and explained everything.
- No explicaste nada, Phillip.You explained nothing, Phillip.
- Nunca me explicaste...- You never explained to me...
- ¿Cómo me lo explicaste?- How was it you explained it to me?
- ¿Le explicaste que no tenemos pasta?We explained that we have no money?
" Él me explicó que no eran juguetes, Sino instrumentos delicados y preciosos.'He explained to me that they were not toys, but delicate and precious instruments.'
"No tengo nada contra los policías locales honestos", explicó."I got nothing against the honest cop on the beat," he explained.
"Shackleton envió a Frank Wild a nuestros camarotes y nos explicó... que había llegado el momento de salir".Shackleton sent Frank Wild along forward who explained to us that it was a case of "get out."
"También nos explicó que tenemos democracia porque los partisanos murieron y que será difícil porque la democracia es como el campo,... que necesita ser atendido todos los días."He also explained to us that we have democracy because partisans died and it will be difficult because democracy is like the fields which need to be tended to every day.
"Tiene la temperatura muy alta", explicó el Dr. Treml, que se sentó en la mesa de al lado."He has a high temperature," explained Dr. Treml, who sat at the other desk.
- No, no, no, no cuando me explicaron que Ud. y Angus eran nuevos clientes Sr. Dubois, ¿dijo Ud. que este perro estaba extraviado?No, no, no, no. When they explained to me that you and Angus were new clients... Mr. Dubois, did you say this dog was a stray?
- Y me explicaron "Helter Skelter". - ¿Quién?- And "Helter Skelter" was explained to me.
- sus niños me explicaron todo.- Your children have explained it all.
-Me lo explicaron una vez.- Was explained once.
-¿Le explicaron la situación?- They explained the situation?
"Insisto en que la razón de mi actitud sólo te la explicaré cuando estemos solos"."I'd like you to know the reasons for my behavior. And when we are alone I will explain it to you."
"Te lo explicaré todo."I will explain everything to you.
- Camarada Popochev, se lo explicaré.- Comrade Poopchev, I will explain.
- Duque, déjeme hablar, le explicaré todo.Let me talk, I will explain everything.
- Entonces le explicaré.- Then I will explain you.
- "Se lo explicarás todo más tarde".- "I will explain it all to you later"
A Dean, a la Policía ¿cómo explicarás de dónde sacaste el dinero? Piénsalo.To Dean, To Police how you will explain them that how you got these money think about it.
Bueno, tal vez algún día me explicarás qué es tan terrible de conseguir un ascenso.Well, maybe someday you will explain to me what's so terrible about getting a bump.
Considerando tu alma inmortal y como explicarás por ti misma a el Todopoderoso que todo eso esta muy bien. pero estas gallinas necesitan agua, granos, un gallinero.Pondering your immortal soul and how you will explain yourself to the Almighty, that's all very well, but these chickens need water, grain, a coop.
Mañana explicarás cómo un simple chico pudo escapar... de un laboratorio que está a 25 pisos bajo el suelo.Tomorrow you will explain how a mere toddler manages to escape... from a laboratory 25 stories below ground.
"Llevará al menos dos días reembarcarles..." "que el almirante Thursby les explicará".It will take at least two days to re-embark you, which Admiral Thursby will explain to you.
- ... ella misma te lo explicará.She will explain it herself.
- El Dr. McCoy se lo explicará.- Dr McCoy will explain it to you.
- El Procurador explicará todo.- The prosecutor will explain everything when you see him.
- El Sr. Chan explicará.- Mr. Chan will explain.
- te lo explicaremos todo.- We will explain everything.
Ahora le explicaremos las reglas del rey a su agente.Now, we will explain the king's espionage laws to his agent.
Bien, bien, vamos y lo explicaremos.Well, well, and we will explain.
Hablaremos, le explicaremos la situación.We will explain the situation.
Le explicaremos lo que ha pasado.We will explain what happened.
Ahora, hasta tengo dos notas recientes de la CRU. los presidentes de ZBZ y Omega Chi, y ellos os explicarán por qué es una gran idea.Now, I even have with me two recent CRU grads, the former presidents of ZBZ and Omega Chi, and they will explain to you why this is a really good idea.
