Ben, ma sooritan poliitilise enesetapu. | Ben, I'm going to commit political suicide. |
Kui suudate vastuse välja mõelda, siis vabastan ma ellujäänud, teavitan politseid meie asukohast ja tunnistan end nendes kuritegudes süüdi, mida ma täna siin sooritan. | If you do manage to figure it out, I'll free the survivors, notify the police of our location, and make a full confession to all the crimes I will commit here today. |
Ma ei anna enam kellelegi teada, kui mõrva sooritan. | "I shall no longer announce to anyone when I commit my murders. |
Kas sooritad enesetapu?" | "Are you going to commit suicide?" |
Kui selle sooritad, siis tagasiteed pole. | If you commit to this, there's no going back. |
Kui sind vabastatakse, kas sooritad siis uusi kuritegusid? Ei. Ei soorita. | lf released, will you commit these crimes again? |
Kui sind vabastatakse, kas sooritad siis uusi kuritegusid? | If released, will you commit these crimes again? No. |
Nii ju juhtub, kui kuriteo sooritad? | Well, that's what happens when you commit a crime, right? |
5. märtsil, 1844, sooritab Akashi Klanni majavanem Mamiya Zusho harakiri. | March 5, 1844, Akashi Clan House Elder Mamiya Zusho commits harakiri. |
Anna andeks, et ma rõõmust ei hüppa, kui mu naine sooritab kuriteo. | Oh, forgive me for getting insufficient kicks when somebody I'm married to commits a felony. |
Bourne tuleb tagasi kätte maksma, lindistab Abbotti ülestunnistuse, ja Abbott sooritab enesetapu... | Bourne comes back for revenge, tapes Abbott's confession and Abbott commits suicide. |
- Me sooritame kuritegu. | - We're committing a crime. This is a crime. |
Andesta meile meie möödavisked, mida me vahel teiste naistega sooritame, kel on kleidid, mis on liialt kitsad. Nagu, see on kena taguots, mis- | Forgive our passes we commit sometimes on womenfolk with their dresses that are too tight. |
Ei, me sooritame geneetilist kuritegu. | No. We are committing genetic fraud. |
Jaime, Les, Dave või mõni nende sõpradest külmetab, oma varba ära lööb või kui siin linnas tekib veel mõni tulekahju, siis need pildid, mis prl Allen tegi, kus teie sooritate kuritegu, mida kutsutakse süütamiseks, antakse prokurörile ning seejärel jagatakse ajalehtedele laiali. | Jaime, Les, Dave, or any of their friends... catch a cold, stub their toe, or if there are any more fires in this town... the pictures that Miss Allen took... showing you committing the crime of arson... will be given to the district attorney, and then distributed to the newspapers. |
Kas te sooritate pettust, et vältida tema väljasaatmist, et ta saaks edasi töötada kirjastajana Kuldsetes Raamatutes? | Are you both committing fraud to avoid her deportation so she can keep her position as editor in chief at Colden Books? |
Kui te kutid lähete, sooritate karjääri enesetapu. | If you guys go ahead with this, you're committing career suicide. |
- Need paar privileegiga tüüpi, kes selle sooritavad. | - The privileged few who commit it. |
Andy, kui need mehed sooritavad kolmikmõrva, või röövivad panka siis lase neil lihtsalt minna. | If those guys commit a triple murder, or rob a bank just let them go. |
Andy, kui need mehed sooritavad kolmikmõrva, või röövivad panka... ...siis lase neil lihtsalt minna. | If those guys commit a triple murder, or rob a bank... ...just let them go. |
Anna andeks, et ma ei taha elada maailmas, kus inimesed sooritavad kuritegusid, ilma kannatamata tagajärgede käes. | Oh, well, excuse me for not wanting to live in a world where people can commit crimes without suffering the consequences. |
Kui ta parasjagu pisivargusi ei soorita, siis on ta oma lemmikrestoranis - Ernie Crab Shackis, kus naudib oma lemmiksööki- Õlut. | And when he's not committing petty thefts, he's at his favorite restaurant, Ernie's Crab Shack, enjoying his favorite food: beer. |
Kui ta parasjagu pisivargusi ei soorita, siis on ta oma lemmikrestoranis - Ernie Crab Shackis, kus naudib oma lemmiksööki- | And when he's not committing petty thefts, he's at his favorite restaurant, Ernie's Crab Shack, enjoying his favorite food: |
Ma ei soorita Maxi eest tema hullustükke. | I will not commit to his crazy planning if he does this. |
Ma ei soorita kuritegusid! | l do not commit criminal acts! |
