A Comprehensive Speechling Review: Unlocking Language Fluency:

Updated on: December 30, 2023
Speechling review

If you're on a quest to master a new language, you'll undoubtedly appreciate the help of language learning platforms, and one that has been generating quite a buzz is Speechling.

This Speechling review is your all-in-one guide to understanding how this platform can be your trusted companion in your process of language fluency. We'll look deep into its features, from personalized learning paths to native speaker feedback, and explore how it compares to other language learning apps like Rosetta Stone, Duolingo, Memrise, and more. By the end of this review, you'll have a clear picture of why Speechling is the tool you need to unlock the world of language and culture. 

Speechling Overview

Unlike conventional methods that prioritize grammar and vocabulary, Speechling takes a different approach, emphasizing the development of your speaking and listening skills – the keys to effective and natural communication.

Speechling is more than just an app; it's a community of dedicated language learners and enthusiasts. Users can connect, share their experiences, and support one another in their language-learning experiences. The sense of belonging to this community fosters motivation and growth.

Speechling Features

These features collectively make Speechling a powerful and effective language-learning platform, offering a holistic approach to language acquisition and fluency. Speechling caters to a wide range of language goals and provides the tools and resources needed to become a confident and proficient communicator in your target language.

Native Speaker Feedback

Speechling offers access to feedback from native speakers to help learners improve their pronunciation and speaking skills. 

  • Recording: Users can record themselves answering a question, describing an image, or using the freestyle mode to practice grammar points. They can also record themselves speaking a phrase and compare their recordings to recordings of native speakers.
  • Feedback: Speechling's native speaker coaches review users' recordings and provide feedback on their pronunciation, word choice, and sentence structure. Users can read the sentence and listen to the original recording, their own recording, and the teacher’s feedback. They can re-record the parts that they need more practice with and have them resubmitted for feedback.
  • Reviewing Feedback: Users can check their feedback easily by listening to their recordings and comparing them to the native speaker's recording. They can also rerecord clips and organize their recordings.

Real-Life Content

Speechling offers a vast library of content in multiple languages, including authentic audio recordings and practice exercises. The content is designed to help learners practice their pronunciation, intonation, and comprehension in real-life scenarios

The platform provides high-quality audio of real people saying real-life phrases. The recordings are made by both male and female speakers. Users can listen to the recordings and imitate native speakers speaking naturally. 

In addition to conversations, Speechling provides access to real news articles and various topics of interest. Learners can explore a wide range of subjects, from current events to cultural insights, using content that mirrors what they might encounter in real-life situations.

Structured Lessons

Speechling offers structured lessons that follow a curriculum of thousands of sentences tailored to the user's level, whether they are a complete beginner or already conversational. 

  • Curriculum: Speechling's curriculum is designed to help learners improve their speaking and listening skills in real-life scenarios. The curriculum includes modules from Beginner 1 to Expert 2
FoundationsTeaches core words such as numerals, verbs, nouns, dates, and adjectives.
PhrasebookBasic phrases in 15 different categories
Speechling ConversationsIt is for advanced learners who are ready to practice thinking and speaking in their new language by answering questions, describing images, or using freestyle mode
  • Exercises: Speechling's lessons include various exercises to help learners practice their speaking and listening skills. These exercises include: 
  • Speaking.
  • Dictation.
  • Listening.
  • Flashcards.
  • Quizzes.
  • Fill in the blank.

The exercises are designed to help learners practice in real-life scenarios and improve their pronunciation, intonation, and comprehension.

Cultural Insights

Speechling's content includes cultural insights to help learners understand the cultural context of the language they are learning. For example, the content may consist of information about cultural customs, traditions, and etiquette. This feature helps learners to communicate more effectively and respectfully with native speakers.

  • Cultural Context: Cultural Insights offer learners a window into the cultural aspects, traditions, and customs of the communities that speak the target language. This understanding goes beyond language skills, helping learners appreciate the context in which the language is used.
  • Cultural Nuances: Language often intertwines cultural nuances, idioms, and expressions. Cultural Insights help learners grasp the meaning behind these elements, allowing for more authentic and culturally sensitive communication.
  • Cross-Cultural Communication: Understanding the cultural insights of a language enables learners to engage in cross-cultural communication more effectively. They can navigate social norms, etiquette, and customs when interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds.