Ahora, la Srta. Chui y el Inspector Chan... les explicarán los detalles.Now, Madam Chui and Inspector Chan will explain to you the details
Cuando nos encontremos cara a cara con los Visitantes ellos nos explicarán tantas cosas.When we meet the Visitors face-to-face they will explain so many things to us
Ellos les explicarán todo.They will explain everything.
Ellos te lo explicarán.They will explain.
"Oye, Grog, crees que el fuego es gran cosa, pero ¡mira esto!" Pero, si fue un mono... explicaría por qué perdimos los incisivos afilados."Hey, Grog, you think fire's a big deal, but check this out!" Oh, whoa, whoa. Though, if it was an ape... that would explain why we lost our sharp incisors.
"Vaya", pensó. "Eso explicaría el hedor.""Well," he thought, "That would explain the smell then."
"explicaría porqué ese desafortunado""would explain why that unfortunate"
- Aunque eso explicaría mucho.Although that would explain a lot.
- Bueno, eso explicaría las anomalías en el caso.- Well, it would explain the anomalies in the case.
- Prometiste que se lo explicarías a Karl Oskar.-You promised you would explain it to Karl Oskar.
Dijiste que lo explicarías todo.You said you would explain everything.
Dijiste que me lo explicarías.Take a shot, you said you would explain it and, and...
Me dijiste que me lo explicarías cuando estuviéramos en el coche.You said you would explain when we got in the car.
No me creyó, pero le dije que tú le explicarías.He did not believe, but I said that you would explain.
La mayoría del tiempo explicaríamos eso diciendo que la paciente sufrió un aborto.YU: Most of the time we would explain that by saying that the patient had a miscarriage.
A menos que lo haya planeado, y alguien más hubiese intentado robarlo... tienes que admitirlo, dos hombres explicarían mejor las cosas extrañas... que sucedieron en el museoUnless he staged that with someone else to give him the alibi. You gotta admit that two men would explain all that strangeness at the museum.
Dijeron que debería llevarte al invernadero esta noche después de la cena y que ellos te explicarían todo.They said that I should bring you by the greenhouse tonight after supper and that they would explain everything.
Las contracciones vasculares explicarían todo desde el comienzo.Vascular contractions would explain the false starts.
Las discrepancias entre ambos explicarían su comportamiento actual.The discrepancies in each would explain her current behavior.
Las ramas de los árboles explicarían los arañazos en la espalda.The tree branches would explain the scratches on your back.
"Sr. Ito Yasuhiro, explique las normas de la competición"President Ito will explain the rules.
"¿Por qué?" Bueno, deja que te lo explique de nuevo."Why?" Well, let me explain it again.
(RÍE) ¿De verdad necesitas que te lo explique?- Do I really have to explain?
- Agente... - Así que dejad que os explique qué va a pasar.Agent-- So let me explain what's next.
- Ahora, señor Horton. Necesitamos que nos explique qué vio exactamente en el radar cuando el Victor Foxtrot comenzó el procedimiento de desaceleración.-Now, Mr Horton, we need you to explain to us exactly what you saw on the radar when Victor Foxtrot began the deceleration procedure.
! No dejaré que dejes este castillo, hasta que expliques todo...I will not allow you to leave this castle, until you explain everything...
"Por favor, no me lo expliques, demuéstramelo# # Please don't explain, show me #
- Espero que me expliques esto.- Waiting for you to explain this.
- Gordon, no hace falta que te expliques.- Gordon, you don't have to explain yourself.
- Hay unas cuantas cosas que quiero que expliquesAnd what's more, there's a few things I'd like you to explain to me.
- Por favor, deja que nos expliquemos.- Please, let us explain.
- Spagnolo quiere que le expliquemos lo de la escayola.- Spagnolo wants us to explain the cast.
-Por favor Kaylie, deja que nos expliquemos.- Please, Kaylie. You gotta let us explain.
Ahora querrá que expliquemos los secretos del universo.He's going to want us to explain the secrets of the universe.
