(Politsei sireen möliseb) - Kes hoiab hundid oma ukse? | - Who keeps the wolves from your door? |
Aga need tüübid seal on tõelised hundid. | #But it's not fear that stops us from doing anything about it, it's practicality. Those guys up there are wolves all the time. |
Ei, hiljuti on hakanud siin hundid ringi nuuskima. | No, it's wild dogs, man. ... snooping around lately. |
Enne kui sa mu tapad, annan sulle väikese maiuspala. Õiged hundid tapavad ainult toidu pärast ja enda kaitseks. | Before you do, give you an interesting little tidbit. |
Guerrera hundid ei taandu, sest Hayley ja laps on kuninglikud hundid. | - No. Nor would I expect the Guerrera wolves to back down. |
Aleu võib ju hundi moodi välja näha... aga temast saab täieõiguslik koer. | Aleu may look like a wolf, but she is going to be all dog. |
Hindan seda, mida oled teinud aga kui lõpetaksid selle üksiku hundi mängimise ja lööksid kampa minu ja Loryiga? | Look, I appreciate all you've done so far, but how about you give up the lone-wolf routine and team up with me and Loryn? |
Imelik, siit kus mina seisan, näen ma tütart... kes näeb isegi rohkem hundi moodi välja kui ta isa. Kuule Boris, ma ei taha talle seda et ta oleks... erinev. | Funny, but from where I stand, I see daughter... who iooks even more woif than father. iook, Boris, I just don't want her to be... different. |
Ja ma ei tea kus see piir on, minu ja hundi vahel. | And I don't know where that line is any more, between me and it. |