"Sus padres le advirtieron a ella no aventurarse más allá del límite del pueblo" | "Her parents warned her not to venture beyond the edge of her village. |
Dada la devastación masiva en el sur de California, cuesta imaginarse que alguien sería lo suficientemente insensato para aventurarse a 160 Kms de este lugar. | Given the massive devastation in Southern California, it's hard to imagine anyone would be foolish enough to venture within 100 miles of this place. |
De hecho, ella siente, y nosotros pensamos igual, que está lista para aventurarse de nuevo al mundo. | In fact, she feels, and we agree, that she's ready to venture back out into the world. |
Demasiada lluvia, dijo ella, para aventurarse a salir. | Too much rain, she says, to venture out. |
Desnudándose hasta tu primitivo e incorpóreo ser es como logras liberar tu mente, permitiéndole aventurarse a otras esferas. | To strip the self down to one's primitive, disembodied being is how you free the mind, allowing it to venture into other realms. |
"Después de haber aventurado más en las alcantarillas , | "Having ventured further into the sewers, |
Ahora, dados los parámetros de tiempo y distancia no hay manera de que el su-des pueda haberse aventurado afuera de este radio. | Now, given the time and distance parameters, there's no way the unsub could have ventured outside this radius. |
Asami también se ha aventurado a asociarse con Varrick y un cargamento de sus meca-tanques llega para a ayudar al Sur en su guerra contra Unalaq. | Asami has also ventured into business with Varrick, and a shipment of her mecha-tanks is on its way to help the South in its war against Unalaq. |
Dime, Srta. Elizabeth, ¿te has aventurado a caminar? | Tell me, Miss Elizabeth, have you ventured on your feet at all lately ? |
Diría que se había aventurado hasta los Kiops. | I would say he had ventured out as far as the Kiops. |