Pealegi, kui sa ei soorita pattu, siis sa ei lõbutse ka. | And after all, if you're not committing sin, you're no longer having fun. |
Räägitakse, et Camdeni maakonnas sooritatakse 7 minuti kohta üks kuritegu. | They say in Camden County a crime is committed every seven minutes. |
- Nende arust sooritasin ma kuriteo. | They think I committed a crime. |
Aga siis ma olin noor loll nolk kui ma selle jubeda teo sooritasin. | I look back on the way I was then a young stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. |
Aga siis ma olin... ... noor... ... loll nolk kui ma selle jubeda teo sooritasin. | I look back on the way I was then... ...a young... ...stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. |
Hetkel, kui ma sooritasin mõrva, loobusin ma õigusest eksisteerida. | The instant I committed murder, I sacrificed my right to exist. |
Ma ei lase võtta Breel süüd kuriteo eest, mille mina sooritasin. | Carlos! I am not gonna let Bree take the fall for a crime I committed. |
- Sa sooritasid reetmise. | - You committed treason. |
Argpüksid, kes sooritasid need reeturlikud kuriteod, alistatakse. | The cowards who committed these treacherous crimes have been defeated. |
Eelvandekohtu sa juba sooritasid. | You've already committed perjury. |
- Auto sooritas enesetapu. | - The car just committed suicide. |
- Oota natuke. Ta kas sooritas enesetapu-- - Või õppis lendama. | - Either he just committed suicide here... |
- Parun kaotas oma varanduse ja ta sooritas enesetapu. | - The Baron lost his fortune and committed suicide. |
Me sooritasime sõjalise ülesande iseseisvas riigis. | We committed an act of war inside a sovereign nation. |
Ei, te manipuleerisite temaga. Et saaksite ta üles tunnistama kuritegu, mille te ise sooritasite. | No, you were manipulating her so you could get her to admit to a crime that you committed. |
Ja samal ajal, kui te neid tegusid sooritasite, ei olnud teie vaimne olukord normaalses seisundis, mis vähendab tunduvalt teie vastutust. | Manslaughter! And at the time you committed these acts, you were suffering from such an abnormality of mind, that it seriously impaired your responsibility. |
Kujutlege, et sooritasite kuritöö, teie üle mõisteti kohut ja teid saadeti vanglasse ning te seisate päikselõõsas ja lõhute vasaraga kive. | I want you to imagine you committed a felony, you've been tried and sent to prison and you're standing out in the sun breaking up rocks with a sledgehammer. And... |
Mõrvad, mida sooritasite, puudutavad kõiki siinviibijaid. | The murders you people committed... The same thing happened to all of us here. |
Te kõik sooritasite kuriteo. | You all just committed a felony. |
12 aastat kuriteo eest, mida ta ei sooritanud | 12 years for a crime he did not commit |
Henry ei sooritanud neid jõledusi, kuna... Henryit ei ole olemas. | Henry did not commit these atrocities because Henry does not exist. |
Härra Sparrow, ma olen vangis kuritöö eest, mida ma ei sooritanud. | I'm in prison for a crime I did not commit, mr. Sparrow. |
Garza mõrvar. Oota nüüd, see sell oli vangis, kui see mõrv sooritati. | Hold on, this guy was in prison when the murder was committed. |
Härrasmehed, me peame kõigepealt tuvastama kuidas kuritöö sooritati. | Gentlemen, we first have to determine how the crime was committed. |
Härrasmehed, me peame kõigepealt tuvastama, kuidas kuritöö sooritati. | Gentlemen, we first have to determine how the crime was committed. |
Kuid kui keegi võttis ta, kui sellel lennul sooritati kuritegu ja pardal olev õiguskaitse ametnik ei teinud midagi selle nimel. Kuidas teile see paistab? | But if somebody took her, if a crime was committed on this flight, and the law enforcement official on board didn't do anything about it, how's that gonna look? |
Ei, ma sooritaksin kuriteo, mille eest rõõmuga vangi läheksin. | No, I would commit a crime for which I would happily go to jail. |
Sest nemad olid palgatud kriminaalid, mitte tõeuskujad, kes mingi töö pärast enesetapu sooritaksid. | Because those guys were thugs for hire, not true believers who would commit suicide over a job. |
Arvuti Inglit enam pole ja ta ei soorita enam kuritegusid, on ju? | The Computer angel has died and will never commit any more crimes, right? |
