Võib, ma moosin sind enne vastamist? | What do you want? Do you mind if I butter you up before I answer? |
Mis jaoks sa mind moosid? | What are you trying to do? What are you buttering me up for? Come on. |
Miks ta moosib rahvast võiduajamiste, võitluste ja suurte pidustustega? | Why does he ply the mob with races and fights and gaudy feasts ? |
Hülgasite mind ja moosite Jungi? | Abandoning one of your own and sucking up to JUNG . |
Kuidas ta küll sind nii ära moosis? | How did he ever talk you into it? |
Ja tema lakub sellelt vaid moosi. | All he does is lick the jam from it. |
Järgmisena sa ütled, et peame sööma moosi söörikuid või magama supermodelliga, et asjad korda saaks. | Next thing you'll tell me is I'll have to eat jelly doughnuts or sleep with a supermodel to get things done. |
Kes küll sinu pirukast moosi välja imes? | Who took the jam out of your doughnut? |
Klient toob oma moosi kahekesi lahti hõõruda pluss dildo... | Customer providing own jam ..double toss off... plus VAT... |
Ja te ei pea mind moosima. | And you don't have to snow me. |
Kas ma saan teda kuidagi moosida? | I'll call him. Now, is there anything I could do to butter him up? |
Kui me seda kohta ei saa, võid oma roosa särgiga Toobalit moosida. | We're so close to winning. And if we don't go for the meeting we'll be disqualified. |
Paljudel kuttidel pole julgust preestri tüdrukut moosida, kiuste meie mainele, et olla vallatu. | Most guys don't have the baIls to go after a preacher's daughter, despite our reputation for being naughty. |