Aun más razón para que hablemos con él y le expliquemos nuestras preocupaciones.All the more reason we should talk to it; explain our concerns.
Espero que en cuanto se lo expliquéis, decida marcharse.I expect that once you explain things to him, he'll decide to move on.
Ha llegado el momento de que nos expliquéis... que confeséis lo que sabéis.It's time to explain, to confess all you know.
Necesitamos que le expliquéis que se ha equivocado.We need you to explain to him the error of his ways.
Quiero que expliquéis al mundo cómo el gobierno americano glorifica sus propios crímenes, y envía a personas como tú ahí fuera para cometer actos de terrorismo patrocinados por el estado.I want you to explain to the world how the American government glorifies its own crimes, and sends people like you out here to commit state-sponsored acts of terrorism.
- Dos cosas. Número uno, los jueces quieren que tú y Michel expliquen lo que pasó con Sebastián.Number one, the judges want you and Michel to explain what happened with Sebastian.
- No me voy a ningún lado hasta que me expliquen porqué mi hija tiene un vendaje en su mano.- I'm not going anywhere until you explain why my daughter has a bandage on her hand.
A veces necesito que me expliquen las cosas.Sometimes people need to... explain things to me, I guess.
A ver si ha habido cambios recientes que expliquen estas diferencias de conducta.See if there have been any recent modifications that explain behavioural differences.
Ah, expliquen viaje en tiempo a Skaar de nuevo.Uh, explain time travel to Skaar again.
Muy bien, Cutter, Dan Wu, explicad el plato, por favor.All right, Cutter, Dan Wu, explain the dish please.
No, esperad, listillos y explicad esto: ¿Por qué una casa en 1 826 se edificaría alrededor de un árbol?Hey, geniuses, explain to me why a house built in 1826 was built around a tree.
Si soy tan estúpido, si soy un ordenador senil, entonces explicad esto.If I'm so stupid, if I'm computer senile, explain this then.
"Ahora que lo ha explicado, parece muy fácil." Axl, desde que hemos vuelto a casa, no puedo dejar de pensar en la tía Edie."now that you explained it, It's comin' pretty easy." Axl, ever since we got home,
"Hemos explicado esto a ellos y les dijo: "Tenga la máquina, por favor." '"We explained this to them and they said, 'Take the machine, please."'
"Nuestro profesor nos ha explicado que la palabra 'libertad' significa justicia y democracia."Our teacher has explained to us that the word 'freedom' means justice and democracy.
"Yo cito lo que ha sido explicado en las Upanishads. "Me someto a ti.l am quoting what has been explained in the Upanishads l submit myself to you
"te habría explicado las cosas en lugar de escribírtelas"."I could've explained many things much better than writing them."
, por supuesto, y mañana también, porque vos tenés que ir a la escuela... y yo tengo que ir al trabajo, ¿me entendés lo que te estoy explicando?Of course, and tomorrow too, because you have to go to school... and l have to go to work, you understand what lm explaining to you?
- Adentro, explicando algo de una piel.He's inside, explaining away a hide.
- Ahora mismo lo está explicando.He is just explaining it all..
- Aunque lo estás explicando mucho.- You're explaining it a lot, though.
- Bien, estaba explicando... siéntese.- Well, I was just explaining... Sit down.
Roman, explicá esto.Roman,explain this.
Y cuando disparó la pistola bajo el agua, las llamas se extinguieron, lo que explicá por qué no había residuos de disparo en su boca.And when he fired the gun underwater, the flames were extinguished, which explains why there was no GSR in his mouth.
No me explicás nada.You don't explain a thing to me.
Por qué no nos lo explicás?Well, than explain it to us?
Si te querés salvar, venís rápido y le explicás a Nitto... cómo son las cosas.If you want to save your neck, come and explain to Nitto.
¿Cómo le explicás a alguien que lo eligió el destino?How can you explain she was chosen by Destiny?
¿Cómo le explicás a los que no recibieron nada, que no fue personal, que no fue por ellos, ni por Bárbara?How do you explain to those that haven't received anything that it wasn't personal, it was not because of them or Barbara?

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