Speechling Personalized Learning “Path”

Speechling offers customized learning paths to help learners improve their speaking and listening skills in real-life scenarios. 

  • Flexible pace and path: Personalized learning paths allow learners to progress at their own pace and choose their own way through the curriculum. This approach empowers learners to take ownership of their learning and ensures they get the instruction they need when needed.
  • Learning pathways: Speechling's learning pathways are teacher-curated learning activities and checkpoints that lead all students to an expected outcome or objective (standards or competencies). Creating differentiated pathways for students allows educators to honor the unique needs, talents, and strengths of each student as they progress through their learning.
  • Personalized content: Personalized learning paths provide content and experiences tailored to a specific learner's needs, learning style, career goals, and interests. The most effective personalization meets each learner where they are and helps them get where they want to go.
  • Technology: Speechling uses emerging technologies such as AI and machine learning to shape personalized learning experiences by providing customized data and personalized recommendations to learners. These technologies can act as personal instructors to learners, giving them all the attention they need and customizing their learning paths.

Language Combinations

Speechling offers language coaching and practice exercises in multiple languages. Here are the languages that Speechling currently provides:

  • Spanish (both European and Latin American)
  • French
  • English
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • German
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Chinese

Mobile and Desktop Access

Speechling can be accessed on both desktop and mobile devices.

  • Desktop access: Speechling can be accessed on a desktop by visiting their website. Users can access their dashboard by clicking the Toolbox icon on the navbar. From there, they can access their personalized learning paths, exercises, and feedback from native speakers.
  • Mobile access: Speechling can be accessed on mobile devices by downloading the app from the App Store or Google Play. The app is free to download and offers the same features as the desktop version, including personalized learning paths, exercises, and feedback from native speakers.

Note that some languages may not be available on the apps compared to the desktop version.

Community and Support

Speechling strives to build a community of language learners and coaches to help users learn and practice their speaking and listening skills. The company employs coaches from different countries to provide personalized feedback to users. Speechling also offers a referral program that rewards users with free subscription time for each friend they refer to the platform.

The platform offers support to its users through subreddits, Slack, and email to answer any questions and help build the product to its best potential. The company is committed to providing nonprofit language coaching in many countries where its users and coaches reside. Speechling also offers full scholarships to those who demonstrate that they cannot afford the cost of the Unlimited Plan

Progress Tracking

Speechling offers progress tracking to help learners keep track of their progress and stay motivated.

  • Recording history: Speechling keeps a record of all the recordings that users make, along with the feedback they receive from native speakers. This feature allows users to track their progress over time and see how they have improved their pronunciation and speaking skills.
  • Badges: Speechling offers badges to users who complete certain milestones or achievements. These badges can help users stay motivated and track their progress toward their language learning goals.
  • Performance Trends: Users can observe trends in their performance, seeing how their skills have evolved over time. This allows for a clear understanding of which areas have seen improvement and where further work may be needed.
  • Goal Setting: With the insights gained from tracking progress, users can set realistic language learning goals and tailor their learning path accordingly. This ensures that the learning experience remains purposeful and focused.

Affordable Pricing

Speechling offers a free version and a premium version called the Unlimited Plan. Here are the pricing details for Speechling:

  • Free version: The free version of Speechling offers much value and includes access to vocabulary, word choice, proper pronunciation, audio lessons, and questions. Users can also receive up to 35 coaching sessions per month.
  • Unlimited Plan: The Unlimited Plan costs $19.99 per month. With the Unlimited Plan, users can get unlimited coaching from a native speaker and access to personalized learning paths, exercises, and feedback from native speakers. Users can also switch between languages and practice more than just one language. 

