"Nüüdsest alates, pole sul mind millegagi üllatada." Aga ühel päeval kohtad sa meest, kes paistab olevat hea mees. Selge pilk, tugevad käed. | From now on, there are no more surprises," and then you happen to meet a man like this who looked like a good man... clear eyes, strong hands... and he wants to marry you... which doesn't happen often, and he says he's rich, too, which doesn't hurt. |
- Hetkel, mind ei huvita, kui võimas William Bell on või kui tugevad poliitilised sidemed tal on, ta siiski ei ole seadusest üle. | - At this point, I don't care how powerful William Bell is or how deep his political connections go, he is not above the law. |
- Sest seal on tugevad uksed ja kindlad lukud. | - It's got big heavy doors and deadbolts. |
-Ja ma mingil määral vajan ta tuge veelgi. | And I still kind of do it. |
Ega enam sa mu õla tuge vaja, mis? | It doesn't imagine that he/she needs me, being watched, does it imagine? |
Jah, aga millal mina oma tuge saan? | - Yeah,but when do I get my support? |
Hoolimata kõigest selles pullisitast, mida naised ajavad kõige enam nad tahavad siiski kindlust, tugevat haaret, olla lõksus | It doesn't matter what people will claim, many woman want that firmly grasp. |
Ja kas selles maailmas oleks mõistlik tappa 50 tugevat meest, kes on valmis Nassaud kaitsma? | And in that world, killing 50 strong men of Nassau able to stand up and defend her... what kind of sense does that make? |
Kogu lugupidamise juures, järgmised Agentuur protokoll ei tundu olevat direktor Giordino tugevat masti. | With all due respect, following Agency protocol doesn't seem to be Director Giordino's strong suit. |
Räägi mulle, kuidas keegi ilmutab nii tugevat viha naiste vastu... nii lühikese aja jooksul? | Tell me, how does one develop such intense hatred for women in a short amount of time? |