Arvuti Inglit enam pole... ...ja ta ei soorita enam kuritegusid, on ju? | The Computer Angel has died... ...and will never commit any more crimes, right? |
Esimese asjana õpetas isa mulle seda, et võlur ei soorita oma suurimat kuritegu mitte siis, kui ta püüab teha Hoidja tööd. | The first lesson my father ever taught me was that a Wizard commits his greatest crime not when he attempts to do the work of the Keeper. |
Ja ma ei soorita kuritegusid. | I don't commit crimes. |
Ärge sooritage enesetappu. | Well, don't commit suicide. |
- Ei. Siis peaksid mõne kuriteo sooritama. | You should commit a felony. |
- Ma peaksin kuriteo sooritama? | - I should commit a crime? |
- Mida? Tahan teada, kui sügaval sees sa istud, et oled välja ronimiseks valmis enesetappu sooritama? | I want to know how deep you're in this that you're so willing to commit suicide to get out. |
- Oled sa selleks valmis? Registreerima ennast Vegase hotelli, vale nimega... Kavatsusega sooritada kapitaalne pettus, pea täis LSD-d. | Checking into a Vegas hotel under a phoney name with intent to commit capital fraud on a head full of acid? |
Aitan inimesi, kes tahavad sooritada enesetappu. | I'm helping people who want to commit suicide. |
Ameeriklased söövad seda, kui nad tahavad aegamisi enesetappu sooritada. | It's what Americans eat when they want to commit suicide slowly. |
"ja Jim Halpert üritas mind veenda, et ma olen sooritanud mõrva." | "and Jim Halpert tried to convince me I committed murder. |
- Millist kuritegu ta on sooritanud? - Ei mingit. | - And what crime has she committed? |
- Millist kuritegu ta on sooritanud? | - And what crime has she committed? |
- Võin kindlalt väita, et mitte keegi selles ruumis pole sooritanud kuritegu. | -I can tell you with certainty... that nobody in this room committed a capital crime. |
Aga kuna kuritegu sooritatud pole, ei saa nad meid puutuda. | But, since no crime has been committed, they can't touch us. |
Aga kuritegu ei ole veel sooritatud. | But no crime has been committed yet. |
Cardassia vastu pole kuritegusid sooritatud. | No crime has been committed against Cardassia. |
Kohutav kuritegu on sooritatud ühe minu rahva liikme vastu. | A terrible hate crime has been committed against one of my people. |
Ma olen sooritanud... ülekohtuseid kuritegusid. Ja mulle on pakutud viimast võimalust seda lunastada. | I have committed... unconscionable crimes... and I have been offered one last chance at redemption. |
Ma olen sooritanud... | I have committed... |
Sa oled sooritanud tõsiseid kuritegusid... Jumala ja oma kuninga vastu, kas pole nii? | You have committed grave crimes against God and your king. |
Vampiiridena oleme sooritanud kuritegusid inimkonna vastu, kuritegusid, mida me nüüd peame heaks tegema. | As vampires, >we have committed crimes against humanity, crimes for which we must now atone. |
Te olete sooritanud sõjalise teo Asgardi´de vastu. | You have committed an act of war against the Asgard. |
Kohutav kuritegu on sooritatud ühe minu rahva liikme vastu. | A terrible hate crime has been committed against one of my people. |
Teate, et tõsine kuritegu on sooritatud ja te ei tee muud, kui solvate mind ja mu sõpru. | You know, a serious crime has been committed, and all you're doing is insulting me andmy friends. |
politsei ei uuri ja ei hakka uurima... mörva mida ei ole sooritatud. | Police does not and will not... work on a murder crime that has not been committed. |
Mees, kes oli sooritanud suurima pettuse terve Ameerika poliitilise ajaloo vältel, ei pidanud kunagi kohtu ette astuma. | It meant that the man who had committed the greatest felony in American political history would never stand trial. |
Sa pead takistama Wilsonit sooritamast ametialast idiootsust. | You have to stop Wilson from committing career malpractice. |
Kas Thelma oleks sooritanud relvastatud röövi, - kui sa poleks nende raha varastanud? | Do you think Thelma would have committed armed robbery if you hadn't taken their money? |
Ja kui sa pole sooritanud suurt pattu, ei saada Jumal su peale karistust nagu mina. | And if you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you. |
Ma ei saa kahetseda kuritegu, mida ma pole sooritanud. | I cannot repent a crime I have not committed. |
Mitte keegi neist ei sooritaks külmaverelist mõrva. | None of them would commit a cold-blooded murder. |