If you pay every 3 months, it costs $71.97 ($23.99 per month), and if you buy a yearly subscription, it costs $239.88 ($19.99 per month)

Users can use promo codes to save 10% on the Unlimited Plan. Speechling also offers full scholarships to those who demonstrate that they cannot afford the cost of the Unlimited Plan.

Ease of Use

The platform features an easy-to-navigate menu and layout, ensuring learners can quickly access their lessons, spoken sentence submissions, feedback, and progress tracking. The intuitive design simplifies the learning process.

Speechling's user-friendly interface is pivotal in ensuring learners can engage with the platform effortlessly. It enhances the overall usability of the platform, making it accessible and enjoyable for individuals of all ages and technological proficiencies. This user-centric design is central to Speechling's commitment to providing a practical and engaging language learning experience.

Pros & Cons

The platform offers personalized feedback from native speakers, interactive exercises, and a supportive community. However, the cost of the premium version may be a barrier for some users, and the platform may not be suitable for all learners.

Speechling is centered around audio, which is an effective way to improve pronunciation and listening skills in a foreign language.Speechling's premium version, the Unlimited Plan, costs $19.99 per month, which may be expensive for some users.
Offers personalized feedback from native speakers, which is a valuable tool for learners who want to improve their speaking and listening skills in real-life scenarios.Speechling may not be a comprehensive language course, focusing mainly on pronunciation and listening skills.
Exercises are interactive and engaging and include flashcards, dictation, speaking and listening practice, quizzes, and conversation practice.Exercises may not be suitable for all learners, as some may prefer a more traditional approach to language learning.
Offers a free version with limited coaching sessions and a premium version called the Unlimited Plan that provides unlimited coaching from a native speaker and other features. 
Speechling's mobile app is optimized for iOS and Android devices, providing a seamless user experience.
Offers a supportive community and personalized support to its users.

Speechling VS Other Apps

Speechling VS Rosetta Stone

Speechling stands out for its focus on real-life scenarios, honing pronunciation and listening skills with a personalized touch. Meanwhile, Rosetta Stone, a comprehensive language learning program, covers grammar, vocabulary, and more:

Speechling focuses mainly on improving pronunciation and listening skills in real-life scenarios.Rosetta Stone is a comprehensive language learning program focusing on grammar, vocabulary, and reading and writing skills.
Speechling Unlimited Plan costs $19.99 per month.Rosetta Stone is more expensive than Speechling, with prices ranging from $11.99 to $14.92 per month.
Speechling's strength lies in its personalized feedback, which helps learners improve pronunciation and accent. It allows for customized learning paths and adapts to individual language goals.Rosetta Stone offers a structured curriculum but may not provide the same level of personalization or immediate feedback as Speechling.

Speechling VS Mondly

Speechling stands out with personalized feedback and authentic content for practical language use, while Mondly relies on daily lessons and gamified activities, offering a more limited language selection: 

Speechling offers personalized feedback from native speakers, while Mondly uses daily lesson plans and short lessons arranged by topicMondly is an app that provides short bursts of learning through fun and high-tech methods
Speechling offers authentic conversations, news articles, and other real-life content for practical language use.Mondly focuses on lessons and gamified activities, which may not provide the same variety of real-life content as Speechling.
Speechling supports various languages, making it suitable for learners interested in different language combinations.Mondly offers courses in multiple languages, including both popular and less commonly taught ones, but the selection may be more limited compared to Speechling.

Speechling VS Rocket Languages

Speechling specializes in enhancing pronunciation and listening skills in real-life contexts, offering both a free version with limited coaching sessions and a premium Unlimited version. In contrast, Rocket Languages provides set lesson plans and in-depth grammar lessons, with cultural insights offered to a lesser extent than Speechling.

Speechling focuses mainly on improving pronunciation and listening skills in real-life scenarios.Rocket Languages is a language learning program that offers set lesson plans and in-depth grammar lessons.
Speechling offers a free version with limited coaching sessions and a premium version called the Unlimited.Rocket Languages is more expensive than Speechling, with prices ranging from $99.95 to $299.90.
Speechling incorporates cultural insights into its content, providing learners with a deeper understanding of the cultural nuances and context of the language.While Rocket Languages does provide cultural information in its lessons, it may not focus on cultural insights to the same extent as Speechling.

