Kui need ei lõhna õhtu lõpul tuuni kala moodi, siis midagi läks nihu. | If that doesn't smell like tuna fish by the end of the night, something went wrong. |
Äkki te läheks ja tooks mulle korralikku tuuni kala ... | So why don't you boys run across the street and get me a nice ahi tuna... |
Me peame kõike natuke alla tuunima. | We're going to have to tone this down a little. |
Miks ma pole selline nagu ülejäänud seal all, keda sa pole veel tuunima hakanud? | Why am I not like them, the rest down there -- What they're like when you're not pimping them out? |
Need, kes on midagi saavutanud, võivad lasta oma keha tuunida, on nii? | Those who have achieved something have the right to get their body converted, don't they? |