Kõigil on unistused, aga ainult vähesed realiseerivad need, mis teeb meist, ülejäänutest, argpüksid. | And everyone has dreams, but only a few realises them, makes cowards of the rest of us. |
Ma realiseerisin midagi väga importantset. | l realised something important. |
Pole enam midagi realiseerida. | Andrey, try to understand. There are no assets left to realise. |
Ma tunnistan, et olin minevikus kriitiline, aga seda ainult seetõttu, et see operatsioon ei realiseerinud kogu oma potentsiaali. | I admit I was critical in the past, but only because of the unrealised potential I see this operation as having. |
Kui kõik oma unistused realiseeriks, oleks see koht tühi. | If everyone would realise their dreams, this place would be empty. |