Speechling VS Duolingo

Speechling prioritizes enhancing pronunciation and listening skills in real-life situations; Duolingo offers free content and a subscription option for an ad-free experience, covering courses in multiple languages, potentially with a broader selection compared to Speechling.

Speechling focuses mainly on improving pronunciation and listening skills in real-life scenarios.Duolingo is a popular language-learning app offering a gamified language learning approach.
Speechling offers competitive subscription plans at affordable prices, making it budget-friendly for language learners.Duolingo offers free content with the option to subscribe to Duolingo Plus for an ad-free experience and additional features.
Speechling supports various languages, making it suitable for learners interested in various language combinations.Duolingo offers courses in multiple languages, including some less commonly taught ones, but the selection might be broader compared to Speechling.

Speechling VS Memrise

Speechling distinguishes itself by focusing on refining pronunciation and listening skills in real-life scenarios; Memrise utilizes spaced repetition technology to aid learners in mastering new words and phrases, offering some personalization but potentially lacking the same level of personalized feedback as Speechling: 

Speechling focuses mainly on improving pronunciation and listening skills in real-life scenarios.Memrise is a language learning app that harnesses spaced repetition technology to help learners master new words and phrases.
Speechling is known for its personalized feedback, allowing users to receive corrections and pronunciation tips. It offers customized learning paths to adapt to individual language goals.Memrise allows some personalization through course selection but may not provide the same level of personalized feedback as Speechling.
Speechling offers competitive subscription plans at affordable prices, making it budget-friendly for language learners.Memrise offers free content with a premium subscription option. The cost may vary depending on the subscription package.


Speechling emerges as a companion for those committed to mastering a new language, focusing on honing speaking and listening skills. Its distinguishing features include the infusion of real-life content and the invaluable input of native speakers, creating an immersive and authentic language learning experience.

The platform's commitment to user engagement is evident through its personalized learning paths, allowing individuals to tailor their language acquisition to align with their specific goals and proficiency levels. Cultural insights woven into the learning experience provide learners with a broader understanding of the language they are mastering, transcending mere linguistic proficiency to include cultural nuances and context.

Language learning is full of apps and resources, each boasting its own unique strengths. Our review aims to serve as a compass in this landscape, equipping you with insights and knowledge to navigate many options. Your language learning is as unique as you are, and our goal has been to empower you with the information needed to make an informed and personalized choice.


What languages are available on Speechling?

Speechling offers a wide range of languages, including popular ones like Spanish, French, Chinese, and German, as well as less commonly taught languages. The platform accommodates diverse language combinations, making it accessible to learners of various linguistic interests.

Is Speechling suitable for all kinds of learners?

Yes, Speechling caters to learners at all levels of language proficiency. Whether you're a complete beginner looking to start from scratch or an advanced learner seeking to fine-tune your language skills, Speechling offers content and lessons tailored to your proficiency level.

How does the native speaker feedback feature work?

Speechling's native speaker feedback feature allows users to submit spoken sentences or phrases, which are then reviewed and corrected by native speakers. This constructive feedback helps learners improve their pronunciation and language accuracy.

Can I access Speechling on mobile and desktop devices?

Yes, Speechling provides the flexibility to access its platform on mobile and desktop devices. You can learn on the go using the mobile app or your computer, ensuring that your language learning fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

Is Speechling affordable for budget-conscious learners?

Speechling offers competitive subscription plans at affordable prices. It provides free and premium access options, allowing learners to choose a plan that aligns with their budget and learning needs.

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Carolina is a skilled content strategist and storyteller with over 7 years of experience in language education and the development of engaging learning materials. Leveraging her background in linguistics and scriptwriting, she crafts immersive stories and content that help language learners grasp new concepts. Carolina's work in the film and media industries allows her to bring a creative lens to language instruction and utilize multimedia tools to connect with diverse learners.